The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Captain, do you think we still have a chance to go home?"

The captain looked into the distance with a firm look and said:

"There will be hope. After the battle, we can go home!"

At the same time, the sky screen changed again!

One national flag after another appeared on the sky screen!

Then the narration sounded!

[Resisting the US and aiding Korea, do you think it was only the United States? No! It was 17 countries! ]

[The United States manipulated the United Nations Security Council to form a United Nations army consisting of 17 countries including the United States, Britain, France, Canada, and Australia to intervene in the Korean civil war, with five-star General MacArthur as the commander-in-chief of the United Nations army. ]

[Five-star General MacArthur did not take us seriously at all. ]

[Soon after the first battle of the Korean War, the arrogant MacArthur launched the so-called "Christmas Offensive" and threatened to end the battle within two weeks! ]

[What a toad yawning, what a big tone. ]

[I admit that MacArthur is a first-class Internet celebrity, and he is best at establishing a persona. ]

[For him, it doesn't matter if he loses the war or brags about it, as long as he is famous! ]

[In response to this, the bosses laughed out loud. MacArthur's arrogance is a good thing, and arrogant soldiers will be defeated! ]

The emperors under the sky laughed at MacArthur's mysterious confidence!

"Who gave him the courage? How dare he threaten to destroy my Chinese soldiers and generals in two weeks?"

At this time, above the sky!

[In the second battle, the enemy ventured north, so we used 6 armies to make a big pocket on the western front, surrounded on all sides and wiped out the whole pot]

Soon, the volunteers were divided into two groups, one group attacked head-on and pretended to retreat while fighting!

Lure the US 8th Army to go deep into the enemy's territory alone, and the other way was to encircle the US Army from the left and right flanks, preparing to encircle the US Army in the middle like making dumplings and eat them up in one bite.

Sure enough, MacArthur was fooled and ordered his troops to speed up the attack, but they fell into the encirclement of the Volunteer Army, and the Americans panicked collectively.

However, there were too many US vehicles, and the speed of escape was limited. The encirclement of the Volunteer Army had not been completely sealed, and a big hole was leaked.

Those who have read the previous ones know that this hole will soon be blocked by the 113th Division of the 38th Regiment!

At 6 o'clock in the morning of the next day, the 113th Division of the 38th Army arrived in Sansoli first and blocked the gap!

Created the peak miracle of modern light infantry, and the strongest infantry on the surface deserves the title.

Then prepare for battle immediately!

Just 5 minutes later, the US military's retreating car team arrived!

Collided head-on with the 38th Army, and the two sides exchanged fire at close range. The US artillery and tanks had no advantage!

The Americans were so depressed by the 38th Army's mortars that they couldn't raise their heads.

Obviously, the four words "speed is the essence of war" taught the Americans a lesson, and this battle also laid the foundation for the final victory.

MacArthur's "Christmas Offensive" became a joke!

And the Chinese infantry became the only country that could win against 16 countries!

Under the sky!

Great Qin.

When the first emperor Ying Zheng saw this scene, he was shocked.

Originally thought there was only one country, it seems he was wrong!

"Win against 17?"

"My China, there are such magic soldiers!" Ying Zheng muttered to himself, with a trace of relief in his eyes.

He remembered his feat of unifying the six countries in the past, which seemed a little inferior compared to this later generation!

Looking at the Chinese army in the sky, everyone's eyes were unwilling to admit defeat.

He couldn't help but say, "Such heroes should be recorded in history and passed down through the ages!"

All the generals nodded in agreement.

Great Han.

Emperor Wu of Han was so excited that he stood up!

"Haha... Good job, I'm proud of you!"

"I'm in a good mood today, let's go fight the Huns!"

On the sky!

On the battlefield, the smoke gradually dissipated, and they won the war!

However, many of them stayed in this foreign country!

In order to prevent their next generation from suffering from war, they would rather sleep here forever!

[Let's take stock of the casualties of our army in this war! ]

[On November 25, the Volunteer Army launched the first battle after entering North Korea. ]

[The battle lasted 12 days, and the Volunteer Army annihilated more than 15,000 enemies at the cost of more than 10,000 casualties! ]

[And repelled the United Nations forces from the Yalu River to the south of the Cheongcheon River! ]

[Among them, the Soviet Air Force secretly participated in the war. During the entire Korean War, 12 Soviet Air Force divisions were deployed in air combat, with a total of 72,000 air force personnel participating in the war!

