Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 359: Reincarnation


The gray sky was torn apart in vain, and the golden long rainbow was like a bolt of lightning, swift and terrifying, directly cutting the void into a crack that was hundreds of thousands of miles long.

This Celestial Ge is the tool of Cangzu's enlightenment. Although the incarnation is not authentic at the moment, its power is still too terrifying, and it will never be inferior to the Emperor's Soldier.

Facing this blow, the mysterious man didn't dare to underestimate him. His slender physique was like a fairy and a devil. He didn't retreat in a cold snort, but he went directly to the golden Changhong, just like that.


The sky seemed to have a big day emerging, and it looked like a meteor in the sky. It was too bright, and a terrifying ‘potential’ erupted, suppressing the heavens and the earth, and directly shattered the golden rainbow.

This scene stunned everyone in the field. Cangzu broke through the supreme existence of the Supreme Realm. Although the person who came at this moment was only an incarnation, the mysterious man could hardly shake his weapon with the power of his flesh. Sensational, too subverting common sense.

Until this moment, everyone really understood why the mysterious man would say that Cangzu underestimated him!

"The physique is not weak, but it ends here."

Cangzu's expression was icy, then he suddenly sneered, and his stature suddenly retreated.


Suddenly, there was a depressive and dull roar, and an extremely terrifying aura permeated the entire world, which made the strong people of all parties feel a suffocation of fear.

"That is"

Ye Hao's eyes shrank suddenly, his scalp numb staring at the sky, he saw a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and the sky within his sight was crushed by darkness at this moment, like a wave of heavy robbery clouds rolling and surging, and pieces of electric light were torn. Splitting the Void, the scene almost wanted to destroy the world, too terrifying.

"This is Thunder Tribulation?"

"No, it should be some kind of rule of heaven and earth, I want to exclude that person."

Yaoshi Han and Shen Jiuyou finally resumed their actions at this moment, and the two stared at the sky in amazement. Even with their power of vision, they felt horrified at the terrifying sight of the world before them.

"It seems that time is running out."

On the sky, the mysterious man sighed lightly, his voice was unprecedentedly solemn.

Obviously, everything is just like what Cangzu said. The mysterious man has crossed the river of time and appeared in the world. If he does not make a move, it is okay. If he makes a move at will, even if it affects the smallest things, he will definitely suffer from heaven's backlash. The danger of extinction.

"Hehe, since you just didn't want to go, then never go."

Cangzu sneered, his indifferent eyes were cold. After all, it would be too difficult for someone of his level to kill each other, but if he seizes this opportunity, even if this mysterious man is lucky enough to resist the backlash of the heavens, he Also be sure to kill it!

"You must go, but before you go, you must be settled first."

The mysterious man spoke indifferently, and a more terrifying and vast force burst out of his body, and he attacked Cang Zu again.

"Hmph, dare to speak up in the end!"

In Cangzu’s hand, Tiange broke through the sky, murderous intent, and a series of avenue runes, chains of order and gods were intertwined, visions in the void were numerous, and humanoid shadows appeared, as if the gods suppressed the world, as well as real dragons and Kunpeng. The legendary creatures appeared phantoms, and the mighty coercion made the void continue to burst.


The mysterious man's fist prints are bright, shaking the sky and the earth, as if pointing straight to the origin of the avenue, and pressing all these terrifying visions to the wind, like a fairy demon carrying the blue sky and stepping on all souls, with a peerless style.

auzw.com "How is it possible?!"

At this moment, it seems that the mysterious man no longer has the slightest reservations, so that the incarnation of De Cangzu is retreating steadily. This shocks the powers of all parties. At the same time, even Cangzu himself seems to feel unbelievable, "You from In the future, the more power you use, the more terrifying the backlash you will endure later. Are you really afraid that your body and spirit will be destroyed?!"



Suddenly, a large piece of black and faint lightning tore through the void, as if to verify what Cangzu said, completely submerging the mysterious man, and the atmosphere of terror and destruction permeated the world, making everyone far enough below feel scalp numb. .


