Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 174: Bloody

On the fifth floor of the Sky Profound Pagoda, sixteen dragon-like phantoms suddenly appeared behind Ye Hao.

The dragon shadow meandered, roaring and shaking the sky.

The wild elephant shadow roars on the ground.

The phantom of the dragon elephant is majestic and agile, like a living creature, with a terrifying aura like mountains and seas, with a wave that seems to be able to suppress all fluctuations, causing the entire fifth layer of space to slightly shake.

"Seventeen Dragon Shadow, show me!"

With blood at the corner of Ye Hao's mouth, his expression was extremely ferocious and crazy.

In the harsh shout, another dragon shadow floated, and suddenly appeared.

After breaking through the sea of ​​life, Ye Hao's physical strength greatly increased, and he was finally able to barely condense the seventeen dragon elephant phantoms, only a tiny bit away from the complete eighteen dragon elephants.

At the moment when the seventeenth dragon shadow appeared, the spiritual storm of Lei Gang's fingers had gradually subsided.

Ye Hao's eyes were fierce and violent, and he looked at the two battle puppets that appeared on the opposite side. In the next instant, his black eyes suddenly tightened in disbelief.

Opposite, those two battle puppets, at this moment, their bodies are roaring with spiritual power, and their hands are sealed together. A burst of similarly earth-shattering dragon roars suddenly spread out of nothingness behind them.

It turned out to be the Dragon Elephant Seal!

This scene caused Ye Hao's heartbeat to stagnate in vain, and his heart was shocked.

Why are the two war puppets not only similar in physical strength, but also the magical powers they display are exactly the same as him?

This is no coincidence!

Ye Hao breathed quickly, and suddenly recalled that when he entered the fifth floor, that strange power that reflected into his body, seemed to thoroughly probe him inside and out.

In an instant, Ye Hao thought of the key to the problem.

Each of the two battle puppets is close to his strength.

Regardless of physical strength, spiritual power cultivation, or magical powers, they are equivalent to another him.

But there are two puppets of this kind.

This is tantamount to saying that a person who breaks into this fifth level must beat two identical selves.

If it is against one person, there may be hope.

But playing against the two at the same time, the difficulty is beyond imagination, almost impossible to achieve.

It's no wonder that this fifth level, apart from the top six champions in the Qingyun list, no one can pass, it is too abnormal.



Ye Hao's mind was shaking, and behind the two battle puppets, ten dragon-like phantoms appeared separately, and the vast aura radiated, making the void roar and vibrate, and the invisible air wave swept the entire space.

"Only ten?" Ye Hao's eyes flashed, and he sighed in secret.

It would be too desperate if the two war puppets could use this spiritual supernatural power to the same extent as him.

However, although the war puppet can only condense ten dragon-like phantoms.

But if two war puppets are superimposed on each other, their power is still extremely terrifying.

But no matter what, there is always a glimmer of hope.

As soon as his thoughts turned, Ye Hao's face appeared sharp, and his palm pressed down sharply.


Suddenly, the seventeen phantoms behind him, with an earth-shattering vastness, collided with the dragon-like phantoms condensed by the two war puppets.

At this moment, the entire fifth floor seemed silent, strangely quiet to the extreme.

The place where the shadow of the dragon and elephant collided suddenly brightened up, a burst of light to the extreme, like a sphere that rapidly expanded, and an indescribable storm of spiritual power spread violently, and there was a thunderous roar like a hundred thousand thunder. , Resounded fiercely.


The mirror-like battle platform shook the mountains, and in this violent and terrifying spiritual storm, Ye Hao's figure flew upside down like a broken kite, and the blood in his mouth spurted desperately.

The two battle puppets were also swept by the storm at this moment, and they stumbled out like dolls.


The sky was roaring and trembling in the void, and the entire fifth layer of space was constantly shaking at this time. Even the people outside the tower looked at the slightly trembling Sky Profound Pagoda with unprecedented shock on their faces.

"What happened here?"

"Even the Profound Sky Pagoda is trembling, this power is too terrifying!"

"The fifth floor, isn't it possible that there is a wild beast?"

In front of the stele, everyone took a breath and swallowed unnaturally.

auzw.com Even Tang Yun and Bai Ningxue who arrived later, their pretty faces were full of shock and worry.

After the roar lasted for nearly half of the incense, the spiritual storm raging in the fifth floor slowly subsided.

