Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 235: Get together

After stepping into the Dao Soul Realm, Ye Hao was finally able to completely arrange the complete Six Dragon Wind Array.

Lei Tingzi, Bai Qingyou and the others saw the sudden change, their expressions were stunned, and a strong light broke out in their eyes, and finally remembered that Ye Hao was also a spiritual formation master.

During the field, only Yin Kong smiled bitterly and admired: "It seems that I just felt right. This guy really set up a spiritual formation before showing up. Looking at the power of this spiritual formation, this kid's spiritual formation attainments, I am afraid that it has exceeded Me."

Indeed, even though Ye Hao said that he is now condensing Dao Soul and has great strength, he is not a reckless man. How could he show up without preparation?

"Damn it! This kid is still a spiritual master?!"

"Part-time cultivation of the spirit formation, this kid really came out of the affiliated forces of the Sky Flame Sect?"

Nearly thirty celestial arrogances of the Black Sect and the Silver Wing Clan, including Lin Xuan and the Silver Wing Saint Child, are trapped by the encirclement formed by the gang wind at this moment. Above the sky, six ferocious wind dragons swooped down with turbulent weather. , So that the faces of all Tianjiao who fell into the spirit array were pale.

"Huh! But you want to trap this sacred child when you enter the micro-level spiritual formation?" Lin Xuan sneered, the spiritual power in his body erupted like a wave of anger, and he suddenly greeted one of the wind dragons.


The earth-shattering sound wave erupted, Lin Xuan's whole body was wrapped in the black mist, and the wind dragon slammed back tens of meters, and he could not help but back a short distance, staggering to stand still.

"The top-level spiritual formation in the micro-level?!" Lin Xuan immediately noticed the horror of this spiritual formation on the first day of the fight, and his expression sank slightly, "I can't think of a slave cultivator who can obtain this top-level spiritual formation. I underestimate you."

Ye Hao sneered, but slightly amazed in his heart. The saint-child-level figure is really tough, and it is hard to shake with the complete Six Dragon Wind Array, which can actually have a clear upper hand.

You know, when he deployed a simplified version of the Six Dragon Wind Array, it was enough to fight against the powerful in the later stage of the Dao Soul Realm, and the power of the full version of the Spirit Array is not simply one plus one, but multiplied. Can easily kill the ordinary Dao soul Dzogchen.

After all, this spirit formation was taught by Shen Jiuyou. With its unfathomable knowledge of spirit formations, it is definitely the top spirit formation in the micro-level. Even the saint child-level figures are trapped in it and want to get out of it. easy.

However, in addition to Lin Xuan, there is also a Silver Wing Saint Child in the spirit formation.

"Silver Wing Son, let's take a shot together!"

As expected by Ye Hao, Lin Xuan instantly understood the fastest way to break the formation. With the combat power of two Saint-child-level powerhouses, it was afraid that the Six Dragon Wind Gang formation would not last long.

However, it is enough.

Ye Hao planted this spiritual formation, and he didn't expect to be able to kill the Saint Child-level Tianjiao with this, his purpose was just to hold the two of them.

A cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. With a wave of his palm, Ye Hao directly controlled the four wind dragons, entangled Lin Xuan and the Silver Wing Son, respectively. With the last two remaining, he began to attack the Black Fiend Sect and the arrogances of the Silver Wing Clan. .


For an instant, the spirit array roared to the sky, Lin Xuan and the Silver Wing Saint Child looked gloomy, and they were temporarily unable to get out of being entangled by the four wind dragons, while the rest, after all, were not the Saint Child Tianjiao, and they swept in the two wind dragons and the spirit array from time to time Under the rising wind blade, casualties have begun to appear.

"I said let you go together, do you think I was joking?" Ye Hao sneered, his palms squeezed sharply, and a silver-white spear suddenly appeared.

