Watching the Dawn

Vol 17 Chapter 105: Who broke the dragon?

This is a pure white box-shaped world with five steps from top to bottom, left and right, and five hundred steps from front to back. The whole world can be said to be so narrow and so hard to say that it is an independent timeline forming world, just like a natural prison general!

And Lu Yuan and Talos each end. r? anw? e? n? `At the moment, Talos has returned to the size of a normal person, still with gold armor and a golden helmet, holding a one-handed warhammer. As for his armor that had been smashed to pieces, it was naturally repaired.

Maybe it was because he had a great advantage in the situation this time, maybe it was because no one was watching, and he did n’t need to maintain his honest face. In short, after entering the world, Talos changed his previous majestic look, with a grin on his face, and slapped the palm of the other hand with a warhammer.

Coupled with his image of a gangster who shrank away from the still two-meter-tall, gangster bully.

In contrast, the incarnation of a weak chicken shrank his body behind the staff and asked, "What time is it now? Where is this? What do you want to do?" Let Lu Yuan's little temperament leak.

"Of course it's ... a lovely world, don't you think so?" Talos made no secret of his proud expression.

He stepped forward, deliberately put the hammer against the wall, and easily rubbed a large spark. Obviously the material of the wall is as hard as his hammer, as for digging through the wall ... Talos can use his personal experience to ensure that the world is all walls except this larger space! And the wall can be repaired automatically.

"Don't come here ... except your weapons!"

Lu Yuan, who had always been weak, suddenly violently waved his staff, and released a magic towards Talos with the thunder of the bells that could not cover the ears and steal the bell! But the situation does not seem so beautiful. The surging magic power revolves around his body. The heavy magic power poured into the staff like the Yangtze River and even the space is twisted. The power of the power makes Talos discolored!

However, when the magic was released, countless inexplicable disturbances came suddenly. Let Pei's unstoppable magic finally blast a small spark at the top of the staff, and then disappear. The required magic power was extracted dozens of times.

"Why, how could this be ?!" Lu Yuan was so shocked that "Hua Rong was discolored."

"Hahaha ~ !!!" Talos laughed loudly, seeing that Lu Yuan failed to cast his magic, he was so refreshed that he finally put a heart into his stomach.

"Of course it will be, because this is the end of you magicians! You ask me where is this? I tell you, this is an experiment of the Winter Castle Master involving the taboo field, which eventually destroyed the world's timeline.

A stupid guy wanted to be the only **** in the world, but his experiment turned the whole world into a prison for him. Yes, only this big. Not only that, the energy state of this world has become mad, and no longer used by anyone, that is to say no one can use magic ... Is it ironic?

In the end, he died and rotted into ashes in this pure white world ... "

Talos kicked casually, raising a dust. "This is the last trace he left. I hate you magicians so much, you are like the plague of the world and will never be wiped out."

Talos said disgustedly.

He knew that he could not really stop the progress of human beings, because progress, like evolution, is a spontaneous need of society. But he hopes that such progress is in the social system, philosophical art, even religious culture ... Humans should use their efforts on those things that are truly valuable! Instead of technological advancements like science and technology, magic alchemy that he hates and hates!

"But that's okay, as long as you kill you, everything will end." Talos approached and smiled. "Come on, Helsing. I heard that you are still a swordsman? Take out your sword and fight me!"

Talos was deliberately making fun of Helsingen. He had already remembered who this man was so magically powerful to this extent. I am afraid that there would be no one other than the false saint named Merlin. It turned out that this magician replaced Hersin, who was famous for being rude and ignorant? What a wonderful disguise!

Talos dismissed the so-called "Twenty-two Kings" at first, but only knew about some of the more powerful characters. Merlin was one of them.

It's just that he didn't expect these people to really grow up, even to the extent that they could threaten him. This was an accident, but fortunately, this error was too late to be corrected today.

"But, but I'm just a magician ... you can't do this!" Lu Yuan held back the magic wand in his hands and looked like he was about to cry. Anyone who saw it would want to bully him hard.

"It's okay, don't you have magic? I think ... use a Tanson Transfiguration? Can you fight like a warrior and use it!" Talos also gained a lot of knowledge from the abandoned world of Lord God , Enough to ridicule Helsingen. "There is that, the flying sword that you used to kill Dagon ... is it the sword of Mo Duncan? Haha ~ Look, I know you well! Use it to show me."

Seeing Lu Yuan's wide-eyed eyes, he was very surprised, and Talos determined his judgment more and more.

Especially during Lu Yuan's retreat, his magic has fluctuated at least fifteen times! Silent spells, fixed spells, instantaneous spells, powerful spells, magical effects ... All kinds of beautiful magic feats are all tried again! Obviously he did not choose to give up as he did.

