The people of all time and space were stunned by the scene before their eyes!

"Running 70 kilometers in one night? How is this possible? Is this really something that people can do?"

An ordinary citizen said with eyes wide open in disbelief.

Another citizen was also shocked and shook his head:

"Yes! Aren't they mortals, but heavenly soldiers and generals descended to earth? Otherwise, how could they have such amazing speed and endurance?"

However, not only the people were shocked, but even the emperors and generals of various dynasties stared at the sky with their eyes wide open.

(Don't say that the distance units are different, the sky will convert!)


Ying Zheng was stunned!

"70 kilometers is 140 miles? This... actually finished the run?"

"And it only took 14 hours?"

The ministers below were also shocked!

They began to whisper to each other!

"This speed is too fast!"

"Yes, even the most elite cavalry of the Qin army can run more than 100 miles in a day and a night. It's already very good."

"That's riding a horse! This is still lightly equipped, and if they carry weapons and equipment and food supplies, it's really amazing."

"So, these people's endurance, speed and load-bearing capacity are much stronger than the Qin army!"

"I think it's not an exaggeration to call them heavenly soldiers and generals!"

"Yes, if such an army appears on the battlefield, it will definitely cause great pressure on the enemy!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard the ministers' discussions.

He thought to himself: "I compared the Qin soldiers with them before, but there is really no comparison!"

"It's not too much to call these people heavenly soldiers and generals!"

However, he then thought that they were all his descendants of China, fighting for the resurgence of China. Thinking of this, Ying Zheng's mood became happy.

He turned to look at Wang Jian and others and asked: "What do you think of this, my dear ministers?"

Wang Jian and others looked at each other and said: "Your Majesty, such a strong army will definitely win. If it doesn't win, it will be unforgivable!"

"That's right!" Ying Zheng nodded and agreed!


Emperor Wu of Han, Liu Che, looked at the volunteer soldiers in the picture with a solemn expression, thinking in his heart:

"What kind of beliefs do these people support them?"

"If my Han had such a strong army, wouldn't it be invincible in the world?"

"The Huns can be destroyed with a single move!"

Tang Dynasty

Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin, looked at him with a gleaming gaze, shook his head slightly, and said:

"Although my Tang army is also quite strong, it is somewhat mediocre compared to the people of later generations on the sky curtain!"

Li Shimin saw the belief of victory in the eyes of these volunteers!

As if they would win as long as they fought!

Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang's face flushed with excitement, clenched his fists, and couldn't help but say excitedly: "These volunteers are really amazing!"

"I have never seen such morale in any army in my life!"

"You are worthy of being the descendants of China, you are awesome!"

On the sky curtain!

At this time, the picture changed again!

In the picture, a group of Americans were so scared when they saw the Chinese soldiers that they shouted to surrender!

Under the extreme switching of the sky curtain!

On the battlefield with continuous artillery fire, in the weather of dozens of degrees below zero, our Chinese soldiers crossed the Yalu River with bare legs!

Everyone's lips were frozen purple!

But their eyes were still full of enthusiasm!

On the other side of the snowy mountain, a group of Chinese soldiers in thin clothes were lying in the snow!

Despite the cold, they were still lying in the snow!

Some of them had been frozen to death, and even if they died, their eyes were still open, and they were still holding steel guns in their hands!

At the same time, a mighty and domineering voice sounded.

At the meeting!

"Dear delegates, American imperialism has replaced Japanese imperialism!"

"But now it is 1950, after all, it is not 1895, the times are different!"

"The situation has changed!"

"The Chinese people have stood up!"

The scene changed again!

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke!

There were corpses everywhere!

"Is there anyone left in the 3rd company!"

"Is there anyone who can fight? If there is, raise your hands!"

One hand after another stretched out from the pile of corpses!

Some of them only had one leg left!

Some only had one arm left, and their bodies had been blown to pieces by shells!

But they all stood up


Fight until the last drop of blood flows into the body!

On November 30, 1950, the 3rd Company, with a force of 100 soldiers, repelled five attacks by thousands of American troops!

At this time, the sky was full of soldiers' shouts!

"Mom, I can't go back..."

"Kill these sons of bitches!"

"China will win!"

"China will win!"


The eyes of the soldiers in different time and space were full of longing for home, but none of them were willing to be deserters!

Behind them stood their motherland!

Then the picture changed again!

A group of people looked at the rising sun in the east!

"Where is the direction of home!"

(A small request for support)

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