At the edge of the battle platform, Ye Hao was bloodied on his body, breathing heavily on his back.

On the other side, the two war puppets also had a lot of damage, and their movements were a little stiff and slowly got up.

Perceiving their movements, Ye Hao spit out blood, staggered, gritted his teeth and stood up, his body strength exploded again.


The three figures rushed out again like lightning, Ye Hao's eyes were red, and his fist kept blasting out with violent spiritual power.

The battle was extremely fierce. At this moment, he was covered with blood and scars. One of the battle puppets retreated with a punch, and the fist of the other battle puppet hit him severely.

Ye Hao didn't flinch at all, just clenched his teeth, and even the muffled sound was never heard, but there were many strange depressions on his body, and his bones had obviously broken.

He was so crazy and desperate to make Shen Jiuyou in the gray bead space look very ugly. Several times he wanted to stop him and persuade Ye Hao to give up.

But in the end, he shook his head and said nothing.


Finally, after blasting out the first few punches, one of the battle puppets was smashed into the chest by Ye Hao's blood-stained fist, and completely disappeared.

There was only one war puppet left, which greatly reduced Ye Hao's pressure, and an urgent and crazy color appeared in his eyes.

"Sister Qingwu is coming soon"

In the low roar, Ye Hao, who was already like a blood man, rushed towards the war puppet with violent evil aura and spiritual power.

It was almost an injury-for-injury, completely desperate style of play. Ye Hao relied on his physical body to resist the fists that the battle puppet blasted, but his fists still blasted wildly.

Fortunately, his physique was baptized by the supreme essence and blood, and in terms of resilience, War Puppet couldn't compare with it.

With such madness and desperation, after more than half an hour passed, Ye Hao completely exploded this remaining war puppet with his fist.


As the battle puppet dissipated, Ye Hao gasped and lay down directly, his chest undulating violently, and a large pool of blood was instantly reflected on the ground, extremely frail.

"Perfect passers will be rewarded with the sixth-level Spirit Medicine Phoenix Blood Fruit, once spiritual power initiation, and an ancient Qianyuan Rejuvenation Pill."

A stiff and thick voice sounded, a red spirit fruit exuding rich vitality like a fireball, hovering suddenly above Ye Hao.

Sixth-Rank Spirit Medicine Phoenix Blood Fruit!

Along with the elixir, there was also a longan-sized pill that was so strong that it was almost suffocating, dripping in suspension.

"It turned out to be Qianyuan Huisheng Pill." Shen Jiuyou's shocking voice sounded.

Ye Hao didn't bother to ask about the origin of this pill. He didn't feel the slightest joy for the sixth-grade elixir. He just put the two things in his storage bag with his palm shaking slightly.


In the next instant, a waterfall of spiritual power from above, pouring down.

At this moment, the outside world was completely silent. Everyone stared wide-eyed, staring at the fifth floor of the stele, the golden light spot, and a strong shock and awe appeared in the eyes.

"The fifth floor is also a perfect pass"

"How is it possible? This is only half a day!"

"I remember that it took the Sixth Champion to break through the fifth floor for three full days. Ye Hao is really unexpected!"

"Look, I didn't lie to you, did I? This great **** is perfect again hahaha!"

When everyone was shocked and noisy, Bai Ningxue looked at the stone tablet, her red lips slightly opened, and her pretty face appeared shocked.

"Boy, you must get past this last level!"

Tang Yun clenched her hand tightly, her beautiful eyes showed a fiery look.

The people present may not be clear, but people of her generation know that Ye Jinghan back then was the only person in the history of the Profound Sky Academy to break through the Profound Sky Tower.

Tianjiao's peerless, by no means a vain name.

While everyone outside was talking about it, Ye Hao, lying on his back on the fifth floor, suddenly burst into a wave of spiritual power within his body. At this moment, his realm finally entered the middle of the sea of ​​life.

Feeling the breakthrough of the realm, Ye Hao panted slightly, before he staggered, walked out of the waterfall of spiritual power poured out above, and did not stay to receive the empowerment.

Now that Qingwu's whereabouts are unknown, no matter how big a chance he has, he has no time to waste.

Looking around, there is no light door leading to the next level on this fifth floor. At the end, there is only a black stone staircase leading to the top.

The sixth and last floor of the Sky Profound Pagoda.

The place where the capital of today's Qingyun list can only stop.

Ye Hao had urgent attachments in his eyes, one step at a time.

Just step forward to the ladder.

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