Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 175: Last layer

The sixth floor of the Profound Sky Pagoda is definitely an unclimbable peak for today's academy disciples.

Because not to mention the rest of the disciples, even the most enchanting Tianjiao in the academy on the Qingyun list, no one has ever been on it.

Sixth crown king, standing proudly on the Qingyun list for many years, is an unsurpassable existence in the hearts of all the disciples like a god.

But even a Tianzong character like him stopped here.

This shows how difficult it is to reach the sixth floor.

No one knows what the scene of that last layer is.

But as everyone knows, wanting to climb to the top of the Profound Sky Pagoda, especially the last floor, has nothing to do with one's own cultivation.

What is valued is the foundation of the cultivator's talents.

If the foundation of talent does not meet the requirements, even the strong celestial phenomena can not force it through.

Regarding this, when everyone thinks about it, they feel a chill in their backs and even a little desperate.

The six-time champion was shocked and brilliant, and all the arrogant arrogances were overshadowed.

Could it be that even such a dragon among people cannot meet the requirements of the last level?

"I don't know if Ye Hao can make it through the last layer"

At this moment, there was already a sea of ​​people in front of the stone tablet outside the Profound Sky Tower, but it was deadly silent. Everyone held their breath, staring at the light spot on the fifth floor of the stone tablet, and their faces were full of complex expressions of fiery anticipation.

Because Ye Hao is known to everyone, except for the Sixth Crown, the first person to pass the fifth floor and try to reach the top.

No one can guarantee whether he will succeed.

"If he can really get past the last level of the Profound Sky Tower, he may be able to compete with the Sixth Crown King in the future."

A somewhat dry voice sounded, causing everyone in the room to secretly nod their heads in agreement.

Although the Sixth Crown had stopped at this last level, even if Ye Hao could pass through against the sky, in the bottom of everyone's hearts, he was only qualified to compete with the former.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying this outstanding man who stands on the top of the Qingyun list is really terrifying.

But at this moment, in the fifth layer of space, Ye Hao's embarrassed figure covered with blood was standing in front of the stairs at the end.

The whole body of the ladder is black, with a thick layer of dust on it, covered with the traces of the vicissitudes of life, and it is obvious that no one can step on it for many years.

"Through the sixth floor, you can see the ancestors"

Ye Hao's eyes were filled with madness, and he didn't think much about how difficult this sixth layer was.

At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind, and that was to try his best to break through the Profound Sky Pagoda and ask the ancestor to ask Xu Lan about the whereabouts of Qingwu.

Ye Hao raised his eyes, looked towards the end of the stairs, the dark and silent sixth floor entrance, stepped on.


The steps are not long, there are only ten steps in total. The moment Ye Hao stepped onto the first step, an indescribable horrible pressure suddenly came.

At this moment, his whole body cultivation strength, under this strange pressure, seemed to be sealed and completely isolated.


Embark on the second level.

Ye Hao gritted his teeth, the blue veins on his neck violently violently violently resembled a horned dragon, and a horrible pressure made his flesh and bones creak as if they were crushed.

The third order.


The moment he stepped onto the third stage, Ye Hao felt a sacred mountain with a wild aura descending, a terrible sense of oppression, squeezed everywhere from all directions.

With just one breath, the pores all over his body were under this pressure, and blood drops dripped on the steps, shockingly.

Ye Hao's teeth were about to be crushed, his eyes were crimson and persistent, his expression was unprecedentedly ferocious, and he took another step forward.


auzw.com The sound of bones being crushed and broken, Ye Hao's right shoulder blade collapsed strangely, even the flesh of his shoulders were torn at this moment, and scarlet blood flowed crazily.

"Kid go back! Let's think of another way!"

At this moment, Shen Jiuyou couldn't help it anymore, and an urgent deep shout came out loudly.

Ye Hao turned a deaf ear, his face twitched and stepped onto the fifth, sixth!


As soon as he stood on the sixth step, the bones of Ye Hao's left leg instantly twisted, and the scarlet blood blasted, completely infiltrating the lower steps.


Ye Hao panted heavily, with bloodshot eyes densely packed. At this moment, the sea of ​​life had burst out a burst of gold to the extreme, a vast and extraordinary, sole supreme aura, suddenly exploded at this moment.

The breath of Half-Step Supreme Life Sea seemed to contain unimaginable mysterious mighty power. At the moment of the explosion, the terrifying pressure on Ye Hao was quickly relieved.

Although the cultivation base cannot be used on the stairs, the life sea is the foundation of the cultivation, and at this moment it finally shows the miracle.

As soon as the pressure was relieved, Ye Hao roared and shuddered and set foot on the third step again.

Until he stood on the ninth step, Ye Hao was already like a blood man, blood was constantly overflowing from the pores of his body, dripping like a creek.

The sixth floor of the Sky Profound Tower is faintly visible.

Ye Hao was standing at the entrance at the moment, his whole body trembling constantly, blood dripping crazily, and the indescribable terrifying pressure made his entire chest seem to be squeezed to the extreme, and he couldn't even breathe.

"Alright, soon"

Ye Hao gritted his teeth, his delicate face was full of blood, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and the inside was also covered with crazy bloodshot eyes.

In a roar from the bottom of his heart, Ye Hao's twisted left leg lifted up with great difficulty and stepped onto the last step.



For a moment, as if a hundred thousand great mountains were suppressed, Ye Hao stepped on the last step, his legs were completely twisted and broken, and his whole body was supported by his arms, lying on his stomach in an extremely embarrassed manner.

Raising his head hard and slowly, Ye Hao could already see the scene of the sixth floor. He gritted his teeth, moved his arm slowly, and crawled into it inch by inch.


"He actually made it to the sixth floor?"

Outside, the sea of ​​people in the open space stared at the stone stele, and the light spot that appeared from the fifth floor to the sixth floor was completely shocked.

At this moment, everyone in the scene had their expressions frozen, and while their mouths were dry, an unprecedented look of shock appeared on their faces.

"Entering the sixth floor is a step beyond the six-time champion back then. I don't know if Ye Hao can pass this level!"

"If you break through, the ancestors will be accepted as direct disciples, and you will definitely reach the sky in one step!"

In the shock of everyone outside the tower, Ye Hao lay motionless at the entrance of the sixth floor, and the ubiquitous terrifying pressure around him pressed his entire body to the ground.

At this moment, not to mention getting up, even moving a finger is extremely difficult.

Ye Hao's chest was invisible ups and downs, breathing extremely hard, his gaze slowly turned, and he found that this sixth floor was a dim and old attic without any decorations in it.

Only in the middle, there was a black gold ancient bell hanging, and the strong and vicissitudes of reckless aura continued to radiate from above, permeating the entire sixth floor.

"On the last floor, ring the Sky Profound Dao Bell to pass."

When Ye Hao saw the sixth layer clearly, the stiff voice echoed.

"Tianxuan Dao Bell"

There was despair in Ye Hao's eyes. At this moment, let alone ringing the big bell, he probably couldn't even get up.

If it weren't for the supreme aura of life in the world, he was afraid that he would not be able to persist at this level.

"Still too weak, my body is still too weak!"

Ye Hao was unwilling to roar in his heart, his crimson eyes showed a desperate madness after despair.

"Extreme Realm Method!"

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