Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 245: Proud Hongchen VS Six Crowns

Ye Hao didn't get close. When he saw a few people in the valley, he immediately concealed himself from the periphery. Although everyone in Qingyunbang was puzzled, they also followed him.

There are a total of seven people in the valley ahead. In addition to the sixth crown king and Ao Hongchen, there are also four Tianyan Sect Dao soul Dzogchen Tianjiao at the edge. Although they stand loosely, they faintly surround Qingwu in the middle, like a guardian. .

Ye Hao's complexion was slightly dark, and he didn't pay attention to the four Dao Soul Dzogchens. The only thing that made him jealous was Proud Hongchen.

Ao Hongchen, as the saint son of the Sky Flame Sect, is not comparable to Lin Xuan and Silver Wing saint son, definitely belongs to the top saint son, and his strength is even a bit stronger than the sixth crown king, even if Ye Hao has broken through the middle stage of the soul, There is no certainty of victory.

Ao Hongchen wears a scarlet robe, slender and tall, with a handsome face, eyes like stars, and a golden pattern like flames on his eyebrows. He is strange and sacred, as if he is born with an extraordinary temperament, unfathomable, like a fairy. Linchen.

On the opposite side, the six-crowned king's black hair is like a waterfall, his eyes are like electricity, and the whole figure is like a starry glow, exuding a breath of air swallowing thousands of miles, with a supreme posture, looking at the world, and a king's power engraved in his bones. , Just like the **** king patrolling the world, even if it is more proud than the red dust, the capital of the Qingyun ranking is not much inferior.

"Why do these two people seem to be tit-for-tat?" Ye Hao was a little puzzled, but when he saw the thing in the hands of the Sixth Crown King, his eyes suddenly tightened, and he immediately understood.

"Look at the hands of the six-crowned king" Qi Yu's golden pupils contracted, which was also abnormal.

"What is that?!" Yin Kong looked shocked.

"It should be the Eight Desolation Burning World Flame."

Ye Hao said in a deep voice. In the hands of the Sixth-Crowned King, there is a bright crimson, like the emperor of fire's heaven and earth source fire. Although it is bound by the starlight, it still emits extremely terrifying temperature, as if to break the starlight. Escape out.

Judging from the horrible fluctuations it radiated, it was definitely the Eight Desolate Burning World Flame of the Supreme Rank.

It was also this source of fire that caused him to shake the gray beads in the sea.

"The Sixth Crown Prince actually got the Supreme Fire?!"

Lei Tingzi's expression was extremely shocking. This supreme fire was the biggest treasure in the cremation site. The saints of various sects have entered in batches for countless years in order to obtain this monstrous fate.

But who would have thought that the supreme fire, which has not been found for countless years, is now in the hands of the six crown king.

The Sixth Crown King deserves to be the Sixth Crown King. His mighty strength and great opportunity can be called heaven-defying. If he is not in the Great Yan Dynasty, but in a transcendent sect like Tianyan Sect, he is definitely a sage. child.

Of course, the current six crown kings are not much weaker than these top saints.

"On the pond of the Great Yan Dynasty, the Sixth Crown King can no longer trap the dragon."

Lei Tingzi and Bai Qingyou were shocked in their hearts, and immediately looked at Ye Hao with some regret. After the Sixth Crown King received the Supreme Fire, even if he could not reach the height of the Huangyan Ancient Emperor, his future achievements would be unimaginable.

Although Ye Hao said that his talent is amazing, his gap with the Sixth Champion will only get bigger and bigger. After all, Heaven and Earth Origin Fire is an extremely important foundation. If it is a little worse, it will be difficult for the teenager to catch up with the Sixth Champion in the future. pace.

Ye Hao could guess some of the thoughts in the hearts of several people, but he didn't say much, just sighed slightly in his heart, how could Ao Hongchen willing to give the Supreme Fire to the Sixth Crown King?


In the valley, the handsome and mysterious face of Hong Chen carried his hands on his back, and chuckled lightly: "The six crown kings of the oppressive Qingyun list are really fortunate. The rest of the people are looking for death and survival outside, but you unexpectedly have already earned the Eight Desolation Burning World Yan. in."

The Sixth Crown King's expression was slightly condensed, and he said solemnly: "Ao Shengzi is polite, but I just don't know what's the matter with you and me?"

This Eight Desolate Burning World Flame was his first discovery. He rushed to this valley in ecstasy, and finally conquered it with the help of the Ten Thousand Star Battle Body, but he was accidentally hit by Ao Hongchen on the way. Follow him here.

Regarding the preciousness of the Supreme Fire, the Sixth Crown King naturally knew clearly, he didn't think Ao Hongchen would be unmoved.

Indeed, just after the Sixth Crown King finished speaking, a young man from the Dao Soul of the Tianyan Sect sneered and said: "A slave repairer in a small area can dare to touch the supreme fire, why don't you give it to the holy son?"

Ao Hongchen gave the young man a cold look, then looked at the Sixth Crown King, and said with a light smile on his face: "Brother Dao, don’t mind, but this supreme fire is quite important to me. If Dao brother can give in, I can call the shots. Let you immediately enter the Sky Flame Sect."

