Watching the Dawn

Vol 17 Chapter 101: The world returns 1 in 2

"You, guilty!" Said the giant in armor. ?? Fire Random ?????????? ``

The sound of Talos exceeded the speed of the fall of the hammer, shrouding the earth from the direction of the sky, so that everyone living in the Falkreath area could hear clearly. When the sound came to mind, everyone subconsciously began to recall his life. Those mistakes made in the past have been turned from the depths of memory, amplified, distorted ... let everyone feel their sins!

Some will force them to kneel and confess!

The golden armor giant is thousands of miles tall, and his swinging hammer can turn the entire Falkreath area into powder with just one blow! Not only that, Yu Li and even the crust will be broken down and smashed! In the future, Falkreath will become a giant crater filled with magma, but Talos will not only kill humans in Falkreath, he will also thoroughly judge their souls!

After they die, they cannot go to any kingdom of God or Songjiade. Talos bears the shape of Jin Cancan who can shake his eyes, but he does the most vicious and dirty act in the world!

"It really is God ..." The moment the Golden Throne and the giant appeared, Hadawa was desperate! Although he was not overwhelmed by the word of Talos, the whole person was almost collapsed because he could n’t think of any way to save this home that had been built with so much effort! Even Auduin can at least organize the citizens to hide and escape ... but God, it is a force he cannot contend with.

"If only Helsing was here", a thought suddenly crossed his mind.

Hadawa was once a staunch supporter of the idea of ​​"God returns to God, man returns to man." He opposed any extraordinary creatures to interfere in the secular regime, even if this **** is Helsin ... But at this moment, Hadawa regretted that he had treated Haier Xin ’s faith is not pious enough. If he did not prevent the request to build the Great Temple of Hersin in Falkreis, wouldn't Helsin appear at this moment to protect the residents of Falkreath?

"Go to Nima!" Someone suddenly scolded loudly at the edge, loud enough to be heard by the entire Falkreath.

"Ah?" Hadawa turned his head in shock.

He saw Lu Yuan standing on the balcony of the blacksmith's shop behind him ... no longer a bad image of the sloppy, scratched hair and beard when ironing. Lu Yuan did not know when he had restored the way Hadawa first saw him, but Lu Yuan seemed to be very different at this time!

He wore a gorgeous gown that was expensive to explode at a glance. In his right hand he held a staff with a height of one person and the thickness of his wrist. The top was inlaid with colorful streamer and fist-sized gemstones. The left hand was empty, wearing a ring with the same gemstone on his middle finger, exuding a divine white luster.

Wait, Lu Yuan scolded Talos in person? Still scolded all over the world? Hadawa felt the whole person was ignorant.

But it was precisely this curse word that made Hadawa feel the courage to pour out of his heart and directly disperse the remorse and guilt of the past! Focusing on Falkreath, countless people stopped kneeling in this sentence and straightened their waist again!

"Well, then destroy it!" Seeing human beings did not succumb, Talos' anger was even worse! He put the hammer down on the ground with extra force!

Lu Yuan raised his magic wand a little bit toward the sky, and a white ray of light flew high from the end of the wand, exploded, and turned into a mask covering the entire Falkreath area.

The sky is like a bowl, and the bowl is like a sky.



Gold and white hit hard at one place without obstruction, and the sound of the impact exceeded the limits of the world. No one can hear any sound, only see the zenith is a white piece! In addition to light is dazzling light.

The power attribute of Talos is "sacred", while Lu Yuan's power comes from Cthulhu's regular transformation of stones (no need to use white), and the power attribute is "light". Two positive energies of similar nature collide head-on, devouring and annihilating each other from the beginning!

The aftermath of the storm that was set off released unlimited vitality, and even allowed the surrounding forests to grow wildly, the earth rejuvenated, and even green snow appeared on the throat of the world!

"Helsin?" The golden giant paused and began to laugh. "Hahaha ~ So you are here? That happened to be solved together."

Yes, this is a great opportunity to defeat Helsingin! Not even Talos had thought that he would encounter such a golden opportunity. Has Helsin actually acted to protect his followers? That happened to be buried with his followers! In the view of Talos, all old gods will inevitably want to understand a truth, that is, the nature of the responsibility relationship between God and believers is unilateral.

Believers provide faith to God, and God actually has no obligation to repay. All the "generous response" is to expand the scope of influence, and then gain more faith ... This is a classic Ponzi scheme.

The gods who want to understand will gradually become indifferent. But what you can't figure out, it will be like Helsin, sooner or later will be dragged to death by the believers. Atlantis sank, the Acropolis was destroyed by war, and believers prayed to God. Why didn't God save? Because they will be dragged and fall together.

"Destruction" is always simpler than "Guard".

