Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 244: Supreme Fire Trail

The Heavenly Sword Sect is rumored to be its ancestor. After receiving the guidance of a strong Sword Sect in the early years, he created this line of Taoism, comparable to the Tianyan Sect.

This shows how terrifying the sword sect that has been passed down since ancient times.

And looking at the upright figure with sword aura, Ye Hao's expression was extremely solemn.

Son of Heaven Sword Sect, Xu Yijian!

The horror of this popularity machine poses a strong threat to Ye Hao.

Very strong, I'm afraid it will be stronger than Ao Hongchen.

Ye Hao's heart was slightly condensed, and the four people in front of him suddenly appeared. Fortunately, he was under great pressure. If he didn't feel murderous on a few people, I am afraid he could only turn around and run away.

After all, each of the four people is stronger than Lin Xuan and Silver Wing Saint Son, and like Ao Hongchen, they belong to the top Saint Son ranks.

Ye Hao's face condensed slightly, and Lei Tingzi and the others behind him almost lifted their throats, and even Bai Qingyou's always cold and arrogant pretty face turned pale at this moment.

The lineup in front of me is really terrifying, and the four top saints might be enough to sweep the entire cremation ground.

"Tianyan Sect? A group of slaves dare to come here." The thunder and wind power of Lei Yuan Shengzi's body was invigorated, and he glanced at everyone like an ant, and immediately his eyes were also scanned around, "I just felt it clearly. The breath of Eight Desolation Burning World Yan is not here?"

As he said, his eyes lingering around the electric light turned to Ye Hao again, and said coldly: "You guys, have you seen anything strange just now?"

Li Tiangang, Zhou Hantian, and Xu Yijian, who was carrying a blue sword, swept their gazes. In an instant, a horrible sense of oppression made Lei Tingzi pale and trembling, even unable to speak.

"Eight Desolate Burning World Yan was born?" Ye Hao also tightened under the strong threat, but still couldn't help but scream in horror.

The Eight Desolation Burning World Flame is the source of the heaven and earth of the supreme rank. The Ancient Emperor Huangyan relied on it to enter the Dao supreme. The ancestors of the Tianjiao have been succeeded for countless years, but no one has ever obtained it.

"I haven't seen anything unusual." After the horror, Ye Hao glanced around and shook his head.

"Huh, just a mere nuance, I dare to look around when I ask you something?" It seems that because he didn't get any useful news, the eyes of the son of Lei Yuan went cold, the sound of wind and thunder roared, and the vision was amazing.

Bai Qingyou felt cold all over, and their complexions were extremely pale.

"What? You have to kneel down and knock down three times to talk to you?"

Ye Hao frowned, his face sinking slightly. Although Lei Yuan Shengzi was strong, no matter how strong he was, how could Ye Hao's arrogance be a slave to the maidservant?

What's more, even if he is now against such top saints, he will have to fight to know which one is strong and weak.

As the words spread, Yin Kong's people changed their colors and immediately smiled bitterly. Based on their understanding of the teenager, they naturally knew their arrogance in their hearts. Even in the late fortune-telling period, they dared to challenge the Sixth Crown King, not to mention his The strength is no longer weaker than the six crown kings, and is not much different from these top saints, so naturally he will not swallow his breath.


Lei Yuan Shengzi's eyes were not good, and the three of Li Tiangang on the side raised their eyebrows slightly, showing different colors.

The slave cultivators of the subordinate forces did not bow down and tremble when seeing them. How could anyone dare to be so disrespectful?

"Forget it, after all, it is a slave repairman of the Tianyan Sect, and now that the Eight Desolation Burning World Yan is present, it is the right thing to find it." Li Tiangang, wearing a green shirt, said lightly, disappearing into the same place instantly, moving away. Scavenge everywhere.

Zhou Hantian didn't speak, but his figure disappeared suddenly, galloping in the other direction.