Although the Tianyan Sect is not as horrible as Jianzong, which has been passed down from ancient times to the present, it is also a supreme-level powerhouse. It has the background of suppressing the emperor and is definitely one of the top orthodox traditions in the Eastern Desolation.

Not to mention anything else, the power of the Great Yan Dynasty alone is just a subsidiary force of the Sky Flame Sect, which is enough to explain everything.

Such a sect, the strong like a forest, the background is even more unfathomable, even Lei Tingzi and other Qingyun ranked arrogant, dreaming of wanting to enter it.

However, if a supreme rank of Heaven and Earth Source Fire were exchanged for the opportunity to enter the Sky Flame Sect, anyone with a normal head would not agree.

Although the Tianyan Sect has a deep foundation, it can indeed be better to cultivate and have a larger backing, but it is the source of heaven and earth of the supreme rank.

There are not many sources of fire in this rank. It can be said that it is rare and heinous. If it is refined, it will even be able to set foot in the supreme realm in the future. Although there is only a glimmer of hope, but this glimmer of hope is enough to make the world Anyone is crazy.

You know, even if it is the Tianyan Sect, apart from the Tianyan Great Emperor who pioneered the Taoism, but has fallen thousands of years ago, no second supreme has appeared.

The supremacy, the existence of this realm, has been able to catch the stars, catch the moon, and shatter the starry sky. It can be said that they are standing at the top of the pyramid, overlooking the heavens and the universe.

From this we can see how precious it is to refine the supreme fire and have this glimmer of hope that it may become supreme in the future.

This is a priceless opportunity!

At this moment, if you change to Lei Ting Zi or the rest of the Qing Yun list, even if you are unwilling, but you have to bow your head to agree, because Ao Hongchen is the top rank among the Saint Child Tianjiao, and most people can't keep the Supreme Fire. Such a great opportunity.

But is the six crown king an ordinary person?

The six crown kings may not be as strong as the Saint-child level, but with the ten thousand star combat body, their strength is only a bit weaker than the top Saint-child such as Proud Hongchen, and even the strong and the weak, you have to fight to know.

Moreover, with the ten thousand star battle body, the qualifications of the uncrowned emperor, the Sixth Crown King is also not afraid of the threat of the Tianyan Sect, as long as he is willing, there are definitely many sects willing to accept asylum, let alone if he refines the Supreme Fire , There is hope to step into the supreme realm in the future.

"Proud Son, don't talk about this matter." The Sixth Crown King had no joy or sorrow, and even put the Supreme Fire in his hand directly into his storage bag.

"A slave repairer dared to disobey the saint son, so bold!"

"Hehe, I don't know how high the sky is."

"An ant looking for a dead end."

Upon seeing this, the four young Dao-soul Dzogchens of the Tianyan Sect all sneered, and even Qingwu couldn't bear to look at the six crowned kings.

"Hehe, Brother Dao really doesn't think about it anymore?" Ao Hongchen still had a smile on his face, as if he had never been angry.

"Ao Shengzi, needless to say."

auzw.com Seeing the six-time champion’s strong rejection, Ao Hongchen regrets a bit, but he sighed not unexpectedly. He seemed to say to himself: "So, then I have to let you This 10,000-star battle body has died here."


As the sound fell, Ao Hongchen seemed to have an angry dragon awakened in his body, erupting a terrifying aura that was earth-shaking, sweeping the wind and clouds.

The Tianyanzong four sneered, as if they had expected it earlier, Qingwu sighed, his eyes became stronger, but the Sixth Champion was not surprised at this.

The treasure is touching, let alone the supreme fire?

Although Tianyan Shengzi Ao Hongchen is strong, he is not afraid of the six crowns!


Between the electric light and flint, the two people collided like meteorites, and suddenly punched, and the overwhelming air wave broke out centered on the two people. The whole valley was violently shaken, the boulder rolled down, and the two of them shook hard, and the power was terrifying!

The six-crowned king's body was surrounded by stars, and he was extraordinary, while proud Hongchen, the handsome and charming face still had a faint smile.

In the next instant, the Sixth Crown King suddenly snorted, and suddenly retreated a few steps. With each step, it would leave a pit of several feet in the ground, and the last step caused a mountain wall behind to break suddenly.

"The Ten Thousand Star Battle Body really deserves its reputation." Ao Hongchen nodded in admiration.

"The Glory of the Stars!" In the cold snort of the Sixth Crown King, on the endless sky, a star that spreads across the sky and the earth suddenly fell, enveloping his whole person. Suddenly, his surrounding aura skyrocketed and his body was more like a spar. It's amazing.


The two moved again, like two bolts of lightning, and like two Primordial savage dragons fighting together, the terrifying sight made the concealed Qingyunban people outside the valley frightened.

"Ao Hongchen is planning to grab it!" Di Qing looked ugly. One of his arms was broken in the hands of the Black Fiend Sect Tianjiao, so he didn't have a good impression of these sect Tianjiao.

Of course, while frightened, their hearts were also extremely shocked. This was the first time everyone had seen the Sixth Crown fall in the wind.

