Watching the Dawn

Vol 17 Chapter 99: The world goes to 1

Only when it comes to world missions will there be hints. Blazing ???? Text? `

Hearing the hint, Lu Yuan was also a little ignorant, "What are you talking about? You said this is Auduin?" He blurted out and said, "Where is it concave?"

Sophie, who was beaten up, was increasingly angry when he heard this sentence. Where are you looking! She ran over to say that sentence, in fact, it was just the daily life of the bear child.

She has done this kind of thing a thousand times and 800 times, and has never had any problems! In the past, even if Lu was so angry that he would vomit blood, he didn't want to hit her with one finger! But today I know what pain point I touched. Lao Lu actually counted the new and old accounts together, and he also started to play with the silver ... Ooooooooooo ~ Let ’s not talk about it, let ’s not mention that I ’ll get a lot of the scrolls you left Bad thing?

Woooo ~ **** hurts! So sorry ... I knew I should n’t be here today.

"You are bad silver! Big bad silver!" The little girl complained with tears!

At this time, suddenly a force surged out of the body, so that her body began to swell! After a few seconds, Sophie turned into a giant dragon with endless deep eyes!

Devouring Dragon Auduin! Sophie reverted to a dragon and took back the blocked memories ... so shy and annoyed! Fortunately, Auduin was already black, and he couldn't see the shy and angry red on his cheeks.

But the dragon Auduin turned his head in resentment, swallowing the stunned Lu Yuan with his head and swallowed her, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she used her rows of teeth to chew someone hard! Then "poo" spit out. Old Lupi's broken clothes were "snapped" on the ground, like a pile of humanoid garbage ... The dragon looked at it, and then his satisfied feet kicked, broke the roof of the blacksmith's workshop, and rose into the sky. .

The huge black dragon stretched its bat wings once again above the town of Helgen, and flew towards the throat of the world without looking back.

"Audouin ?!" Hardawa, who had just walked out of the workshop, recognized the figure of the Devouring Dragon as the first nightmare in the town of Haiergen, and Hardawa would never forget it in his life!

"Dragon ?!" Annie, who was preaching to Ella, looked up in surprise. "How can there be a dragon here?"

"Huh? It seems to have flown out of the house on the Lord ... But the dragon's posture is a bit strange." Outside the pub, Poison Island, who was drinking with Nanlixiang at the table, glanced at the sky, a bit Said in surprise. As a well-known dragon anatomy expert in Skyrim Province, Poison Island has an expert voice on dragon habits. When the dragon flew, not only did it not have the majestic sense of the dragon when it was flying, but it also pulled its tail to cover its buttocks, and the frequency of the flapping of its wings also smelled of anger.

"I said," Poison Island thought for a moment and finally realized. "She's flying with her ass!"

"Goodjob!" Listening to her, the drunken Nan Lixiang didn't know where she was going. She gave her thumbs up in amazement. "It really is the man I like, not even the dragon ..."

"Don't slander the Lord!" The poisonous island's Yanzi was covered in blushing, arguing for Lu Yuan, "The Lord is not so indecent ... say, maybe it's a male dragon!"

Nanlixiang raised her eyebrows, "Hehe ~ Is your father and mother important to your host?"

Poison Island, "..."

(Lu Yuan: Of course it is important! Do n’t give me a silent default!)


Obliterate the world, the kingdom of Akatosh.

"I'm going to kill him!" Big Elona jumped from the throne blushing, shouting loudly while covering her ass. But in the mirror, her lascivious look seemed like a posture to kill.

"Bah!" She couldn't help but take a sip. "It's not a good thing to fight pp!" She was just thinking about how to retaliate back ... but suddenly felt someone touched the portal of the kingdom of God. Big Elona froze for a moment. After she saw the people standing outside the Kingdom of God, Elona frowned.

But she still changed from Sufi to the dragon of time and opened the door of the kingdom of God.