"Sinner, accept the trial!" He raised the Optimus Hammer again and smashed it hard towards the mask. At this moment, he was extremely confident that he could defeat Helsingen.

"Your wife is not my spoil!" Lu Yuan raised the staff again to strengthen the shield, and by the way, he was not spared.

Countless people were speechless, "...".

The amount of information in this sentence is great, no, it should be that your **** circle is really messy.


"Lu Yuan was actually Helsing? He kept us in the dark ?!" Hadawa opened his mouth wide, not knowing what expression to use.

The asked Nan Lixiang didn't even bother to answer, and rolled her eyes. Who is your "men", only you! You are a fool who has been sold and is still counting money. The entire senior level of Falkreath, the person who does not know this is actually only you! Among the outsiders, even the old man of Wei An knew.

I haven't known who the boss is after working for several years. This joke is enough for me to laugh for a year.

"Lake ..."

"What happened to the lake?" Nan Lixiang felt very impatient when watching the game was always disturbed by the uninteresting guy Hadawa. There are only two of them in the identity of the city master, others are hiding far away.

"The lake is rising! How could this be?" Hadawa said in surprise. By the time he realized it, the flooding of Elintana Lake had poured into Falkreath along the low place, mixing with the rainstorm of the previous storm. The urban drainage system that was just planned a few years ago is completely useless.

Nan Lixiang wanted to say, there is a war over there brothers!

Maybe even Volkeris will be gray in the next moment. What's so great about the lake water rising? But when she turned to look at it, she found that it was indeed very strange, because Lu Yuan was doing something about the lake.

The original fighting rhythm is that you click me once, you click me again, every time Lu Yuan uses the white light emitted by his staff to counteract the hammering of Talos. Everyone can see that Helsin is losing money, because he not only needs to block the heavy hammer, but also eliminates the reaction force of the hammer, and cannot let that force act on the crust. Because mortal bodies are too fragile, not only the hammers ... earthquakes, volcanic eruptions can kill these people. Lu Yuan needs to expend more power to protect these people.

Fortunately, it seems that every time Lu Yuan casts a spell, he is "powerful" than Talos. Every time you remove the part consumed by the hammer, the shield will always have some left. After ten times, even if the shield blocks Talos's hammer, it can still maintain its milky and opaque color.

Then he saw that Lu Yuan pulled his hand out. This time he did not strengthen the shield, but when Talos's hammer fell, he made a perfect circle towards Lake Elintana.

"!" A tremendous loud noise shattered the shield that shrouded the Falkreath area completely! It turned out that Talos was also waiting for this moment. Sure enough, it is the **** of war, and the timing is perfect. Not only did he use his full force on this hammer, but he did not close his hand after the hammer, and directly crushed the hammer towards Falkreath!

Anyway, it just destroys mortals, no need to use force at all, as long as the hammer is gently crushed ...


"You are done!"

This hammer clearly hit Lu Yuan by surprise, and the disaster was unstoppable.

But when the hammerhead appeared over the sky over Falkreath, and the gust of wind blew the snow from the throat of the world ... The people living in this area A "buzz" sound. As if the bee flapped its wings in the ear, with the sound, another transparent light film appeared above Falkreath, holding the **** hammer crushed by Talos firmly against it!

The light film looked brittle as bubbles, but after the surface bounced a few times, it actually stopped Talos' hammer outside the cloud.

"Look, it's Elintana Lake!" Hadawa pointed to Elintana Lake and shouted ecstatically. Because he was standing on a high place to look at the lake water, he clearly felt that the center of the second mask was coming from this lake.

"Really beautiful ..." Someone said to the Great Lakes subconsciously.

When Lu Yuan's wand crossed, the surface of Lake Elintana changed dramatically, from the wind roaring to the turbid waves emptying into a rippling night, dotted with endless stars. It seems that the lake surface has become a mirror, reflecting the night sky on the other side of the mirror ... people can't help raising their heads to confirm whether the sky has reached midnight.

Obviously not. Although the sky was clouded into a pot of porridge by the battle of war, it was still possible to occasionally see the projected grating. It is still noon.

The lake became mysterious and distant, and a large white air blocked the sight, and only a hazy scene could be seen. The water at the heart of Elintana Lake began to boil like boiling water, as if something was coming out of it.

The water in the lake rose even higher, even submerging the pedestrian's knees. But everyone was unaware, all watching the mysterious lake.

In the eyes that everyone expected, the lake made a loud noise!

A huge behemoth of hundreds of meters rises from the lake surface, and the lake water supported on the body pours down along the surface, forming thousands of waterfalls, hung high like a jade dragon

A warship like a moon, sailed into the world of the Elder Scrolls!

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