Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 358: Saint

The thunderclouds in the sky rolled, the electric light raged, and the mighty terror pressure filled the world, and the scene became more and more frightening.

In the sky, Cangzu squinted his eyes lightly, his expression was cold, his whole body was dazzling with golden light, and he looked like a supreme god, staring at the opposite figure for a moment.

It's just that although Cangzu is strong, the mysterious man who has crossed the long river of time is obviously not much weaker than him.

And the silence of Cangzu made the hearts of all the strong people in the field jump. Could it be that the supreme ancestor of the Cang clan was really said by this mysterious person that he had some kind of big problem?

This is really unimaginable. If you know that Cangzu is a terrifying figure who breaks through the Supreme Realm. If the Supreme is standing at the top of the pyramid, then the level of Cangzu is the existence above the pyramid, which is the same as the sword of the year. The ancestor, like the Queen Mother of the West, belongs to the legendary strongest person.

What kind of power is there for such a transcendent and invincible character to restrain him?

In the silence of the world, the mysterious man's voice sounded again: "With your strength, you shouldn't have survived for so long. Even if you have slashed, how much power do you dare to use?"

Hearing this, Cangzu's expression was even colder, and the heart of the strong from all sides suddenly woke up.

All souls in the world, hard cultivation and struggle, are all longevity, and the problem of longevity is a heaven that all creatures in the world cannot pass. Even the supreme-level giants who overlook the world have a ten-thousand-year limit. , Unless you find the immortal medicine to live out the second life, you will only have to sit down and fall forever if you shake the past and shatter the present.

It is for this reason that the Nine Supremes will join forces to attack the Kunlun Forbidden Zone this time, in order to seek the chance to live a second life in Kunlun Ruins.

As for Cangzu, he has survived from ancient times to the present, and has gone through many eras, at least over a million years. He has lived for too long, so long that everyone almost forgets this.

After all, the supreme-level giants only have Wanzai Shouyuan, and although Cangzu broke through the supreme realm, Shouyuan is far ahead of the former, but he will definitely not survive for a million years, which is against common sense.

Obviously, the "self-cutting a knife" that the mysterious man said must be a kind of supreme secret technique. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the Cangzu can survive from ancient times to the present day and survive millions of years against the sky.

Although no one of the strong from various parties has reached the heights of Cangzu and the mysterious man, everyone can imagine that the heaven-defying secret arts must have a great load and limitation, otherwise Cangzu might not only There is an incarnation, it is very likely that his deity will come here, and then it will really be a big event that will shake the entire world.

"If my deity comes, it will consume more power. But, what?" Cangzu sneered indifferently in the silence of all parties, "You cross the long river of time and walk against the sky, even if I only use a little power, It's enough to kill you."

"The ancestor is invincible!"

Cangzu sneered and spread, making the Cang Clan devas and those young people excited to worship, not to mention the other Taoist powers, even Ye Hao's heart was extremely solemn.

According to Cangzu's words, this mysterious man has crossed the long river of time and appeared in the world, the restriction he will be subjected to must be extremely terrible, as long as one carelessness will cause extremely terrifying backlash, in this state, he will not talk about confrontation Cangzu, perhaps he will not be able to protect himself.

"Heh, why are you speechless?" Cang Zu continued, his voice with a terrifying murderous intent, "I will give you one last chance and leave immediately, otherwise."

However, before Cangzu finished speaking, he was interrupted by the mysterious man with a light sigh, "You look at yourself highly, and at the same time, you underestimate me."

auzw.com Boom!

As the last word of the mysterious man fell, a terrifying'potential' burst out from his body, and he took a step like this and walked into the sky. The movements seemed slow, but they were like traveling through time and space without warning. Appeared in front of Cangzu, pointing out.

His fingers are very slender, crystal clear as jade, like fairy fingers, without a trace of firework, or even the slightest fluctuation in power, but Cangzu's expression has changed drastically, and the golden glow of his body erupted fiercely, and the mighty power storm swept through , As if the Nine Heavens God King is coming to the world, he also pointed out.


Cangzu and the mysterious man touched with their fingers, and there was no earth-shaking roar, but above the sky, centered on the two, a vacuum area appeared silently, not to mention the mighty and terrifying cloud, even the void within thousands of miles. , All cracked directly like a mirror.


In the next instant, like the roar of millions of immortals, the void collapsed, the world quaked, and the terrifying coercion of the mountains and the sea filled the sky, so that all the strong below were trembling, not to mention resistance, even flee I dare not even think.

It is true that the pressure pervading above is too terrifying, even a bit more terrifying than the previous nine Supremes jointly attacking the restricted area. Is this the real power to break through the existence of the Supreme Realm?

Cangzu only used an incarnation, and he had a power that surpassed the ordinary supreme.

If his deity makes a move, how terrifying is its power?

It's no wonder that the Cang clan has always stood tall since it was passed down from ancient times. As long as the Cang ancestor has not fallen, the clan will always be the pinnacle of immortality!

of course.

It was the mysterious man who most shocked everyone. After all, according to Cangzu, this man had crossed the long river of time against the sky. If he shot at will, he would definitely endure the backlash from the sky, but why did he dare to take the lead? Shot?

There are also what the man said. Cang Zu looked at himself and underestimated him at the same time. Who in this world would dare to speak such crazy words to Cang Zu who broke through the Supreme Realm?

This mysterious man suspected of coming from the future is probably the first in history!


Everyone was horrified and shocked, and the roar from above continued to explode. The terrifying coercion filled the world, the avenues of runes flickered, and the chains of order intertwined across the sky, and the'potential' on the mysterious man became more and more terrifying, as if Every gesture can trigger the power of the world, the rules of the road resonate in unison, and the power is extremely terrifying.

At this moment, if you want to say that the mind is suffering the most, it is definitely Cangzu. He really can't understand why this mysterious man really dared to make a move. Isn't he afraid that his body and spirit will be destroyed by the backlash of the heavens?

"Hmph, since I'm looking for death, then no wonder this sage!" Cang Zu coldly yelled, and there seemed to be a prehistoric beast in his body that had awakened, and the vast and terrifying power was rising, causing the entire world to tremble constantly, and it seemed that he would be unable to bear this. power.

"Holy?" The mysterious man's voice was also solemn, "Is this your realm?"

Cang Zu said nothing, with an icy murderous intent flowing in his eyes, and Tian Ge in his hand was like a golden rainbow across the sky, chopped down with incomparably sharp and terrifying power.

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