Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 954: 1 robbery

"High energy ahead (

At this time, it was in the wilderness, and the surrounding sky was gloomy. Just now, there was an unjust ghost. Everyone was nervous and had lingering palpitations. This scream scared many people to almost a sudden cardiac arrest. Seconds later, the thin man who went to Shenzhuang to visit relatives felt his soul return to his place, and immediately cursed tremblingly:

"Why are you howling?" He almost peeed his pants without being scared!

"There... there... is missing!"

The screaming man was also very frightened. He pointed in a direction, already a little incoherent.

He pointed to the corner of the bull's wheel, and everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and it was empty.

"What's missing?" Someone didn't respond yet.

Today, my trip to Shenzhuang was really unsuccessful. I met ghosts twice, and the bullock cart had accidents one after another. Aunt Wu has been unconscious after encountering ghosts, making everyone gradually upset and extremely irritable.

"Yellow, yellow leather..."

The old man who drove the car was the first to react, reaching out his hand to cover his chest, only feeling that he was struggling to breathe:

"The yellow leather that was hit to death is gone!"


'hiss! ’

After a series of gasps sounded, everyone recalled that the reason the carriage was forced to stop was that the bullock cart killed a very large weasel. The old man driving the carriage called out'unlucky', and then Aunt Wu got out of the carriage. After that, a series of ghostly incidents happened.

This place is deserted, and since everyone got off the car, no one else has appeared.

The weasel was pressed under the wheel and vomited blood. It was clear that he had swallowed, but it disappeared strangely at this time.

"How could it be possible to come back to life under the eyes of everyone?"

Everyone felt that the whole body was cold, and there were a lot of discussions: "Could it be that you are too blind to see it?"

"It's possible to get dazzled by one person, but everyone has seen it, so it's impossible for everyone to get dazzled together?"

"Could it be that a ghost hit the wall?" It was the thin man who went to Shenzhuang to look for relatives.

As soon as the word ‘ghost’ was uttered, everyone shivered together, and involuntarily ‘pooh’ him:

"Blue sky and white sun, don't talk nonsense!"

Even though I said that, the sky is dizzy right now, the black clouds above my head are pressing down, the gray mist is floating in the mountains, the shadows of the trees are rubbing, and occasionally I can hear one or two owls crying, which makes people bold Trembling.

"Dao Master, what do you think?"

The group of people has six gods and no masters, and the old Taoist who had expelled ghosts twice in succession before suddenly became the backbone of everyone.

"Right, right, look at it, Chief Taoist."

Everyone gave up a passage and eagerly asked Song Daochang to come forward.

Even Song Changqing, who had almost died in an unfavorable manner before, felt anxious at this moment, and his eyes fell on the master.

The veteran Taoist settled down and did not refuse at this time, but strode forward.

Seeing him move, Song Qingxiao also quietly followed.

At the corner of the carriage, the shadow of the weasel had disappeared. The place where it had lay had lost its stamp of rolling, and even the blood stains it had vomited had disappeared completely.

The old Taoist crouched down to take a closer look, and even stretched out his hand to carefully fumble for the wheel. Eventually, he found a few strands of yellow and black hair in a gap between the wheels, and after feeling it carefully, he stood up.

And when he did this action, Song Qingxiao released his divine consciousness, and after a long while, he seemed to feel a little bit, and slowly opened his eyes.

"This is..." The old Taoist twirled the strands of yellow hair, turned around, and just opened his mouth when he saw the little apprentice next to him, he couldn't help being taken aback:

"You girl..."

He was a little angry, but turned his head and glared at Song Changqing:

"Why don't you be optimistic about your junior sister, is this a place where she can walk around at will?"

Shen Zhuang and his party are not going well, so many things have happened on the road, everyone must be more careful.

These ghosts and evil spirits who behaved all the way deliberately blocked them, and wanted to miss their auspicious times, so they chose the easy-goers to possess them all the way.

The people in the carriage are ordinary villagers, and the old Taoist priests and apprentices are the only three practitioners who can suppress ghosts and gods.

But Song Qingxiao did not have the talent for drawing amulet to make monsters since he was a child, and he was also very courageous.

Not to mention that Aunt Wu was recruited twice, even Song Changqing had almost had an accident before. The old Taoist was naturally worried that she would not know the heights of the world, and that she would have caused trouble before she arrived in Shenzhuang.