【Our army shot down 1,097 enemy planes, anti-aircraft artillery shot down 212 enemy planes, and the Soviet Air Force lost 335 planes, 135 pilots and 164 ground crew members. 】

【The second battle lasted 47 days. In the second battle, the Volunteer Army killed more than 36,000 enemies, including more than 24,000 US troops, at the cost of more than 30,000 casualties! 】

【And pushed the battle line to the 38th parallel, completely reversing the situation in the Korean War. 】

【On December 31, due to the successive defeats of the United Nations forces on the battlefield, in order to save the defeat! 】

【The United States manipulated the United Nations General Assembly to establish a three-person Korean Armistice Committee, under the guise of ceasefire first and then negotiations, in an attempt to buy time to reorganize the army and fight again. 】

【In order not to give the United Nations forces a chance to breathe, the Volunteer Army broke through the 38th parallel with the cooperation of the Korean People's Army and launched the third battle against the United Nations forces. 】

【The battle lasted for 9 days. The Volunteer Army annihilated more than 19,000 enemies at the cost of more than 5,800 casualties, and drove the UN forces back from the 38th parallel to the vicinity of the 37° north latitude! 】

【At the same time, they also occupied Seoul, the capital of South Korea. 】

On January 25, 1951, the UN forces found that the Volunteer Army had difficulty in supply and the front-line troops were insufficient, so the UN forces launched a large-scale offensive in an attempt to recapture Seoul and push the Volunteer Army back to the north of the 38th parallel!

The 4th battle broke out.

The battle lasted 87 days. Under very difficult conditions, the Volunteer Army annihilated more than 53,000 enemies at the cost of more than 42,000 casualties!

On April 22, the UN forces pushed the front line to the vicinity of the 38th parallel!

After learning about it, the Chinese army crossed the 38th parallel again and launched a large-scale counterattack against the UN forces, and the 5th battle broke out.

The battle lasted 50 days, and the volunteer army had suffered more than 75,000 casualties, and the cost was more than 67,000 enemy soldiers!

At the same time, the United States was forced to express its willingness to negotiate an armistice when there was no hope of winning by force!

Prepared to hold negotiations with China based on strength and seek a glorious armistice.

Since then, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has been a situation of fighting and talking for more than two years!

Considered the second stage of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

During this stage, during the negotiations, the United Nations forces not only rejected China's proposal to use the 38th parallel as the military demarcation line!

[It also proposed to draw the military demarcation line behind the Chinese army's position, attempting to obtain 12,000 square kilometers of land without fighting. ]

[After this unreasonable request was refuted, the US military actually bombed the residence of the Chinese delegation! ]

[At the same time, the summer and autumn offensive and strangulation war were launched on the battlefield, attempting to force the Chinese and North Korean sides to submit with military pressure. 】

The campaign lasted 63 days. The Volunteer Army killed more than 110,000 enemies at the cost of more than 33,000 casualties, forcing the US to return to the negotiation table.

With the failure of the negotiations!

A new round of war began!

[The campaign lasted about 7 months. The two sides fought more than 1,800 battles of varying sizes. In the end, the Volunteer Army killed more than 87,000 enemies at the cost of more than 30,000 casualties, crushing the intention of the United Nations Army. 】

During the entire War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, a total of 2.9 million people joined the Chinese People's Volunteer Army!

The maximum number of participating troops reached 1.35 million, and the Volunteer Army killed more than 718,000 enemies!

Together with the number of enemies killed by the Korean People's Army, the Chinese and North Korean troops killed more than 1.093 million enemies!

Among them, there were more than 390,000 US troops, more than 660,000 South Korean troops, and more than 20,000 other vassal troops.

According to incomplete statistics, during the Korean War, the Chinese People's Army suffered more than 360,000 casualties, and more than 29,000 were missing or captured.

The Korean People's Army suffered about 250,000 casualties, 303,000 wounded, and 120,000 missing or captured.

The reason why we are still standing here is because of these heroes who are not afraid of life and death!

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