Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 360: Desperate

Above the sky, the vast and terrifying robbery cloud has completely dissipated, and only the ear-piercing laughter of the Cang Clan's celestial being reverberates.

Powerful people from all parties, from the Xiaoyao realm to the Burning Fire realm, and even some young disciples in the Taoist Soul realm are breathing heavily, staring at Ye Hao with unprecedented fiery and craziness.

Originally, what everyone coveted Ye Hao was the inheritance of the Pill of Good Fortune, but now, he is the person named by Cangzu, and even Cangzu promises to have a relationship for this, a horrible existence that breaks through the supreme realm. This is almost An amulet that rises rampantly, even the supreme can't help it.

It’s just that there are still some people in the field who are jealous. After all, the appearance of the mysterious man before has caused them too much shock and shock. This is definitely a terrifying creature not weaker than Cangzu. If Ye Hao has something to do with him , Then the future may involve a great disaster.

of course.

There are still most people in the field who didn’t think much about it. Let’s not say whether a slave-cultivation boy is really involved with the strongest, but that the mysterious man is not a person in the world, even if he has the means to reach the sky, It is absolutely impossible to run wild in the current world, this time is the best proof.

Take another ten thousand steps and say, the sky is falling and there is still a tall man standing against it. Even if the mysterious man appears against the sky again in the future, there will be people like Cangzu carrying him, why should they worry?

At the thought of this, the powers of the various orthodoxy are almost enthusiastic. The promise of existence like Cangzu is definitely the largest amulet in the world and the longest blue cloud ladder in the world. No one wants to let go of this opportunity to reach the sky.

The only tricky thing is that at this moment, in addition to Han Wudi, who has disappeared for a thousand years and was once at the top of the unrest, there is also an unidentified great master of heaven, which is a terrifying existence comparable to the heavens.

The most important thing is that the Spiritual Array Master is the least afraid of group battles, even if the Cang Clan's Venerable Cang Kun is a celestial being, he is not fully certain that he can suppress a great master of the heaven rank.

Shen Jiuyou and Han Wudi also knew this well, so seeing the incarnation of Cangzu retreating, both of them were relieved. After all, as long as the existence of Cangzu's level did not interfere, they still have Grasp to get away.

"It seems that Donghuang cannot stay."

Shen Jiuyou and the Korean Medicine Master held Ye Hao behind them, both with solemn expressions of sighs. Cangzu named Ye Hao by name, and no one in the entire Eastern Wilderness would dare to protect the young man.

After all, the Cang clan has been inherited for millions of years, and the accumulation of prestige is too heavy. Perhaps only the Sword Sect and Yaochi Holy Land, which have been passed down from ancient times to the present, are not afraid of the Cang clan, but they are ultimately weaker.

Although the two Taoist traditions are also known as immortal, after all, there is no such thing as Cangzu who broke through the supreme realm. The invincible ancestor and the Western Queen of Jianzong have fallen in ancient times, even if they have left behind in their respective traditions. And the background, but the two immortal orthodoxy will never be head-on with the Cang clan.

Of course, if Ye Hao's identity is Jianzong holding a sword or Yaochi saint son, perhaps the immortal traditions of the two parties will also face the God Clan for this.

However, the basic background of the young man is too shallow after all, let alone such a behemoth as the Cang clan, even in the eyes of the pseudo-supreme Taoist lineage of the Tianyan Sect, it is not worth mentioning.

"Uncle Shen"

In the rear, Ye Hao clenched his fists, his heart was full of unwillingness to humiliate, but he did not continue speaking, because he knew that if he wanted to live now, there was only one option to escape from the Eastern Desolation. Maybe he had to wait until he had the ability to fight against the Cang Clan in the future. It is possible to return to the Eastern Desolation only when strength.

"Ancestor, where can Ye Hao go when he escapes from the Eastern Desolation?"

Han Yitian said anxiously, his eyes full of anxiety and bitterness.

Regarding this, the Korean pharmacist was silent for a while, and said: "The Cang Clan is the pinnacle of immortality. There are only a few forces in the entire world that can resist. Let’s not say whether those forces will act for a non-prosperity. Therefore, for the Cang Clan, Ye Hao's inheritance of the Pill of Good Fortune, I am afraid that no one can be indifferent."


"Up until now, there is probably only one place in this world that is relatively safe and can keep Ye Hao." Han Yaoshi turned to Shen Jiuyou, who also nodded thoughtfully, "Southern Region."

"Jixia Academy."

After the Korean Medicine Master said, Shen Jiuyou looked at Ye Hao and said, "As long as you can enter the Jixia Academy, even if you are accidentally found by the Cang Clan, you don’t need to worry about it anymore. Those nerds are famous for their shortcomings. It is the nine gods who dare to face tit-for-tat, I am afraid that when the time comes, the ancestor of the Cang clan will have no choice but to visit."

"It's just that it's too difficult and difficult to get in there." The Korean pharmacist sighed lightly, "Don't care about it, leave this place of right and wrong and think of a solution."

Shen Jiuyou nodded, his aura slowly climbed, and the Korean pharmacist also stepped out. Behind him, an ancient and vigorous sacred tree loomed, and his power was shocking.

"Hehe, are you two still trying to struggle to death?"

Upon seeing this, all the powerful people in the distance were jealous, but the middle-aged man of the Cang clan who stepped into the realm of heaven and human sneered strangely, looking down at Shen Jiuyou jokingly, "Grandmaster of Heaven, But you."

"Hey, did you kneel and be stupid just now? Your ancestor of the Cang clan still has the qualifications to say this, depending on your celestial and human state."

Before Shen Jiuyou had finished speaking, the middle-aged man of the Cang Clan suddenly exploded with a storm of earth-shaking power, which rushed straight into the sky, and the clouds were smashed.


Shen Jiuyou's voice stopped abruptly, his eyes staring at the former in amazement, and he couldn't say anything, "How is your strength possible?"


The middle-aged man's face was even more joking, his body roared and there was a faint sound of broken barriers, and the momentum on his body at this moment was like the sunrise, rising steadily, shockingly.

Under this terrifying aura, the expressions of the powerful people from all sides changed drastically. Not to mention the peak of Xiaoyao, even the strongest Shen Jiuyou felt a terrible pressure that could not be resisted.

Supreme coercion!

"How could Venerable Cang Kun step into the Supreme Realm?"

The elder man in purple robe of Heavenly Master Tao trembled, and even at his peak of happiness, he couldn't even rise to the slightest resistance under this pressure.

"Although the heavens and humans are only one step away from the Supreme, the Supreme is supreme. Since ancient times, so many amazing enchanting evildoers have stopped here. How can the Supreme Cangkun break through without warning?"

"Hey, if Venerable Cangkun steps into the Supreme Realm, then I really won't have the slightest chance to wait.

After the horror of the strong people from all parties, they all couldn't help but sigh, while the Han Yao Master and Gu Shentan's faces were full of disbelief and despair.

If there is a supreme-level combat power to shoot, then even if they tried everything this time, there was absolutely no hope at all.

"No, not supreme!"

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