This is regarded as the thunder punishment that the supreme-level giants dare not to underestimate, but it did not stop the mysterious man's footsteps. His face was covered with chaos, he couldn't see the real face, and the thunder roared, and he did not appear on his body like a fairy and a devil. With so many injuries, he rushed towards Cangzu once again under the sky of thunder.

"Crazy man! If you continue like this, you will destroy your body and spirit!" Cangzu shouted sharply, but his voice was a little uncertain at the moment. He didn't think that this mysterious man would be so stupid to kill his incarnation alone. , It’s the only possibility

"Don't you come from the future?!"

Tian Ge exploded to the extreme in Cangzu's hand, as if holding a golden magical electricity in his hand, temporarily pushing the mysterious man back. He finally seemed to have thought of something and couldn't say anything, "Are you following?"


However, before Cangzu's words were finished, the mysterious man seemed unwilling to delay any longer. As he shouted like a magic sound, he pinched the tactics with both hands, and six terrifying and deep black holes emerged out of thin air, holding Cangzu firmly. Trapped among them.


Cangzu screamed, and Tian Ge burst out with a dazzling divine glow in his hand, slashing fiercely towards a black hole in front of him, but strangely, he was sucked into it without much resistance as a killer that was comparable to the emperor's soldiers. Can't even feel a trace of breath.

"What is the law?!"

Cangzu's expression changed wildly, and these six black holes slowly turned, bursting out extremely terrifying power of demons, and he almost wanted to absorb all his spirits into it. With his incarnation, he was actually unable to break free.

Under the rotating and obliterating six black holes, the incarnation of Cangzu quickly appeared cracks, his body shattered and was constantly being swallowed into it, but he didn't even look at it. He just stared at the mysterious man. Under the bombardment of the sky and thunder, his figure became more and more faint, and it seemed that he would be completely excluded from this world in the next instant.

"It seems that my guess is correct."

Cang Zu Senran whispered, and immediately turned his eyes to Ye Hao below, and shouted coldly: "The Cang clan people will take the boy back to the clan at all costs. For the rest of the Taoist tradition, if the boy is brought back to the Cang clan, this saint can Promise him a favor."


As the words fell, Cang Ancestor's body was completely disintegrated, but there was still a golden glow that penetrated the sky and forcibly broke through six black holes, and instantly submerged into the heavenly being of the Cang clan.

Seeing all this, the mysterious man slowly lifted his palm, causing the heavenly man of the Cang Clan to change wildly and trembling. Fortunately, the thunder on the sky became more and more terrifying, flooding the man like a wave, and the whole world was repelled. The strength is extremely strong, as if there are countless shackles, restricting his every move.

In the end, the mysterious man sighed and looked at Ye Hao in the sky of thunder, "I don't know what happened to you, but time is running out. You have to grow up as soon as possible and be careful of you."

It seems that only Ye Hao can hear the mysterious man's voice, perhaps because he is about to be excluded from this world, making his voice also intermittent, making it hard to hear.

In the end, the mysterious man stuck his right hand out, seeming to forcibly break the shackles of the world, and point down at Ye Hao, causing the thunder on the sky to become more and more violent, completely blasting his position into nothingness, and his figure finally It disappeared completely.

It's just that no one other than Ye Hao noticed in the field. As the mysterious man's right hand was vacant, a ray of light that seemed invisible like a dragon, instantly disappeared from his body, even Ye Hao himself. There was no trace, but he knew that all this was not an illusion.

"Hahaha, I want to see, who else can protect you now?!"

After the mysterious man disappeared for more than ten breaths, the robbery cloud on the sky slowly dissipated, and at the same time, the wild laugh of the heavenly being of the Cang clan suddenly sounded.

Not only him, at this moment, except for the Yaochi Holy Land, all the powers of the Taoist line all turned to Ye Hao, like a pack of wolves staring at the lamb, with unprecedented fiery madness in their eyes.

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