The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Is this... is this really how humans came about?"

"Although the body shape is similar, it is not human just like this, right?"

The emperors of various time and space saw the forest ape in the sky!

Although shocked, it was much better than the mice before.

At this time, above the sky!

A series of dynamic pictures appeared on the sky again!

After a long period of baptism, human ancestors have undergone another round of differentiation.

Some of them chose to develop intelligence and physical strength together, and evolved into the chimpanzees we know now.

The ancestors of the tenth differentiation of humans were forced out of the forest due to a series of fires.

The animal carcasses cooked by the forest fire made them accidentally learn to eat mature food.

So, they were pleasantly surprised to find that food grilled at high temperatures was easier to digest.

These nutritious cooked meats provided them with a lot of energy, promoted the rapid development of the brain, and finally allowed human ancestors to move towards the eleventh evolution and become creatures of the Hominin subtribe.

After the emergence of the Hominin subtribe, due to the influence of the environment, they further differentiated into a large number of species, some of which were good at running, some were good at fighting, and some were good at biting.

We collectively named them Paranthropus!

However, unfortunately, these Paranthropus species eventually went extinct.

They can't be considered our ancestors.

And our ancestors learned to use tools in the cruel competition and became Homo erectus.

Homo erectus also differentiated into many species. Although most of them learned to use tools, they still couldn't compete with carnivores, and even couldn't compete with gorillas and baboons that had already differentiated, so most of them continued to be extinct.

Only a small number of them evolved a more developed brain and became Homo erectus.

The Peking Man, Yuanmou Man, and Lantian Man we are familiar with are all Homo erectus.

They have learned basic skills such as assisting hunting, making tools and gathering food, and some of them even have IQs that are almost the same as our modern people, smart and capable.

But without exception, they all became extinct.

Perhaps because of diseases, the ice age and the lack of food, none of them became our ancestors in the end.

Even though they have experienced hundreds of millions of years of obstacles, they are only one step away from becoming modern people.

And the real ancestors of all of us humans come from a small group of late Homo sapiens in Africa.

It is this small group of late Homo sapiens who, during the harsh ice age, moved step by step from Africa to Asia and Europe, and then spread all over the world.

[At this moment, Homo sapiens has stood at the top of the food chain by mastering tools, and can only start hunting to obtain food! ]

[Why do we say that they are at the top of the food chain at this time? ]

[Everyone knows that newborn babies usually cry non-stop, but like other weaker creatures, their offspring will be quiet when they are born.

[The reason is very simple. They are afraid of being hunted. However, the offspring of some beasts will make loud hoof calls when they are born. Other creatures will hide far away when they hear them, not to mention going hunting. If these Homo sapiens were not strong, would their children dare to cry when they were born? ]

[Then our ancestors discovered that the fur of animals can keep warm, so they peeled off the skins of animals to make warm clothes. Due to this reason, some hair on their bodies began to degenerate! ]

[After thousands of years of sedimentation, these Homo sapiens are no different from modern people. They do not grow hair themselves, so they use the hair of other animals to keep warm! ]

[They overcame all difficulties and domesticated wild animals and crops bit by bit with their wisdom and hands. ]

[Until it developed into our current brilliant civilization, creating the most splendid miracle of species evolution on the earth. ]

[On this evolutionary road of hundreds of millions of years, perhaps a small setback would cause the death of our human ancestors. 】

【In the cruel natural selection, we have differentiated into countless species, most of which have been extinct, but it is this luck and persistence that has allowed our ancestors to walk step by step from ancient times to the present, and finally control the entire world. 】

【But the essence of evolution is never how strong you are, but how long your population and genes can reproduce in this world. 】

【Although we seem to be successful now, will humans still exist in 500 or even 5,000 years, and will they be replaced by other species? 】

At this time, the bullet screen on the sky passed by one by one.

——"This theory of evolution? Is it true or false?"

——"If you say so, then I

Wouldn't that mean I killed a lot of our ancestors? After all, I'm a professional rat killer?"

——"You're better off, I'm a fish killer!"

——"Who can prove this theory of evolution? If I say it's fake, it's fake. If you can travel back to 3.5 billion years ago and record it for me, I'll believe it!"

——"Yes, yes! Who has seen this thing before! You just say it out loud! I also said that the earth is a prison and humans were dropped by aliens!"

——"What a sin! What a sin! Hurry up and drink the fish soup stewed by our ancestors. "


For a while, the opinions on the barrage were different.

However, at this time, under the sky.

The emperors had completely split, and their mentality collapsed.

From the disbelief before, to the appearance of modern people now.

They had to admit that their ancestors came from this way!

Then they saw the degenerate hair, peeling the fur of other animals, which they had done.

Many emperors had some tiger fur or fox fur in their hands.

After all, this thing is really warm.

Eastern Han Dynasty.

Zhang Fei looked at the degenerate fur mentioned on the sky, and then looked at the hair on his chest, and couldn't help but doubt whether he had not evolved successfully!

Otherwise, how could there be so much hair on my body!

"Brother, did my ancestors fail to evolve halfway through?"

"Otherwise, why do I have so much hair on my body? "

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang couldn't help but twitch their mouths when they heard Zhang Fei's words.

Emperors of different time and space couldn't help but fall into deep thought when they saw the last sentence on the sky!

Will humans perish?


Ying Zheng looked at the sky and fell into deep thought!

"This person? Will he perish too? Will he be replaced?"

Then what's the point of me trying so hard to live forever?

"No, no! Humans will definitely not perish, they can only continue to evolve!"

Ying Zheng, who figured it out, couldn't help but smile bitterly. Why should he consider these things now?

This map hasn't been studied yet!

Tang Dynasty.

"I don't know whether it will perish or not, but at least it won't happen now! "Li Shimin said with a firm look on his face.

Life is like this, there will be progress only if there is uncertainty!

However, not everyone is as open-minded as Lao Li, there are always some people who are stubborn!

Just as everyone was thinking, the sky screen also refreshed a new video.

A new title appeared on the sky screen: "The Emperor Who Was Most Maled by the Qing Dynasty in Those Years"

(You may as well say who they are boldly!)

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