Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 242: Amazing harvest

Of course, Ye Hao had no way of knowing what a few people were thinking. He looked around and said, "Leave here first."

Although the cremation site is vast, the battle between him and Lin Xuan is not small. If others see this place, they will inevitably think of many things.

After all, outside the burning cremation site, there are still powerful people from the Black Fiend Sect and the Silver Wing Clan waiting. If they learn about this, it will surely cause a disaster.

Hearing this, Lei Tingzi and the others quickly figured out how powerful they were, nodding their heads and galloping toward the distance, while Ye Hao burned the remaining corpses in the field before leaving.

In a spacious cave, everyone on the Qingyun Board was all pale-faced sitting cross-breathing. It can be said that all of them were seriously injured this time, especially Di Qing, who broke a right arm and suffered the most serious injuries.

Ye Hao also sat cross-legged and adjusted his breath for a long time before he recovered completely.

"The load of using Dao Soul is really not small."

Ye Hao carefully comprehended the gains of this battle, and at the same time couldn't help feeling in his heart. Although Xuan Huang Tiangong was said to be powerful and mysterious, it was also extremely spiritually intensive to mobilize.

"I'm afraid that if you use the Dragon Sword, the consumption will be more intense."

Ye Hao sighed secretly that the Xuanhuang Tiangong he had practiced was not complete, so there were only three of the nine emperor soldiers that had condensed and condensed something similar to the spirit.

Dragon Sword.

Town Soul Bridge.

Xuanhuang banner.

If these three Dao souls were used, their consumption would definitely far exceed the other six imperial soldiers Dao souls.

"If you step into the Dao Soul Great Perfection, the nine emperors will come out together, I'm afraid that I will be able to fight even in the Spirit Evolvement Realm!"

Fire appeared in Ye Hao's eyes, and immediately frowned. In addition to the nine emperor soldiers of Ancient Emperor Xuanhuang, the soul he had condensed, there was also a figure with a stalwart like a fairy and a demon who couldn't see his face.

But the weird thing is that no matter how he urged, the figure didn't react at all, as if it was a display, without any effect.

"Isn't it just used to make a facade?"

Ye Hao was weird in his heart, but when he wanted to come, the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang was overwhelming, and he was hailed as the number one supreme in ancient times. It shouldn't be so boring.

After trying again for a long time, the humanoid phantom in the sea still remained unchanged. Ye Hao also shook his head and gave up. Perhaps when the realm breaks through, the humanoid Dao Soul will change.

While sighing lightly, Ye Hao raised his head and glanced at the people of Qingyun Bang, and saw that their aura was quite stable, but because of the serious injury, they still looked extremely weak.

Ye Hao frowned, suppressing his eagerness, and it took three months for the burning of the cremation site to open. Now only half a month has passed. Now that he already knows where Ao Hongchen is, there should be time.

Another point is that if he leaves, with the serious injuries of these people, he is afraid that he will be easily torn apart by the demon spirits here.

"Since I promised my ancestors, I will protect them for a few more days."

After all, Qingyun Rank Tianjiao is the root of Profound Sky Academy, and Ye Hao didn't want them all to die here.

After the decision was made in his mind, he was about to close his eyes and adjust his breath. Suddenly, he took out the silver-winged saint child's storage bag, erased the branding on it, and his divine sense penetrated into it.

Ye Hao's mind was very peaceful, but when he saw the contents in the storage bag, his eyes widened suddenly and his breathing suddenly became short.

"There are so many elixirs as well as seventh-grade elixir!"


"This is a Taoist soldier?!"

"Fuck! This Silver Winged Saint Child is simply a rich native!"

The corner of Ye Hao's eyes throbbed, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face. How did he know that, as a holy child-level Tianjiao, the successor cultivated by a great sect, the most indispensable thing in his body is various training resources, which is definitely better than some small sects. The background is even richer.

In the storage bag, there are thirty-six fourth-grade elixir, more than ten fifth-grade elixir, and four sixth-grade elixir. The most precious one is the seven that has a strong fragrance like mist and manifests various visions. Elixir!

The seventh-rank elixir is Ye Hao’s most scarce elixir for bone-refining in the extreme realm method. Even if he could not find it in the secret storage space of the Holy Spirit tribe, he did not expect that the Silver Wing Son would have this elixir. , It was a surprise.

"Unfortunately, there is only one."

Ye Hao shook his head inadequately. The golden body at the extreme state of bone refining requires at least four seventh-grade elixir. If he can gather these elixir and directly refining the bone successfully, he will undoubtedly have a great deal of confidence against Shangao Hongchen. .

Of course, even if there was only one, Ye Hao would be very pleasantly surprised. It is really that this elixir of this rank is too rare, and it seems that even the Profound Sky Academy has never had it.

Depressing the ecstasy, Ye Hao's divine consciousness swept away. In addition to a large amount of elixir, there was a bronze ancient spear in the storage bag, engraved with magical runes, and the fluctuations on it were much more terrifying than the wind gourd.

He is a perfect Taoist soldier.

Dao soldiers are weapons for the life of the strong in the celestial image realm. They are refined from a variety of rare materials after the cultivator refines the heaven and earth source fire. They are refined and nurtured with the source fire day and night until the cultivator steps into the celestial image realm. Achievements are extremely rare.

However, the Silver Wing Saint Son had a Dao Soul Realm, and he actually had Dao soldiers to defend himself, so Ye Hao had to feel that he was wealthy.

At the same time, he secretly sighed, if the Silver-Winged Saint hadn't been scared by the True Phoenix Soul, and used Dao soldiers during a battle, I'm afraid that even if he could win, it would not be so easy.

At this moment, Ye Hao suddenly felt a heartache. If he hadn't completely killed Lin Xuan, he would not even have left behind, he might have such a terrifying background in his storage bag.

"Too careless! To kill these saints in the future must leave the whole body, it is a mobile treasure house."

Ye Hao patted his forehead in annoyance, as if he was a robber who was making money and killing him.

"what is this?"

Ye Hao suddenly noticed a jade slip in the storage bag, and the brilliance flickered, exuding mysterious fluctuations.

When the divine sense penetrated into it, Ye Hao couldn't help but jump in his heart, and said in amazement: "Divine Wing Dian is the Dao Soul technique of the Silver Wing Clan?!"

The Divine Wing Code is definitely one of the Silver Wing Town Clan's exercises. It ranks 30th among the 72 Heavenly Rank exercises, and is extremely powerful.

Of course, if someone else gets this exercise technique, it will definitely be ecstatic, even more excited than seeing the seventh-grade elixir and Taoist soldiers, because this is the foundation. With this technique, it can even create a party beyond the Tianxuan Academy in time. power.

But this technique is really tasteless to Ye Hao. No matter how strong the Heavenly Rank technique is, can it still be stronger than the Xuanhuang Nine Transformation Heavenly Technique?

If you really want to talk about it, even if Xuanhuang Tiangong is better than Peerless 36's top ten, it will not be weaker, or even stronger!

"Hey, what a strong spiritual power fluctuation."

During the inspection, Ye Hao's heart suddenly jumped, and he took out a delicate jade bottle from the storage bag.

Opening it in doubt, I saw a small half bottle of light blue liquid in it, like a dragon shadow swimming in it. It was so rich that it was indescribably strong. When Ye Hao opened the cork, it instantly filled the cave, causing The breath-adjusting Bai Qingyou all opened their eyes with shocked expressions.

"This is Earth Element Liquid?!"

Ye Hao frowned for a moment, and immediately seemed to recognize the pale blue liquid, his eyes widened suddenly, and there was incredible ecstasy on his face.

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