Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 234: Wind comes

Ye Hao's voice was not loud, and even his tone didn't fluctuate, but he was so arrogant that everyone in the room was in a daze.

Afterwards, the Black Shazong and the Silver Wings who came back to their senses laughed furiously, and there were many grumpy people on their faces. The spiritual power in the body had burst out, and it seemed that they would rush out and destroy Ye Hao in the next instant. kill.

Even Lin Xuan and Yin Wing Shengzi squinted their eyes slightly, their expressions showing coldness.

Both the Black Fiend Sect and the Silver Wing Clan are transcendent forces in the Eastern Desolation, and as the arrogance of the two forces, who would dare to show no respect?

Even the Heavenly Flame Sect, who has been waiting for the supreme Taoism, is faintly stronger than the forces behind them, but the two sides meet on an equal footing.

But at the moment, a slave repair of a subsidiary force, the cultivation base of the mere soul realm in the early stage, even rants in front of them, it is simply seeking death.

"It's really fearless for the ignorant, Saint Son, please allow me to kill him!" Behind Lin Xuan, a young man with Dao Soul Great Perfection looked indifferently, staring at Ye Hao like a dead person.

"Brother Wang, cut this kind of rubbish, why do you need to take action and let me go." Another young man said.

"Hehe, fellow Daoists of the Black Fiend Sect, it's better for you to watch from the wall, let me bring that kid's head for you." A handsome young man of the Silver Wings moved his wings and chuckled.

Lin Xuan and the silver-winged sage child showed satisfaction in listening to the voices of the continuous petitions behind them, but before they two could speak, the indifferent voice of the black-clothed youth on the opposite side sounded again.

"There is no need to be so troublesome, let's go together."

There was a sudden silence in the noisy scene, the black evil sect and the silver wing tribe's arrogance, the expressions on their faces were solidified, and Lin Xuan and the silver wing son, their expressions were slightly stiff, as if they suspected that they had heard it wrong. In place.

On the other side, Bai Qingyou's pretty face appeared impatient after a short period of sluggishness. As for Lei Tingzi, the corners of their eyes twitched, and they shook their heads with a wry smile. Only the Wu Feiyan who was restrained by Lin Xuan, beautiful eyes appeared. The splendor seems to have forgotten that he is in danger.

Although they didn't have much contact with Ye Hao, they also knew something about his arrogance.

A person who dared to single-handed Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang in the late life of the sea, and even dared to play with the Sixth Crown King, would naturally not be a quail angry.

It's just that even if they knew something, they thought Ye Hao had just ridiculed Tianjiao's words to the extreme. Unexpectedly, the young man dared to say the following astonishing words.

Go together?

Do you think that is Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang?

That was nearly thirty sect Tianjiao whose strength almost surpassed Lei Tingzi, and there were also two horror figures of Saint Child level.

Go together! I'm afraid that the Sixth Champion is here, and I dare not say such arrogant words.

"Hahaha, I thought he was a talented slave repairman, but I didn't expect to be an idiot!"

"This strange language is not amazing, but I am a little reluctant to kill him."

"Haha, I simply gave up his life, broke his limbs and brought him back to the sect to raise him in captivity."

Amidst the ridicule of the arrogances, Lin Xuan and the Silver Wing Shengzi also showed playfulness. They thought that the young man was a talented slave repairer, but they did not expect to be just a foolish idiot.

"Oh! Son, save me!"

Even if everyone sneered, Wu Ya, who was restrained by Ye Hao, had his right leg easily pierced by Lei Gang's fingers, and wailed sorrowfully. After the room was quiet, there was another burst of scolding.

"Release Wu Ya, I can make you die decently." Lin Xuan's eyes appeared Leng Mang, Wu Ya is also the core disciple of the Black Shazong no matter how, he, as the sect son, naturally can't just watch him. Tortured.

auzw.com"Want him? Let's change it with someone." Ye Hao said lightly, his eyes turned to Wu Feiyan who was held by Lin Xuan's neck.

Wu Feiyan's beautiful eyes showed strong splendor and gratitude.

"Are you threatening me?"

There was a dangerous light in Lin Xuan's eyes. As the son of the Black Fiend Sect, when and where would anyone dare to threaten him?


"Oh! Son of God"

However, the answer to him was Wu Ya's screams, and his left leg was under Lei Gang's fingers, and another translucent blood hole appeared in an instant.

The **** methods of the boy without a word made Lin Xuan's expression slightly ugly, and even the Zongmen Tianjiao behind him turned pale in an instant.

The murderous intent was boiling in Lin Xuan's heart, gritted his teeth, and threw Wu Feiyan in his hand directly at the boy.

It is not that he fears the young man, but that Wu Ya is ultimately the son of the Black Shazong. If he does not care about his life and death for a female slave, he will undoubtedly lose a part of the heart.

The most important thing is that the fate of the group of people on the opposite side can be said to be in his hands. Even if the slave girl is temporarily released, he will not be able to escape in the end.

As for whether Wu Ya was dead or alive, to be honest, Lin Xuan didn't care. His compromise and release were just for the sect disciples behind him.

"Let it go."

Lin Xuan held up his hand and spoke indifferently.

Ye Hao grinned and kicked Wu Ya into the air. He immediately flew to take Wu Feiyan, but his dress was damaged and he was close, and the vast snow-white spring light on his chest made Ye Hao feel fierce. A jump.

Aware of this, Rao Wu Feiyan's pretty face was blushing, he hurriedly tightened his dress and thanked Ye Hao, but when Bai Qingyou saw it, he snorted secretly, wondering why something was wrong. taste.

"Huh, a mere slave repairer, now I see what you can do!" As Wu Ya was led back, a touch of sorrow appeared at the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth, "Bring all of you, the black kid, I want to live. "

Lin Xuan's words fell, and within the Black Fiend Sect, a full five young people with Dao Soul Great Perfection walked out grinningly.

Upon seeing this, Lei Tingzi also stuffed a handful of pills into his mouth, staggered and said, "Fight to the death."

Di Qing, Pang Yin, Yin Kong, Qi Yu, Bai Qingyou, including Wu Feiyan, regardless of the severity of their injuries, all rose slowly, resolute in their eyes.

It's just that, before they can use their spiritual power, Ye Hao at the front sneered: "If you want to take someone from my hand, it depends on your ability."

After speaking, a delicate and complicated spiritual seal suddenly appeared between Ye Hao's fingers, and the horrified eyes of Lin Xuan and the silver-winged holy child who were facing him shot it into nothingness.

"The wind is coming!"

As Ye Hao's icy voice resounded, a gust of wind violently swayed between the sky and the earth, and the harsh sonic boom filled the sky and the earth, forming a huge encirclement, and the whole set was flying in vain.



Almost at the same time, in the clouds above the sky, there were several screaming roars. Everyone suddenly raised their heads, and saw six hundreds of meters long, like a fierce wind dragon condensed by the wind, as if hidden for a long time, roaring Dive down.

Six Dragon Winds Array!

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