Watching the Dawn

Vol 17 Chapter 102: The world returns 1 in 3

"Is that Helsin's throne?"

When the dark golden battleship flew over Falkreath and suspended at a height of less than fifty meters, it covered every sky in the residents' vision. r? a ?? nw? en ?????????? `??? The translucent hull of the ship refracts the grating of the sun, as if in the sky.

For people in the Middle Ages, high-tech warships from the future are probably no different from myths.

But those who really "know the goods" are now seeing their brows, especially the poisonous islands and Nan Lixiang, who once served as the captain and deputy captain of "Xinna" for a period of time, because the hull of the new Elona less than 600 meters On the ground, a super main gun that was more than two kilometers in length was mounted!

[Morning Light]: A miniature version of the main gun "breaking dawn" of the "Fortress of Dawn", a mature star-rated main gun. Mass-effect and energy-type bombardment can usually only be installed on the 12-km long battleship "Chaoyang"!

The new Elona is equipped with this main gun, just like a one-year-old baby girl shoulder anti-rpg rocket launcher ... that picture can't bear to look at the sad heart! But the new Elona is still so equipped. Not only did she carry it this way, but when she had just hovered, she couldn't wait to fire a shot into the sky!

With the unparalleled launch of the main gun, the vibration of the battleship, and the fireworks of the muzzle, there is no need to talk about it. Due to insufficient estimation of recoil, the new Elona is almost pressed by the reaction force of the main gun to the ground. Falkreath collapsed, and the battleship landed until it was less than five meters from the ground before it could stop the car.

A crimson beam of light penetrated the heavens and earth, hitting the **** of war Talos straight, and then hit Talos ...

"You are looking for your own way!" When Talos climbed up from the clouds, he was almost mad!

So shameful that he wanted to destroy the world, it is best to wipe out all the people who know! Fortunately, his golden throne was changed from his kingdom of God, and he always stuck to his **** before he was thrown away ... But it seems that Talos seemed to rather that the chair was thrown away when it was hit by fire. .

Because when he fell, the Golden Throne still tightly fits his hips, it looks like he ’s poking his **** and being **** by the throne ... God ’s vision is without dead ends, so he can see it by himself. That shameful scene of the **** backwards ... It's better to destroy the world!

The anxious Talos did not notice that the light of the main gun just now was not as simple as hitting him in the head. His body was unharmed, it was because the damage was all taken by his kingdom of God. Now his **** kingdom has shrunk by at least one third, and the power of this cannon is beyond his imagination!

Now the chair is not sticking to his buttocks, but is clamped on the buttocks ... a good sitting style on the throne and forced to pull the wind, it was just like the squat of the Dawn's group. Unheard of, this is nobody in the whole universe. Lu Yuan took the opportunity to add another "Final Crack", exploding five or six artifacts on Talos.

This trick is even more disgusting for equipment streaming players. Even if Talos had saved a strong family after several epochs, he was heartbroken by this time. Then the situation happened again, because one of the artifacts was a belt ...

Watching the giant armor of the Golden Armor suddenly slip and fall, people all over the world are silent. and many more! Why is there Holy Light coding?

Now Lu Yuan can be sure that Talos must have been lucky by someone, and his luck has broken through the sky.

"... Judge them, don't let any one go."

Talos hand-drawn the skirt, ordering some lost souls.


[Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 】

Hundreds of millions of clean angels flew out of the Kingdom of God on the Golden Throne, and they sang a chorus of praises to the sky. Countless two-winged, four-winged, and even six-winged angels in wings, wearing gold armor, holding the sword of judgment, circled in circles around the kingdom of God. The bright radiance of the angel re-embellished Talos as an omnipotent god.

Although clear instructions have been received, the angels did not attack immediately because in this mission of creation, praising God is the first in their duties, and the angels will not do it until a hymn is completed. anything.

"The main gun is on standby, the anti-cannon is warming up, and it switches to in-atmosphere mode!" The pirate king Lingmeng stepped on the command board and gave the order.

"Comply with Captain, it will be completed in three minutes!" Her first officer, Hui Yeji, who was wearing a uniform, responded seriously.

"Huh? Why does it take so long?" Even Ling Meng, even Xiaobai, knows that the near-anti-gun can only be used after opening it. What the **** are you waiting for three minutes? Waiting for us to be blown back to the Stone Age before turning on?

"Report to the captain, Hecheng Hortus once applied for the renovation of the near-anti-turret turret ... You agree, this is the result of the transformation!"

"Stupid into such a transformation, how can I agree?"

"She said that after the transformation, the operating cost decreased by 50% (the boot speed decreased by 3,000%)."

"... I remember a word," Ling Pimeng's attitude suddenly became deeper, and she clenched her fists. "When we meet in a narrow road, we must have the courage to shine swords. Really female man, just have to be frontal! I order ... don't care about what is near the anti-cannon, all have it, get bayonet, fight mecha!


"Beep beep!"

"What's ringing?" Hadawa looked around in doubt.

