The sky is full of life, but the world is still full of life.

At this time, above the sky!

[After a long period of evolution, 360 million years ago, a great explosion of life came. This era is called the Cambrian period! ]

[But there is no life on land at this moment! ]

[After thousands of years, a new species of lobe-finned fish appeared in the sea. It is the ancestor of mankind! But it is not the overlord of the ocean! ]

At this time, under the sky.


"It turned into a fish again? This..." Ying Zheng's face was full of disbelief, but life is so magical.

If someone else told him that the ancestor of mankind was a fish, he would probably not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

After all, one of his favorite foods is fish!

Doesn't this mean that he ate his ancestors?


Liu Che was so shocked that he couldn't even hold the wine glass in his hand steadily, and it fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Only then did he come back to his senses.

He said in shock:

"My ancestor, has changed from an insect to a fish again?"

The good news is that the body size has become larger, and the bad news is that he has eaten his ancestors.

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin just picked up a piece of delicious fish and was about to put it in his mouth to taste it, looking at what was said on the sky curtain.

He murmured in disbelief: "I... my ancestor was stewed by myself?"

You just say whether I will eat this fish or not?

If he hadn't seen the whole process of evolution, he would have believed it.

At this time, Changsun Wuji next to him took over and said: "Your Majesty! The sky curtain said that it was a lobe-finned fish. This is just an ordinary red fish, so it should not be our ancestor!"

Li Shimin then put the fish on the chopsticks into his mouth!

I thought, "Fortunately! Fortunately, not all fish are my ancestors! Otherwise, I might not be able to eat this fish in the future!"

Then I asked someone to serve me a bowl of fish soup to calm my nerves!

【After thousands of years of evolution, among the lobe-finned fish in the sea, an ideal lobe-finned fish appeared. It decided to go ashore, and its repeated attempts made its fins stronger and stronger. 】

【Although it failed, its descendants inherited its will and spread from the south to the whole world. 】

【After millions of years, these lobe-finned fish slowly adapted to the land environment. 】

【Their fins evolved into limbs, which can support the body to move on land. 】

【The most important thing is that the gills gradually developed into lungs, which can breathe air and no longer rely on the water environment. The lobe-finned fish that adapted to land life gradually evolved into amphibians! 】

【Their body structure, respiratory system and living habits have changed. They can survive in water and on land at the same time and have a wider living space. 】

【About 350 million years ago, some amphibians stayed out of water for longer and longer, and gradually evolved into reptiles, with a body structure more adapted to life on land. 】

【In order to leave the water, they evolved keratin scales to prevent water loss in the body, and their lungs became more perfect, allowing them to breathe air more effectively. 】

【And they began to evolve in different directions, some constantly strengthening their strength, some strengthening their agility, and some improving their intelligence. 】

【The dinosaurs that continued to strengthen their strength became the overlords, and now it has come to the era of dinosaur dominance! 】

At this moment in the sky!

A 3D Tyrannosaurus Rex appeared on the sky, occupying the entire sky. As the dinosaurs ran, the ground began to tremble constantly!

The trees were so high that they could not be seen at a glance. This was the dinosaur era.


The people under the sky couldn't help but take a breath when they saw this.

"This... It seems like a kitten in front of a tiger, right?"

They never thought that there was such a species on the land under their feet!

But how did such a powerful species disappear?

What on earth could have wiped them out?

Cao Cao's eyes were shining at this time, and he had a magical idea!

If he could subdue this dinosaur, wouldn't he become a dragon rider?

Then he would attract a group of widows and young women!

At this moment on the sky!

[About 220 million years ago, some smaller reptiles gradually evolved into mammals in order to survive. ]

[Its name is "True Beast" and it is the common ancestor of humans and mice! ]

[This is a creature that is not like humans but more like mice! ]

[However, it was still the weakest existence in the dinosaur era! In order to avoid being hunted by dinosaurs, it could only hide underground or in trees! ]

Under the sky.

The ancients who heard this were dumbfounded again.

"It turned into a mouse again?"


No wonder mice always run home, it turns out to be visiting relatives


The happiest person at this moment is Sun Quan of Dongwu.

I asked you to call Dongwu a rat, now we are all rats!

[About 65 million years ago, an asteroid fell, causing the dinosaurs, which had flourished and declined, to finally withdraw from the stage of history. ]

[And the ancestor of humans, the true beasts, escaped the disaster because of their relatively small size! ]

[After 100 million years of evolution, they finally chose to go their separate ways and went to two extremes. ]

One of the tribes became more adept at using their teeth to catch insects and became rodents, that is, the ancestors of mice and hedgehogs!

The other part became more adept at using their hands and feet and became the most primitive ancestors of primates.

This was the first differentiation of human ancestors.

After our first differentiated ancestors became primates, they felt that this was far from enough!

They wanted more flexible hands to grab food and climb over obstacles, so they chose to move forward!

The other small part chose to abandon it, and most of them turned into the apes, which is the ancestor of lemurs!

Became the second distant relative of human ancestors!

This is the second differentiation of human ancestors. At this stage, human ancestors abandoned the ability to dig holes and lost the protection from the earth!

But they were not satisfied.

The third round of evolution followed. They wanted to climb higher and gave up the most aggressive mouth, evolving into species of the simple nose suborder.

But although they had hands and feet, their survival ability was not strong and they could only be cruelly preyed on by other species.

So a small group of them chose to take another path!

The human ancestors who evolved all the way began the 8th differentiation and entered the human subfamily. One of them chose to pursue strength and evolved into the gorillas we are familiar with now.

The human ancestors chose to continue to increase their wisdom and gradually evolved into species under the human race.

Until here, the human ancestors who had evolved 9 times were considered to have entered our textbooks and became the forest apes we are familiar with.

In these nine great evolutions, each evolution is a miracle of life. If there is any mistake, human beings will cease to exist.

Under the sky!

People in all time and space were shocked to see that the initial cell turned into a forest ape.

In this way, these mice and other animals are their relatives!

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