"I'm going to kill him!" The man in the Golden Armor who walked into the Kingdom of God came to the Dragon of Time and said aloud word by word, each word clanging like a stone wall. "Open the door to the main world and let me in!"

"No! I will never allow it!" Longa, who loves Lorna, spit out someone, "Talos," she called the man in the Golden Armor. "The Holy Spirit and the Demon God must not enter the main world. This is my rule! If you really feel that you are great, you can go to Haierxin to single out! You know they are the same person! "

"But he is changing the world!" Talos roared, "Master God, the world was created by you, but Norn was created by me! In order to create this planet, I slept for a million years, and even paid the saint incarnate Locke The price of a rare fall! You have promised that I can only define the rules of this world by me!

As for Helsing, I will find him after I kill his followers! "

"I ... what did you promise?" Elona, ​​the dragon of time, tilted her head and looked at the roof with a confused look, the whole expression said "I don't remember".

"You !!!" Talos was so angry that the blue muscles around his neck jumped like a bug, and his hands clenched the axe! It is a pity that standing in front of him is the great dragon of time, an existence that he can never challenge. Therefore, even if he is regenerative, he can only endure himself. "... Dear Akatosh, His Majesty the Lord God, the rules are the rules! ... It does not matter whether you remember or not!"

He stepped back a few steps, and just as he turned to leave, he stopped and added a few more sentences.

"Don't think I don't know what he is going to do ... because what he is doing is exactly the same as what I did! Nobody understands his motives better than I do in the entire annihilation world!" Talos turned his hand towards Norn As the direction of the planet waved, Falkreath's overhead view was quickly enlarged, and finally stopped on the edge of Lake Elintana.

As the war ended, the Rift Valley fleet also left. But the Falklands Wharf, which can be empty, has built four huge docks along the lake. From the top view, at least a few thousand people are busy on the dock. Three narrow and long 200-meter clippers, and a giant battleship with a length of more than 400 meters, have laid the keel in the dock.

From the standard point of view, this is not a merchant ship sailing in an inland river, but a battleship capable of crossing the ocean!

"When I was going to expedite Xia Mu Island, you and those people stopped me. Now Helsing embarked on the old road I walked through, preparing to completely unify the power and faith of the entire continent, but you choose at this time. Stand by and watch! "Talos seemed to be angry all the time ~ ~ why? "

"Because you are the **** of war, your behavior is called aggression; and Helsing is the **** of progress, and his behavior is called liberation. This is the difference between you." The dragon of time glanced at the small note and vowed Said.

This reason is almost not angry with Talos!

"It's all a unified continent, a unified belief, and a unified **** realm! It's all for the purpose of integrating all forces, and then standing in front of you to challenge you ... What's the difference between them ?!" Too. Why is my book stealing, the book reader is not stealing? You tell me clearly!

Ai Lona looked at Talos in surprise. In fact, there is no difference between the two ... Helping the relatives is not helping. You do n’t know how you mix in society? Of course, on the surface, this must not be said.

"Ah ~" Big Love Lorna sighed, and said in a gentle voice with infinite compassion, "You do it, then do it, I will not open the door for you, but it will not stop you! 'Aggression' and ' "Liberation", when you want to understand the difference between the two, you have the qualification to challenge me. "

Explain what, I choose to force.

Sure enough, Talos was thrilled as soon as he heard the qualification! His hands with axe trembling slightly, challenging the qualifications of the Lord God, for all these years, wasn't he asking for this! That ’s great ... he walked out in great strides and turned back halfway, "Yes."

Talos untied his waist bag and rolled out several heads.

Among them are the demon gods Karavicuswell, Boyesia, Azura ... and the Holy Spirit Alkai, Zeniza, Stendal and so on.

"... Crazy God escapes, I will leave you with Dibella to relieve boredom. Except for the ones killed by Helsing, the rest are probably here. When I come back, the annihilation will be the graves left for Helsing!"

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