"Beep beep!" Another beep followed by another beep. He turned his head again, this time finally clear, the voice seemed to come from the sleeves of Nan Lixiang and others. "you guys……"

"Whala ~" He couldn't finish his words, because the sudden metal friction in the sky drowned his voice. The inner door of the new Elona Moon was opened, and two thousand steel giants flew out of the door, neatly arranged in an array in the sky. Those iron men who seem to weigh dozens of tons seem to be more flexible than birds when flying.

But the cold mech surface reflected the cold light, the chainsaw sword was fierce and sharply serrated, and the blaster gun was connected to the thick bullet chain, and the combined murderousness directed the Xiaohan!

"Let's go too!" Annie smiled, she said aloud, and jumped out of the window on the second floor.

Anne's body was still in midair, and a steel mech was teleported to her, holding Annie firmly. Then the cockpit closed, and the steel giant made a gymnastic backflip, dexterously jumping over the roof of the blacksmith's shop.

Annie drove a special dark red painted mecha, especially tall. The mech standing on the square first stretched his arms, two Vulcan cannons "bang, bang" stuck into the guide rails, and the humming buzzing sounded warming up. Then the mech had two hands on his back and pulled out two chainsaw swords hanging down the outside of his thighs. The temperament of steel punk was unobstructed.

Afterwards, Nan Lixiang, Poison Island Elder and Mu Xing, they all put on specially-made exclusive mechas and instantaneously turned into killing weapons!

Terrified their friends and subordinates ...

When Nan Lixiang and others ascended into the sky, the mechas were divided into several teams headed by them, and centered on Anne left on the ground. Become the supreme commander because the charge she leads is invincible!

Lu Yuan stood on the roof waving his magic wand like a wind, and a large piece of light was thrown towards the mech warfare without gaining money.

He finally behaved like a mage ... not always at the forefront.


"It's so annoying, that hymn." Annie's voice echoed in the combat channel. "We also need music." She said so. The new Elona turned on overclocking compensation, and another kind of music sounded in all directions, which easily suppressed the hymn.

[Sempercrescisautdescrescis / vitadetestabilis / ...]

The firm harmony, the heavy drums, and the vibration of the air from the wilderness, from the sky, from the lake, from everywhere!

"What the **** is that!" Hadawa was crazy! Why did the dwarf giant soldiers also come out? Why are they transformed? How come I'm not in contact with normal people ... what is this and what!

"Themass." Annie asked without answer.

She clenched her fists violently, the seven-meter-five-length chain saw sword made a sharp cry, and the two swords began to rotate!

The autumn wind was stirred, and the dry grass flew at the foot of the mech.

Due to the extreme rejection of technological progress by the **** of war, Talos, despite the hundreds of millions of angels, all of them are cold weapon equipment, and the gold armor has only a torso half body armor for beauty. Angel Legion, rely more on blessings of magic and magic to form true combat power;

On the other hand, although the number of mech combat groups is less than two thousand, they are all armed to the teeth! In addition to beam weapons that cannot be used in the atmosphere, super-caliber bombs, flamethrowers, Vulcan cannons, Phalanx, shoulder-mounted missiles, and greasy chainsaw swords, with infinitely powerful ten-meter mechs, It can be said that the hot weapons are armed to the extreme!

Moreover, there are Annie and Lu Yuan with super amplifiers ...

"Let's go!" Annie shouted ~ ~ Two thousand mechas spread their wings like one, and rushed towards the direction of the zenith under the leadership of Annie! It is now shining brightly, and Anne's battle group is like a dragon of steel launching a charge towards the sun!


[Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 】

The hymns lingered, and the Angels stopped quietly in the zenith position. The leading Seraph of the Six Wings finally pointed his sword of judgment to the high-level mech regiment "Judgment Evil!", He shouted loudly! Seraph took the lead in diving!

"Judge the evil!" The endless angel followed the archangel's back and began to dive. Because there are too many angels, people see the illusion that a white sky is collapsing downward!

"Go on the incendiary bomb!" Annie straightened her arms towards the zenith, the electric motor of the Vulcan cannon turned wildly, a 50mm caliber barrel spewed out a steel torrent, and two lines of fire shot at the collapsed legion of angels. "Submerge them with fire to burn heretics!"

"Burn heretics!" In the War Channel, countless people followed the fanatical roar.

They pulled the trigger, burning fire and rain retrograde heaven!

ps: I suggest you listen to themass.

ps2: Some book friends raised the question of "nanotechnology" and "entropy". Let me talk about it here. First of all, when authors write novels, it is impossible to put all their energy on the definition of vocabulary; secondly, the future of nanotechnology refers to nanotechnology at the micro level. Although it is derived from the unit of measurement of "nano", it has long exceeded its own. concept. Then there is "entropy", where entropy is not just a thermodynamic concept. At least when I was playing the exotic thriller (exposed age), entropy refers to the tendency of order toward chaos ... because the author needs a word, that's it.

ps3: The last "Middle 3".

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