"Hmph, what about Tianyanzong, am I afraid of him proud of Hongchen?" Lei Yuan Shengzi sneered.

auzw.com He and Ao Hongchen are both top-notch sons, and their strengths are among the same. Lei Yuan Shengzi really doesn't believe that Ao Hongchen will turn his face against him for several slaves.

"Sacred Son of Thunder Monkey, look down upon the world and laugh at the world, the water of the Sky Flame Sect is not shallow."

Xu Yijian said something profoundly, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Lei Yuan Shengzi squinted his eyes slightly, as if thinking of something, he walked away in a cold snort, but before leaving, he still pressed a palm at Ye Hao, and said indifferently: "It's just a few slaves. If you kill, you will kill. If Ao Hongchen is not angry, just come to me."


The huge spiritual palm, surrounded by gusts of wind and thunder, fell overwhelmingly, and Lei Yuan Shengzi didn’t even go to see the result, because this palm even Lin Xuan and other saint child-level Tianjiao would be in a hurry, let alone A few slave repairs.

The loud noise faded away, and the turbulent smoke settled slowly, revealing Ye Hao and the pale-faced Qingyun Bang people within it. If Ye Hao took the palm of the hand just now, I am afraid that all of them would have completely died.

And Ye Hao, looking solemnly at the direction of the departure of Lei Yuan Shengzi, his eyes flickered. If he had not broken through the middle stage of the Dao Soul, he would not be able to block that blow just now.

"It's really not easy to be a top Saint-child-level powerhouse." Ye Hao's expression was slightly condensed, and he hesitated for a while, finally suppressing the killing intent in his heart.

The most important thing now is to find Qingwu as soon as possible. As for other things, he can only press back.

"Let's go."

Ye Hao took a deep breath and continued to gallop forward, and when he saw that he was not impulsive, the people in Qingyun Bang were also relieved. They were really afraid that the young man's head would get hot, and they would catch up with Lei Yuan Shengzi.

At the same time, a few people were slightly disappointed. The power of the top saint son, even Ye Hao didn't dare to continue to succumb, could he only choose to give in?

With a light sigh, several people looked at each other and quickly followed Ye Hao into the center of the cremation site.

Several hours passed.

They have encountered many sect Tianjiao along the way, all looking for the traces of the Supreme Fire. After the two met, the sect Tianjiao did not bother to trouble Ye Hao and others at all. Now the Supreme Fire is here, everyone wants to fight for this. Monstrous chance.

Standing on a boulder, Ye Hao's divine consciousness swept out, but he still didn't find anything. If he hadn't met a few Tianjiao from the Tianyan Sect on the way, he would have doubted whether Ao Hongchen was here.


Just as Ye Hao was about to continue searching, suddenly, he ordered the gray beads in the sea that hadn't appeared for a long time, and a strange shock appeared.

Ye Hao's body stiffened, and his mind was shocked. This gray bead is so mysterious that he still doesn't know its origin and is the biggest secret in his body.

It can even be said that Ye Hao has an inseparable relationship with this gray bead when he cultivates so fast.

As long as the two parts of the mysterious heavenly power and the three poles of Denglong are leaked, they will cause the major forces to fight desperately. The invincibility that the sky and the earth will be dyed red by blood is all from this gray bead, and it makes Ye Hao Don't dare to underestimate it.

Ye Hao fiercely cast his eyes to the front left, as if there was something over there that was attracting the gray beads in his life.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Hao galloped toward the front left, and everyone behind the Qingyun Board was also busy following.

After galloping for half an hour, a valley that was extremely hidden and hot like a furnace suddenly appeared in front of them.

"That's the Sixth Champion?!"

"Ao Shengzi is here too!"

"Sister Qingwu!"

The few silhouettes in the valley made the Qingyunbang people look fiercely happy, but Ye Hao had no other people in his eyes at the moment, only the pale cheeks at the edge, and there was fear in the depths of his beautiful eyes, as if he was worried about something. The skirt is beautiful.

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