Song Changqing lowered his head when he was reprimanded, but he dared not say anything back.

The old Taoist priest was very angry, but thinking of the fierceness of the ghost, even the big disciple of the concentrating state was not an opponent, so he immediately changed his mind:

"You follow me, don't stay away for half a step."

He was very worried, and he wore the kind of worry that Song Qingxiao was worried about, as if he was afraid that this little girl would be disobedient, and finally softened his tone:

"Be good, listen to what the master says."

Song Qingxiao has hardly encountered such a situation in her life, and no one has ever coaxed her with such a child-like tone.

Especially with the growth of her cultivation strength, what she has faced is vigilance, defense, respect, and fear, but she has never seen such a purposeless and ardent concern.

She was a little at a loss for a while, and after a moment of stunned, she nodded hesitatingly, put down the weird feeling in her heart, and responded.

After receiving her promise, the old Taoist once again turned his attention back to the pinch of yellow hair in his hands:

"This is the yellow-skinned hair. I felt it a bit. There was no lifelessness left there. Maybe this thing became fine. It didn't die after being hit by a bullock cart."

He paused:

"But because we are crowded, it may be afraid, so temporarily pretended to be dead, and took the opportunity to escape into the forest when we were not paying attention."

This statement of Song Daochang is extremely possible, not to mention that with his identity and strength, this statement is even more convincing.

In addition, people are more emotionally willing to accept that it was just pretending to be dead and fleeing than the dead weasel ran away.

"The Taoist is right."

Everyone nodded one after another, and they all agreed with this speculation.

At the moment when everyone was relieved, Song Qingxiao's eyes turned to the other side of the mountain, where there was a gloomy aura, staring coldly here.

"Well, let's get in the car as soon as possible. The hurry is important."

After solving this matter, Song Daochang urged everyone to get on the bus again.

It's just that after saying this, apart from the man in Shenzhuang whose parents, wives, and children are all trapped in the ghost town, several other people are more or less hesitant.

"Old god..."

The old man driving the car took out the cigarette stick hanging from his waist and put it on his mouth. The hand holding the cigarette was trembling. Obviously, there was still a lot of fear in his heart that had not subsided.

"It's true that it's an evil way..."

Before this trip, Aunt Wu made a generous move, gave him a lot of money, and hired him to Shenzhuang.

The people in the same group also paid more or less, and the sum of the money was enough to make him a small profit, which made the old man decide to take the risk after Shen Zhuang had long been haunted by rumors. business.

But at that time, he was dazzled by money fans. After he really saw the ghost, he was frightened again. When he got here, he had already retreated and was unwilling to go again.

"I still have old wives and children in my family, and my grandson is still young. I just want to send you all here..."

His hands shook violently, and his teeth shook his cigarette stick, making a ‘click’.

The old man's fear infected other people. In addition to the thin men who visited relatives and some hesitation, several other people who went to Shenzhuang to talk about business also showed fear.


The man who wanted to go home couldn't help but feel anxious when he heard the old man's words.

He is different from other people. Others just visit relatives and find friends, or negotiate business, but he is the family member who is still in the city and has to go back.

If the bullock cart turns back halfway, it will delay his journey.

"How can I go back on what has been said?"

"Brother, I don't want me to regret it. You have seen the situation today. This is God reminding us!"

The old man shook his head like a wavy drum, and said decisively:

"It's been more than an hour until now, and the car stopped twice. My old man shed tears, which can be seen as an early warning."

The more he said, the firmer his attitude became:

"Shen Zhuang can't go! The big deal is that if I insist on going, I will refund the money, right?"

Seeing that the man was both anxious and hesitant, he added:

"I will post you another piece of ocean, okay?"

As soon as the words fell, the man who was anxious before also shook, obviously moved by the words.

"Where are we? Everyone gave money..."

When I heard that the old man who drove the car had to refund the money, and at the same time, he had to post the money for compensation. The others even overwhelmed their fear and kept asking questions.

"do not talk!"

When the crowd was clamoring, Song Daochang suddenly said.

Among the group of people, Song Daochang's reputation had already reached its peak at this time. After he spoke, everyone followed him quietly.

Even the old man driving the car shut his mouth and looked at the old Taoist respectfully.

"Let's go on the road together."

As soon as Song Daochang said this, the old man driving the car immediately became anxious.