The Sixth Crown King has dominated the Qingyun ranking for many years, and his strength is unfathomable. Even if he is against the black evil sect sage Lin Xuan, he can restrain himself and have a slight upper hand, but he can face the Ao Hongchen but is invincible. Power is too scary.

Fortunately, the six-time champion was only slightly down, and the ten thousand star battle body broke out in an all-round way. It is estimated that there is no difficulty in getting out.

Everyone was upset and shocked, but they didn't even notice that Ye Hao, who was standing by the side, was no longer visible.

At this moment, at the upper edge of the valley, Ye Hao looked down at the four Dao souls of the Tianyan Sect below, with a cold light flashing in his eyes. He directly took out the empty fantasy animal skin that Gu Shentan gave him and covered his face.

With the mysterious fluctuations permeating, Ye Hao's delicate face instantly became ordinary, no trace of the original could be seen again.

After all, the Great Yan Dynasty was a subsidiary strength of the Sky Flame Sect, and Ye Hao had to ensure that it was foolproof, otherwise the Sky Yan Sect's anger would be absolutely unbearable to the Sky Profound Academy.

After preparing everything, Ye Hao took out a black robe again, hid his figure inside it, and then tapped his toes lightly, flying down like a ghost quietly, and instantly appeared to a young man from the Sky Flame Sect In the rear, the extreme state law urged to the extreme, when the young man noticed the strangeness and turned around in doubt, he smashed it with a punch.


"Dare to attack my Tianyan Sect, so bold!"


The sudden change caused the remaining three young people to be frightened, and Ao Hongchen not far away was also slightly surprised, while the Sixth Crown King immediately seized the opportunity to counterattack. As for Qingwu, his pretty face turned white and big. There was fear in his eyes, as if he was about to cry.

Although the figure was covered in black robe, she didn't have to guess, it must be Ye Hao.

Qingwu really panicked, Ye Hao didn't know the horror of Tianyanzong and Ao Hongchen at all, and if he came forward like this, he would definitely fall into a situation where he would never be restored.

"You, you, go! Leave me alone!" Qing Wu cried, not even daring to call Ye Hao's name.

"Don't worry, only two or three kittens."

Ye Hao's voice was also deliberately hoarse, the sect Tianjiao of Dao Soul Great Perfection could be killed in the early stage of the Dao Soul, not to mention the current breakthrough in the middle stage of the Dao Soul, he was completely ignored.


Indeed, when the young man rushed to kill him recently, Ye Hao's body strength burst out, like an ancient savage dragon awakening, punching out the young man’s horrified eyes, like smashing watermelon broken.

After Ye Hao stepped into the middle stage of the Dao Soul, he was even more terrifying beyond imagination. His physique was not necessarily comparable to those of the Saint Child level, let alone these sects. Tianjiao.


In a blink of an eye, the third young man also broke under Ye Hao's fist mark, and the last person was even more terrified to mobilize the magical powers, but after a dozen breaths, he still couldn't escape the fall.

Less than Xiaobanzhuxiang, the four Tianjiao of Tianyan Sect Dao Soul Great Perfection, all died.

"Sister Qingwu, go."

Ye Hao lowered his voice and moved to the side of Qingwu in an instant, grabbing his violently trembling wrist. Although the supreme fire is precious, it cannot be compared with Qingwu in the eyes of Ye Hao. Right now Ao Hongchen and the Sixth Crown King are competing with each other, absolutely Unable to withdraw quickly, this is undoubtedly the best opportunity for him.

Seeing Ye Hao quickly slaying the three Taoist Dzogchen Tianjiao, Qingwu's eyes were shocked, but the fear became stronger immediately, and even his body was completely cold.

Ye Hao didn't understand the horror of Ao Hongchen.

But she also knew the youth's temper, and she didn't dare to delay at all, holding back her trembling body, followed Ye Hao to rush to the top of the valley.


Just as Ye Hao was about to approach the mountain wall with Qingwu, and flew up, a stern scream, accompanied by Ao Hongchen's cold voice, suddenly sounded: "Dare to grab my furnace tripod, who will give it to you? courage?"

In an instant, Ye Hao seemed to be stared at by a prehistoric behemoth, and an unprecedented crisis of life and death bred wildly in his heart.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Hao moved Qingwu across in an instant, and a terrifying spiritual power exercise, rubbed his body with a dangerous and dangerous impact, and completely shattered the mountain wall in front of him.

Ye Hao stabilized his figure and looked at Ao Hongchen suddenly. He saw that his handsome and enchanting face was filled with coldness, with a storage bag in his hands, and the Sixth Crown who had fought with him had a dark chest on his chest. The big hole penetrates the body back and forth, and the vitality has been completely cut off.

"How is it possible?!" Ye Hao tightened his eyes, his expression changed wildly, full of amazement.

The coercive Qingyun ranking for many years, self-restraint can suppress Lin Xuan, the ten thousand star battle body six crown king who is not less powerful than the top saint child, even failed to support Xiaobanzhuxiang, completely defeated?

How strong is Ao Hongchen?

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