Watching the Dawn

Vol 17 Chapter 104: return

Obliterate the world, the kingdom of Akatosh. r? anwen ?????????? `??

"Stupid!" Big Elona had no time to shout such a sentence, she was severely "bounced" out by her own **** kingdom. Looking at the closed door of the kingdom of God, Nana kicked angrily on the top, but the door was still closed, and there was no meaning to open it. "Fool! Put me in, I am Akatosh!"

However, it is useless.

"Fool! All are fools! Talos is a big fool, and Lu Yuan is a fool! The biggest problem in my life is that I have encountered too many fools!"

However, in the moment just now, Big Elona actually had a chance to stop Talos' "Dragon Break". Because she is the **** of time, Elona, ​​she can divide the flash into 24 hours, even 24 days, 24 months, and 24 millennia. She was able to "suspend" the battle, read the novel, sleep a little, indulge in the game, and think seriously for five, six, seven, or eight hours before finally deciding whether to stop Talos.

However, she did not. She complained again and again. In fact, she watched this thing happen because "Let this thing happen" is Lu Yuan's "real" plan. Elona decided to sit back and watch, meaning that she finally made a choice.

"Forget it, now there is no one in Helsin's Kingdom of God. I'll go and deal with him."

Well, the kingdom of Helsin was occupied by the magpie nest dove, and many high priests dared not to speak. (High priest: put p, without the amusement of Helsing, I do n’t know how happy I am now ... Your Majesty, please give me another ten minutes, I will definitely make the legendary ice cream ... Your Majesty! Ah ~~ )

what? Did you say that Lu Yuan ’s plan should not be the one Talos said “to unify the mainland ’s beliefs first, then kill all the demonic and divine spirits to unite and annihilate, and finally face up to Elona”? Ha ha, think about it with your knees, how can such a **** escalation of the second wind, the old Lu's yin ... belly black man's plan.

A simple method of judgment, a plan that can be guessed by Talos's brain, of course, cannot be true. The small proposition under the big background is Lu Yuan's usual method.

So the question is coming, what is "dragon break"?

"Dragon break" is an extremely complicated setting in the Elder Scrolls world. This definition is not necessarily clear with 500,000 words. Well, it is not because the B company can't fill the pit. Set. Based on the principle of "not what I said is unreasonable, but you don't have the patience to read the entire set of settings", something specially compiled for fooling players is by no means!

To put it simply, "Dragon Break" means that major events caused the world's timeline to be disordered, which caused the dragon of time Akatosh to leave the divine position.

That is, Elona was kicked out of the kingdom of God.

Anyway, this dragon of her time is also fake, just like acting ... being ousted in advance. Of course, if she still wants the world to exist, then when the timeline is restored, she has to go back to preside over the big picture. Because the world was originally a dream she had, the structure was not stable enough, and it was easy to produce all kinds of mistakes. It was up to her to preside over the overall situation.

When these mistakes are exploited and form a dragon break (which is also a good opportunity to study the power of the main god), Elona, ​​who is expelled from the kingdom of God, is actually half awake. That is to say, when those people launch "Dragon Break", they must risk Elona waking up and not playing, and the entire ancient world will be finished.

However, this is like a group of people standing in the dragon cave where the dragon is asleep. It is safe not to take the treasure of the dragon, but everyone will empty their hands; taking the treasure of the dragon is dangerous, but they make a fortune ... what! Anyway, it's not that I am alone, I can't run the dragon, but I can beat my teammates.

Even if he is black, is it "holding a pocket full of gold coins to die" or "living poor and alive"? I choose a.

In short, in this trembling environment, Talos, who is a lot more powerful than others, took the lead in mastering the use of Dragon Break. At that time, Talos attacked the surroundings of Alinor on Xia Mu Island, and it took him only three months to surrender Xia Mu Island. However, the truth of the matter is that Talos used "Dragon Break" on the timeline that was cut out. The siege of alinor city led by his army continued until the fourth epoch. This is why I said the attack of the ancient world The reason why city technology is super bad.

Then the timeline coincided, and everyone thought he had broken Xia Mu Island in only three months.

Therefore, when Talos found that he could not beat Lu Yuan, he opened his golden finger without hesitation and released the killer "Dragon Break" to Lu Yuan to separate a new timeline from time and space! This timeline only includes him and Lu Yuan, and will be maintained for a full thousand years!