"Unfortunately, in this world, it is absolutely forbidden!" Talos spread his hands, and said with a helpless expression. "Otherwise, how about we come to a battle between men? Give up your ridiculous magic and let us decide with fists!"

"But I am a magician, and you are a warrior, this is not fair at all!" Lu Yuan complained angrily.

"Also ... Should I let you hit three punches first?" Talos tempted. He saw Lu Yuan's eyes light up when he heard the condition, but he saw the hammer in Talos's hand, his eyes dimmed again. "Ahhhhhhhh ~ You can't be too greedy." Talos turned the hammer in his hand. "You want it? Give it to you!"

Talos generously handed the hammer over, "You are empty-handed with your weapon, but if you dare not, it will make me look down on you!"

"Really?" Lu Yuan was very surprised.

"Really!" Talos was very heroic and gave him the hammer to joke. A magician holding a warhammer can win a full-level warrior?

"You won't lie to me?"

"My Talos speaks and counts!"

"Then I can take ..."


"I really took it?"

"Don't be wordy!"

Talos almost used a hard stopper, stuffed the warhammer into Lu Yuan's hand, and smoothly replaced the magic wand in Lu Yuan's hand. "Hahaha! This is stable!" Talos was ecstatic.

Don't look at everything he said before as if it is the truth of the world. Actually, Talos is really not sure whether Lu Yuan can break through the frenzy energy of this world! Because the culprit responsible for the destruction of the world on this timeline is just a legendary mage. Whether or not the consequences he caused have been shackled to a holy order like "Merlin", Talos was actually not sure! But now holding Lu Yuan's magic wand in his hand, he immediately stabilized a lot.

Especially seeing Lu Yuan actually use both hands, holding his one-handed warhammer diligently, and still holding it at the tail of the hammer handle, which is unprofessional and makes him want to laugh madly ... Merlin will not hit himself first? Hahaha ~

"Okay, you have weapons, I'm empty-handed!" Talos pressed his hands hard, "click" and folded the magic wand in two! This time finally relieved. He throws away the broken wand and puts his fist in a boxing position. "Don't you dare to do this?"

"Then I started?" Lu Yuan asked timidly.

"bring it on!"

"Then you have to be careful," Lu Yuan asked again in good faith. Then he lifted the hammer and made a Bruce Lee roar.

"Ah ~~ !!!"


The world seemed to stand still at that moment. The Warhammer held steady with both hands. A perfect arc was drawn from bottom to top. The end stopped on Talos ’face. Talos’ face changed into an exaggerated shape under the hammer, and his mouth Half, four or five teeth flew out.

His eyes were wide open, and he couldn't seem to believe what he saw.

Then time continued to flow, and Talos just wanted to resist.

A phantom suddenly appeared behind him, and the whip leg hit the back neck fiercely, causing him to stumble forward. Just when he wanted to stabilize the center of gravity ~ ~ but his chest was lifted by the elbow in the diaphragm, crushing the strength he had just condensed, and then greeted him with a big bowl fist!

"Huo Huo ~ Huo Huo ~ Huo Huo Huo Huo, Huo Jiaquan's routines are flexible!" Lu Yuan seems like Zhou ...... Coughing, as if Huo Yuanjia possesses, singing and playing!

The upper and lower arms encircled Talos' left arm, and then the "iron latch" was twisted, and Talos screamed, and his left arm was broken into three!

"Living ~ Living ~ Living ..."

The flexible footsteps turned into left and right bouncing, kicking firmly on Talos's joint, he was broken into a straight horse without resistance. Talos looked up, looked at a golden light desperately, and fell from the sky again.

"Ah ~~!"

Punch and kick, iron elbow hammer! A gray shadow circumnavigated around Talos like a phantom, **** to the flesh! The splattered blood is blooming like flowers! The gold-clad strong man was beaten with little resistance, like a large piece of rubbish, and was randomly broken into eighteen poses! The degree of distortion is as if Talos is a master of yoga.

However, no matter how Talos tried to resist, it would be impossible. Whenever he condenses a little strength, a certain strike will accurately fall on the joints, tendons, blood veins, and acupuncture points, and break it up! From beginning to end, he could only be beaten repeatedly like a string puppet, without any counterattack!

To the end, Talos was at a loss ...

The last kick into the sky, Talos flew backwards and flew out, hitting the other end of the box-shaped world.

"Crack!" Gray Shadow gradually solidified, turning into Lu Yuan standing with one hand holding the hem of the magic robe. He then threw the hammer aside, dusted it off with a snort, and put a lion's mouth wide open.

"Shaolin Luzhe Ginseng! Magician? You're wrong, we are the monk who was delayed by magic!"

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