Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 243: Shengzi Qixian

"Earth Element Liquid!"

"It is rumored that this thing comes from the earth veins, it is extremely rare, and the spiritual power contained is so strong that it is unimaginable. It is an excellent thing for the cultivator to break through."

"Tsk tusk, Ye Hao, where did you get this thing?"

Lei Tingzi and the others were full of envy, and this small bottle of Earth Element Liquid couldn't be measured by spirit stones at all, and its value would never be lower than the seventh-grade spirit medicine, and it had no market.

Because the spiritual power contained in it is extremely strong, yet extremely gentle, if Lei Tingzi takes it, he is even sure to directly break through to Dao Soul Great Perfection.

"It's the thing of the Silver Wing Son." Ye Hao's face also showed joy.

He was naturally clear about the effect of the Earth Element Liquid, and with this thing, he was infinitely close to the realm of the mid-Dao soul, and was finally able to break through.

"This kind of holy child Tianjiao is really a mobile treasure house."

Ye Hao sighed again, the gleaming light in his eyes made Wu Feiyan and the others speechless for a while. Seeing this guy's eyes, it seemed like a hungry wolf was staring at the fat sheep, intending to sack those holy child-level princes.

Next, Ye Hao didn't hesitate anymore. Anyway, he planned to protect the people on the Qingyun Ranking for a few days. He also happened to take this opportunity to break through the middle stage of the Dao Soul. Then he would face Ao Hongchen and his confidence would undoubtedly increase greatly.

Ye Hao took out a few fourth-grade elixir and gave them generously to a few people for recovery, then directly took the Earth Element Liquid and began to attack the middle stage of the Dao Soul.

Because Ye Hao absorbed the vast spiritual power in the Holy Spirit Race space, it was only a matter of time before Ye Hao broke through the middle stage of the Dao Soul. As he took the treasure of Earth Element Liquid, the breakthrough came naturally without experiencing many twists and turns.

Ten days later.

There was a faint soft sound from Ye Hao's body sitting cross-legged, and then a wave of spiritual power that was stronger than ever before spreading from his body like a storm.

"This guy really broke through!" Although he knew the effects of the Earth Element Liquid, Pang Yin still sighed with emotion, "The training speed is really terrifying."

Ye Hao is now in the same realm as him, in the middle of the Taoist Soul, but Pang Yin knew that the combat power of the two is definitely one world and the other.

After all, a young man, but a freak who can slaughter the son.

With the breakthrough of Ye Hao's realm, Lei Tingzi's injuries recovered seven or eighty-eight. After discussing for a while, everyone decided to go to the center of the cremation site together.

Regarding this, Ye Hao hesitated for a while and nodded in agreement.

He went on this trip to bring Qingwu back. It is really inconvenient to walk with them, but when he thinks of the strength of a few people, it would be better if you encounter demon spirits in this cremation place, and if you meet Zongmen Tianjiao, you will have nothing to do with sheep. the difference.

"With the strength of the Sixth Crown, it should be there now."

Ye Hao thought secretly, after deciding to take a few people to the center, hand them over to the Sixth Crown King, and then go back to Qingwu.

After making a decision, the few people did not hesitate anymore, swiftly flying toward the center area. Although there were a lot of demon spirits on the way, Ye Hao didn't want to waste time, and directly smashed over with the momentum of thunder.

At the back, the people from Qingyunbang looked at the teenagers pushing all the way, and their eyes were even more shocked, especially Bai Qingyou, looking at the tall figure in front, the inexplicable feeling in their hearts grew stronger.

After walking straight in this way for half a month, Ye Hao and his group finally stopped on a hill.

"The front is the center!"

Yin Kong's eyes were slightly warm, and the injuries of several of them had almost recovered from this journey. After all, Ye Hao had opened the way in front during this period, and several of them didn't even have many chances to make a move.

Even after Ye Hao killed a large number of demon spirits this way, they still got a few heaven and earth source fires, which can be regarded as a pie in the sky, which also made several people feel better and better for the former.

"It seems to be hotter here."

Wu Fei's smoke was dripping with sweat, and her beautiful eyes were also looking forward.


Because according to the Silver Wing Saint Child, the greatest opportunity for burning cremation, the supreme rank eight waste burning world flame, is in the central area.

"If there is an abnormality, it proves that the higher the possibility of the existence of Supreme Fire." Lei Tingzi said, with expectations in his eyes.

"At this point, the number of demon spirits has drastically reduced." Qi Yu observed the most keenly, as they approached the center, almost no demon spirits were encountered on the way.

"It should have been emptied by those sect Tianjiao."

Ye Hao groaned. After all, that supreme fire can be said to be the dream of all those who enter the cremation ground.


Suddenly, a breaking wind sounded.

Ye Hao looked at him suddenly, and saw a young man with a magnificent appearance and no less arrogant style. He suddenly appeared in the distance. After scanning them indifferently, he looked away as if there was nothing, and looked around. , As if they are a group of people, it is not worth his eyes to stop for a moment.

The son of Shaking Tianzong, Zhou Shaking!

Ye Hao instantly recognized the young man, his expression was slightly solemn, and the Qingyunban group was even more tense, and their expressions became a little unnatural.

They knew about Zhou Hantian's prestigious name before entering this place, knowing that even among the Saint Sub-level powerhouses, they are all in the top rank, and they are definitely much better than Lin Xuan and Silver Wing Saint Sub.


Another figure appeared, dressed in a blue shirt, abundance and handsome, and his whole body seemed to be surrounded by a faint cyclone, extremely mysterious.

The son of Changfengzong, Li Tiangang!

In the same way, Li Tiangang glanced at them like looking down on an ant, then looked away and scanned.

Seeing another top-notch son appeared, Lei Tingzi and the others couldn't help but take a breath, their expressions a bit restrained.

If they hadn't fought with Lin Xuan and others, they might not have been so, but after they truly knew how powerful these sect tianjiaos were, the mentality of the few people unconsciously changed.

They couldn't compete with Lin Xuan's Tianjiao alone, let alone Zhou Hantian and Li Tiangang, who were as famous as Tianyan Shengzi Ao Hongchen, and more terrifying than Lin Xuan.

Among the few people, only Ye Hao looked natural, but he also frowned slightly, suspicious in his eyes.


The third figure flashed for an instant. This figure was extremely tall, with a hairy face and Lei Gong’s mouth, and the whole body was covered with hair like steel needles. The whole body exuded a violent breath of lifelessness.

Lei Yuan Clan, Lei Yuan Son!

Lei Tingzi's mouths were a little dry, and the third top sage appeared. If he wanted to attack them, even Ye Hao would not be able to get out of his body.

"Where did this miscellaneous fish come from?" Lei Yuan Shengzi's eyes seemed to surround Thunder, his voice full of contempt.


A surging sword intent suddenly appeared, fierce and cold, shaking the sky, splitting the void into a long crack.

"It seems that it is a slave repairman of the Tianyan Sect, I guess he came to find Brother Ao."

The body is like a straight young man with a sword soaring to the sky, carrying a green sword on his back, appearing like a teleport, and the horrible sword intent diffuses from him.

The Son of Heaven Sword Sect, Xu Yijian.

The appearance of the fourth top son, Lei Tingzi's brains roared, and their scalp was numb.

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