Talos felt that if he gave himself another thousand years, he would definitely be able to handle Lao Lu, even if he stayed up late to death ...

In this regard, Lu Yuan's answer is only about one, "You are a good person."


Falkreath in August.

Lu Yuan and Talos disappeared together, so that the war of gods quickly came to an end. Except for a few angels who chose to escape from the battlefield, the Legion of Angels was completely annihilated. Lingmeng, the pirate king of Bollywood, could only stay in the ancient world temporarily because nobody opened the door.

However, she announced that the "New Elona" was seriously damaged in battle. In addition to flying and self-protection, she has completely lost her combat capability. That is to say, the failure to participate in the next battle of Falkreath is mainly based on the Dawn Convention to avoid causing "technological pollution" to the original world.

In September, the dragon **** Akatosh informed the world through the believers of Helsingen that God and man would be completely separated. In the future, the annihilation world ’s direct access to material will be completely shut down. In addition to belief, the devil and the Holy Spirit will no longer be able to directly interfere in the physical world.

The vast majority of people felt dazed when they heard the news. Only Anne announced excitedly, "The era of the gods is over, and the era of the knights is next!"

Just when everyone is arguing about what era to follow.

In October, the imperial emperor Titus II and his "princess" visited Falkreath and were welcomed by the residents. An unknown person, Annie, shouted in the crowd, "The emperor is going to die! Long live the emperor!"

In November, under the witness of the dragon **** Akatosh, the head of the Helsin church, Twilight Star, and the voters of Halsin. On behalf of the empire, Titus II signed agreements with the representatives of independent or semi-independent provinces such as Skyrim, Morrowind, Hammer, and Gaoyan to form an imperial federal state.

In March of the following year, the ice and snow on the Baihe River melted away, and a group of white sail warships sailed past Baiman City and rushed northward.

The Nords were born sailors (their prototype was the Vikings), 4,000 Nord soldiers from five provinces, and twenty-seven second-class battleships (28 gates, 32 pounds) built on Lake Irintana Artillery, 32 18-pound guns, and 1 super mortar.). They departed from Falkreath, entered the White River, and entered the sea from Wind Rudder City. After circumnavigating the shoulder blade of the mainland counterclockwise along the coastline, it is time to head straight to Xia Mu Island to solve the elf crap!

The addition of the Wintercastle Mage Group allowed the Expeditionary Force to have sufficient Mage Group.

This expedition will undoubtedly remind people of the million flagship team in history. But in fact, a fleet consisting of battleships and frigates, although far smaller in number than history, is much more powerful than the fleet of mainly multi-person rowing long sailing ships.

Facts have proved this too ~ ~ The naval battle that broke out off the coast of Xia Mu Island, composed of elf speedboats and elven battleships (a kind of battleship similar to the Galen sailing ship), is still fighting with a jump Mainly, supplemented by ballistic artillery attacks; in front of the expeditionary fleet, which uses artillery fire as the main means of attack, they have no power to fight back.

At the end of the following year, Xia Mu Island was finally captured, the main battle group was completely destroyed, Xia Mu became the new federal province of the empire.

Afterwards, the three provinces of Warren Forest, Ellsville and Black Marsh also signed one after another, and the Tamriel continent was finally unified. Titus II became the new emperor, and Albnis became the new emperor's prime minister.

So far, the mission of the Liming regiment in the ancient world has been completed. However, Lu Yuan and Talos were still out of touch and could not leave the Dawn Regiment, and finally invited the Wintercastle Mage Regiment to enter the Platinum Tower of Xiamu Island.

In the spring of the following year, the Platinum Tower suddenly erupted, and the New Elona took the members of the Dawn Mission away from the ancient world.


"It's finally over, the world of the Elder Scrolls!"

It's like traveling, and occasionally, it's nice to take a look. But living in a place like the Middle Ages for several years, eating rough food every day, living in a bad sanitary environment, dealing with most uneducated people ... is definitely a painful experience.

"Devil God, Dragon, Vampire, Magician, Werewolf, Emperor, Queen ..." It was Anne, looking at her richer collection with satisfaction. But she thought about it carefully, and there was always a lingering thought to remind her. "Although it seems that I have seen everything this time, I still feel something is missing?"

Several women looked at each other and suddenly smashed their palms, "The Elder Scrolls!"

Yeah, I went to the world of the Elder Scrolls but haven't seen the Elder Scrolls ... you must be a fake tour group.

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