Watching the Dawn

Vol 17 Chapter 100: The world returns to 1

Infinite world, infinite dimension. ?? Fire Random ????????? `

The material world is just "isolated islands" floating on the source sea.

The energy source sea keeps flowing tides all the time, and the main **** creates a material world on the basis of the "singularity" formed by the tides. The transformation from energy to matter, because of the power of detonating the "singularity", can be regarded as "instantaneous" completion (essentially, the source sea of ​​pure energy does not have a time dimension).

This process of transforming material will consume most of the energy accumulated in the source sea's singularities, thereby also smoothing a restlessness in the source sea.

When the world is formed, regardless of whether the materialization is completed, it will immediately enter the second stage of the reverse conversion from matter to energy. The star burns and the celestial body moves ... Everything in the world consumes energy day and night, and these energy will be fissioned. Or fusion to consume material to provide.

From the moment the world is completed, the total mass of the universe is constantly decreasing, and the "entropy" is constantly increasing.

Until one day, the energy of the universe was completely exhausted, the world burned out the last flame completely into the darkness, and the creatures became extinct; and then countless years later, the universe finally collapsed into a point, and the final energy was released into the source sea. A spray.

This completes the complete cycle of conversion of energy into matter, and matter into energy.

An era ends here.

The Lord God keeps the "seed" of the world and finds the next singularity in Yuanhai to plant again ... The next era begins.


Although the ancient poem once said, "I am not satisfied with my life, I am always worried about my life."

It ’s okay to worry about the length of human life, and it ’s okay to worry about the things after a thousand years, but if you worry about the destruction of the universe after 100 billion years ... that ’s pure egg pain; let alone the life span of a hundred years for humans, The Ashali who can live five thousand years old, I am afraid that talking about the universe's death is also a face of dumbstruck.

Without it, just because it is too far away. The distance even exceeds the length of the race.

Just like the Mona, they will not admit that the handsome men and women who look exactly like the earth are the ancestors of their own race! In the future, if humans evolve into four eyes and eight hands, I am afraid they will not admit that humans on earth are ancestors.

If we also know that future generations will grow into ghosts, we might as well shoot them on the wall now ...

But for some people the length of the era is meaningful. For example, Sanqing, Western Buddha, and someone, because without Elona's help in reincarnation, the length of this era is equal to their lifespan. So ordinary people don't care, but they care.

We said earlier that the length of an epoch depends on the rate of energy consumption of this universe. Usually in the first half of the era, the main energy consumed is the burning of stars and the energy required for the operation of galaxies. The proportion of energy consumed in the budding process of civilization is very small. For example, the solar energy received by the earth is only one part in 2.2 billion, but it can already meet the energy needs of billions of people.

But in the second half of the era, with the rise of civilization, the energy required by civilization began to explode by orders of magnitude. At this stage, the energy consumed by the interstellar civilization will rapidly exceed the natural consumption in a rapid advance!

Civilization constructs Dyson spheres outside the stars, and puts an entire river system as fuel into the stellar furnace ... Humans need to conquer nature, change the world, and hold the universe in their hands! They build warships comparable to planets, and still feel that they are not big enough; they still feel that they are not fast enough with the speed of a light year; one person's productivity can meet the needs of a country, but they still don't feel high enough!

The root of all this is energy! energy! energy!

Only irrespective of the cost of energy input can bring about a great leap forward in civilization.

Entropy is increasing madly, and the lifespan of the universe is rapidly decreasing, but all this does not matter to civilization ... The Warhammer world has only passed forty millennia, and it seems to have reached the end of civilization. So who cares about the things after four billion years?

"Cough ~" The three guys in Sanqing said one after another, "Actually we care!"


As mentioned earlier, Sanqing's methods are "small country and widowed people", "chickens and dogs talk to each other", "old dead do not communicate". That is to use the planet and the universe to separate the seeds of civilization, so as to delay the speed of civilization into the interstellar ... Sanqing can certainly do more, but that violates the way of nature and is not in line with his morality. So Sanqing only did this step and stopped.

As for Western Buddhas, Buddhist doors are forever bystanders. He admired that "Samsara" tried to find a way to transform "entropy" into matter within the era by studying the power of the main god. If the transformation of energy and matter in the universe can form a "closed loop", then this world will become eternal! This is the road of Western Buddha ... Unfortunately, the dawn has not yet been seen.

The third person said earlier that Ma Liang, the king of paintings, was ranked fifth in the temple. The first four are Hong Jun, San Qing, Western Buddha, and this man in turn ... The ancient world called him "Rockhan" and "Talos"; the Mona called him "King of Kings"; On the earth before the era, half of the world called him "God" ...

The third person has no choice but to have no bottom line.

In his first shot, the Middle Ages of the earth were infinitely circulated by him for a thousand years; in the ancient world, he was circulated for 10,000 years. Ten thousand years ago, the dwarf just ignited the light of technology and was misled by him. After a big death, the whole family was eventually destroyed and withdrew from history.

So much so that the development of civilization in the ancient world is still at the level of the Middle Ages of the earth ...

In the universe where the new galaxy is located, the technological development of various civilizations was completely misguided by him. The holographic technology he spreads to the end can only be a "god", which means that the civilization that develops holographic technology will never be able to get rid of superstition and leave its own river system;

He instructed the "Stellar Furnace" and the Galaxy Expressway led by the Mona to be not good. In addition to the construction materials used to produce the Yinxin Prison, he also extinguished a large number of stars in the name of construction. And concentrate civilization to live. This, of course, reduced the consumption of nature ... and by the way cut off the birth of a new civilization and destroyed the diversity of civilizations.

Imagine if the sun was dragged away before the birth of mankind, can human civilization be born? Or human beings are sent to a higher civilization to live together. Will the term "human civilization" still exist hundreds of years later?


Falkreath, every resident's face was as heavy as iron.

Since the engulfing dragon Auduin flew away from Helgen, in the afternoon, the weather along the shores of Lake Elendana began to change drastically like a thick iron cloud ~ ~ like a cover Sis, Helgen, and Elintana Lake buckled under the sky.

The storm is sweeping the land all the time!

A huge and bright thunder ripped from one end of the sky to the other, and then made a deafening drum sound! The virgin forests along the coast are constantly lit by lightning, trees burn fiercely in the rain, and emit thick black smoke ... From a distance, the Falkreath, which has raised countless smoke pillars, is like a raging battlefield .

"Don't be afraid, we have won Auduin! Believe me, we have a way ... Everyone, hide in the basement! Don't go into the woods ... We won it once, we can win a second time! "Hadawa was standing in the mud covered with rain, and he directed with exhaustion. The City Guard followed him on both sides, braving the rain and asking door to door.

But when Hadawa's eyes touched Lu Yuan, his expression clearly told Lu Yuan that he was worried that it wasn't the Devouring Dragon Auduin ...

Lu Yuan nodded slightly, he did not hide in the basement according to the instructions, nor did he go out to help. It was sitting quietly with Anne and others by the window of the blacksmith's shop ... the only place in this room that could keep out the rain. Of course it was not Auduin, and several people knew it. Auduin is Sophie, who once chewed old Lu Diao in her mouth, she definitely did not dare to go home at this time.

The clouds in the sky have begun to rotate like a funnel, and people's worried eyes naturally stop at the center ... no matter who comes, it will show its face after a raging afternoon.

The clouds reveal golden light, and the huge golden throne crushes the sky!

The golden giant with a height of thousands of kilometers stood on it. He lifted up the huge golden warhammer and smashed down towards Falkreath without hesitation!

ps: There is nothing ps. Although most of this chapter is descriptive text, it has been reduced as much as possible.

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