The Spirit Array Master is the least afraid of group battles. As long as Lin Xuan and the Silver Wing Saint Child cannot get out for the time being, he is sure to kill all these 29 tianjiaos!

In the sneer, Ye Hao's figure moved, and he rushed directly into the spirit formation, causing the expressions of De Bai Qingyou and Lei Tingzi to change drastically.

"Brother Ye, what are you doing in there?" Yin Kong said anxiously.

Ye Hao finally used the Spirit Array to trap the Hei Shazong and the Silver Wing Clan's arrogances. If he enters it, wouldn't he just give up his advantage and seek his own death?

auzw.com Thinking of the terrifying combat power of the Black Demon Sect and the Silver Wing Clan, Yin Kong couldn't help feeling numb, but he couldn't help at all.

"This guy won't really want to pick so many people?" Qi Yu's eyes flicked, and with his arrogance, he was a little amazed at Ye Hao's bold behavior.

"Too reckless!" Lei Tingzi and Pang Yin had ugly expressions.

"What an idiot!" Bai Qing cursed quietly, but Leng Ao's pretty face showed worry.

Wu Feiyan clenched his slender hands tightly, staring at Ye Hao who had rushed into the spiritual formation for a moment, his palms filled with sweat.

"Haha, this little bit dared to come in, and let him go first!" As soon as Ye Hao stepped into the spirit formation, a young man from the later stage of the Black Fiend Sect Daoxue laughed out loud, smashing all the wind blades that swept into pieces. , The figure rushed out fiercely.

"Die to me!"

The young man has the strength of the later stage of the Dao Soul, and his aura is vast and inexplicable. Compared with Liu Feiyang, who also entered the later stage of the Dao Soul, he can be said to be more powerful and not a level at all.

Faced with such an opponent, even Lei Tingzi and Bai Qingyou are like enemies, and they dare not relax at all, but Ye Hao just glanced indifferently and blasted out directly.


The two fists banged and broke apart as soon as the wave of surging power spread, and the young black evil sect flew upside down like a kite with a broken line, blood gushing from his mouth, and one arm was broken and twisted.

"How can it be?!"

The sneer of the heavenly arrogances in the spirit array changed their colors, while Lei Tingzi outside all stared in amazement, their faces full of disbelief.

In fact, when Ye Hao easily controlled Wu Ya, everyone knew that his strength must not be as weak as it seemed.

It's just that despite thinking like this, everyone believes that Ye Hao is the reason why Ye Hao has taken advantage of his hidden strength and seized the opportunity. The true strength should be in the middle of Wu Ya.

But right now, he directly smashed another Tianjiao of the later Dao Soul stage with a punch, making everyone finally realize that the strength of the young man was far beyond imagination.

"Damn it! Although this kid only has the Dao Soul early stage, his true combat power is probably comparable to Dao Soul Dzogchen!"

"How can it be"

"With such a talent, I am afraid that he has already chased the Saint Child-level Tianjiao, and is only slightly weaker than my Zong Saint Child!"

"Is he also a special physique?!"

"Hmph, whether he is or not, after all, he was just a kid who walked out of the power of slavery and killed him together!"

After all, it is the Tianjiao of the Zongmen. After a brief shock, everyone showed their evil spirits. Except for the more than ten people who were entangled by the two wind dragons, the spiritual power of the rest of the people broke out, and there were even a few people, directly Motivate the soul.

Within the spirit formation, a storm raged for a while, and murderous aura was soaring.


More than a dozen Tianjiao shots together, and a series of amazing spiritual powers are trained like heavenly swords, which directly distorts the nothingness and annihilates a large black hole.

Ye Hao's expression was slightly condensed, and his figure flashed away like a flash. He wanted to forcefully shake these more than ten people together with a single blow. Unless his realm is further advanced, he will not be intact.

However, although he chose to retreat, he was still in the Six Dragon Wind Array at the moment.

The spirit array is the only home ground of the spirit array master!

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