Without waiting for him to speak, the old Taoist picked up the bunch of hair twisted in his hand and made gestures in front of him:

"You got into the weasel who became the weather. This thing is the most vengeful thing. The smell of it is left in the car. If you turn back, it will also find trouble for you. When the time comes, your house will be troubled, and it will be difficult day and night. Ann."

The words of the old Taoist frightened the old man driving the car. He didn't wait for the old man to speak, and then said:

"The trip to Shenzhuang is indeed full of crises."

When Daochang Song said this, the old man who drove the car held the cigarette stick and nodded frequently.

He pondered for a moment:

"You don't need to send us into Shenzhuang, you just send us to a place close to Shenzhuang, and then put us down. At that time, I will send you a magic talisman to drive away demons and avoid evil, so that the monsters and evil spirits don't dare to come closer. "

As soon as the voice fell, he asked again: "Are you willing?"

The old man was already in a dilemma, ready to ruthlessly save money and avoid disasters, but he was really afraid of being entangled by Huangpi's revenge.

Now I heard what the old Taoist said, and I heard him say that he could not enter Shenzhuang, but was only sent to the vicinity of Shenzhuang. In this way, you do not need to lose money, and at the same time you can get the magic talisman to exorcise evil. Like a chicken pecking at rice:

"Naturally willing."

Everyone has seen Daochang Song's magical skills. With his magic talisman in hand, it is expected that ordinary monsters and evil spirits will also be difficult to approach.

"What about us……"

"Master, where are we?"

Once the problem of the old man driving the car was resolved, everyone else rushed to talk:

"Dao Master, you can't let us leave it alone..."

Facing these people, Song Daochang's expression became serious:

"We are going to Shenzhuang, if you don't want to go, you can leave by yourself."

As for future disputes such as fares, you can discuss with the driver after the matter.

The rest of the people looked at each other, all showing cringe.


An unknown bird's chirping sounded in the distance, adding a strange feeling to this barren mountain.

There are no people here. Today, the mountains are full of fog, as if they are going to cover the sky and the sun. Those who are not familiar with the road, walking in this mountain, are afraid of encountering ghosts hitting the wall, and also afraid of encountering beasts such as wolves.

The woods in the thick fog looked extremely gloomy, and the rustling sounds between the shadows of the trees, combined with the song of the birds, was even more frightening.

"We, we are with you."

Everyone didn't have the courage to walk alone, and they were unwilling to be left behind. At the same time, they were afraid that there would be no Taoist priest like Song Daochang.

Although it may be troublesome to move forward, there is a great **** like Song Daochang who is sitting there, and he can't think of anything wrong.

The big deal is the same as the old man driving the car. When he arrives near Shenzhuang, he will not go to and follow him all the way back.

"If we are together, we may still encounter danger. You must listen to my instructions along the way and don't mess around."

Although it's useless to bring these people, the people of my own group have been stared at by ghosts who don't know where they are. If they didn't take care of them, Song Daochang would also be afraid that these people would encounter any danger.

After he sighed, everyone nodded one after another, and then climbed into the bullock cart.

The old man who drove the car felt scared after encountering a few evil things and did not dare to sit on the front of the car alone, so the young and strong Song Changqing sat outside with him.

Although Song Changqing is not very old, he is Song Daochang's apprentice, and he looks tall and strong.

The previous scene of hugging Aunt Wu who was possessed fell into the eyes of everyone. They didn't see his crisis, but felt that he was brave.

The others got into the car one by one, and the car restarted.

"Qingxiao, sit next to me."

The veteran Taoist worried about his apprentice, beckoning Song Qingxiao to come to his side.

Aunt Wu was not awake, the blood and tears in the corners of her eyes had not yet dried, a few strands of hair fell loosely on the side of her cheek, half covering her face.

Everyone remembered her previous crippled appearance, and did not dare to get too close to her, each sitting next to the carriage, which left a large space beside Aunt Wu.

Song Qing Xiaoyiyan sat next to the old Taoist priest and saw his frowning eyebrows:

"Are you worried that the ghost will still appear?"

Out of the corner of Song Daochang's eyes, he glanced at the other people in the carriage. Everyone pricked their ears. They were listening to the teacher and the apprentice, fearing that they might miss a word.

He sighed:


In order not to frighten these people, he said vaguely:

"The ghost has an extraordinary origin, and the Yin Qi on his body is very heavy, Daoxing has been at least a hundred years..."

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