Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 387: Umbrella bearer, sword backer (1)

The bald young man frowned slightly, and a look of uncertainty appeared on his face. At that moment, he actually felt the unique fluctuations of the Buddha's practice in the young man, which was even unbelievable for him.

Although the land of endless buddhas is far away in West Desert, it is an immortal orthodoxy comparable to Jixia Academy. It is also one of the most powerful forces in the world. It can be said to be endlessly brilliant and extremely powerful.

And in this kind of Taoism, no matter it is the cultivation method or the secret technique, it is definitely not a secret, and even some core cultivation methods, in addition to the direct line of the family, if others secretly learn, it will inevitably lead to a murderous disaster.

"Is it an illusion?"

It's just that when Lu Guan got up and felt it carefully, the volatility in the boy's body became illusory again, as if it had never appeared before, which made him hesitate.

Of course, this was not Lu Guan's illusion, but after Ye Hao discovered his existence for the first time, he restrained his fluctuation out of caution.

Fortunately, Ye Hao did this. Otherwise, the former's keen perception, he has practiced the dragon elephant seal, absolutely can not escape Lu Guan's perception, if he is aware of it, there will definitely be many twists and turns.

And Xie Daoyun was naturally aware of the existence of the two, but in this trial place, everyone was in a competitive relationship except for his own supporter, and Lu Guan came from the endless buddha land, which is definitely the strongest and strongest of this trial. One of the most difficult people, even Xie Daoyun didn't want to cause more trouble, so he took Ye Hao to go far away.

"Master Lu, everyone has gone far." In silence, Sun Ming reminded with a bitter face, "That's the Xie family, thank Daoyun, with good talent and high spirits. He is hailed as the best in Langya Continent. Master is still"

"Brother Sun, the poor monk is a monk, what are you thinking about?" Lu Guan interrupted with a dissatisfied expression, and immediately got up and looked at the direction of the former's departure. "I am only interested in the brother behind her."

"Huh? Master's hobby"

Sun Ming took a few steps back with a panic expression. He didn't believe in Lu Guan's sophistry at all, and covered his hands even more subconsciously.

"Come and see."

Lu Guan didn't notice the strangeness of the former, his figure disappeared in a flash, and Sun Ming followed closely behind with mixed joys and sorrows, but he felt more sympathetic to the black-robed boy.


On the wasteland, Xie Daoyun and Ye Hao were stunned, but the two figures slowly approaching behind them made them frown, and they didn't understand why the buddha youth would stare at them.


Just when the two of them were confused, a small hill in front of them vibrated suddenly, and then burst into dust with the earth-shaking roar, revealing a dark and hazy path.

Ye Hao and Xie Daoyun's eyes shrank suddenly, and they stopped abruptly. Lu Guan and Sun Ming in the back also appeared not far from them, staring at the dark path for a moment.


In the silence of the four people, a little messy footsteps came, and then a somewhat embarrassed young man rushed out of the trail and appeared directly on the wasteland.

"Huh, finally figured it out!"

With blood on his body, this young man immediately noticed the four Ye Hao after he appeared, and his eyes appeared alert.

"Huh, brother Wu Xie?"

auzw.com Sun Ming's face appeared astonished, as if he recognized the former's identity.

"It turned out to be Sun Ming." The young man raised his eyebrows, and immediately glanced over both Ye Hao, "Hehe, the goddess of the Xie family is also here."

In the end, the young man named Wu Xie's eyes fell on the bald young man, with unprecedented dignity in his eyes, and he clearly recognized the origin of Lu Guan.

As for Ye Hao, this young man just glanced at it lightly, and stopped paying too much attention.

"Brother Wu, it is said that your Wu family did not get a quota this time. It seems that you came here from the life and death gate of the academy?" Sun Ming said with a slight condensed face.

This young man named Wu Xie comes from the Wu family in the Southern Territory, the supreme clan, is a true supreme bloodline, the emperor-level Tianjiao, and his strength is a bit stronger than Xie Daoyun and Sun Mingyin, and even a true emperor like him The level of Tianjiao was so embarrassed, it shows how difficult the life and death pass in Jixia Academy is.

This young man named Wu Xie didn't say much. After nodding lightly, he stared at Lu Guan with a guard, slowly stepped back for a certain distance, and finally his body disappeared in a flash.

"Why is this guy so timid? Is the poor monk like that kind of evil monk who kills and sets fire?" Lu Guan looked at Ye Hao inexplicably.

For this familiar guy, Ye Hao frowned and ignored it, but Sun Ming on the side explained: "It's no wonder that he, although Jixia Academy has not cut off the chances of those Tianjiao who have not won the spot, he still stays. The chance of breaking through the life and death pass, but even if the emperor and children are not sure to pass it easily, and even if his own strength is good, he will pass the life and death pass of the academy and enter the place of trial. There are supporters to help me out, obviously at a disadvantage, so I have to be more cautious."


Before Sun Ming's words fell, a rocky mountain not far away shook and burst suddenly, revealing a dimly dim trail, on which a blood-stained youth rushed out.

This young man was also an emperor-level Tianjiao, but his state seemed to be more embarrassed than Wu Xie before. After seeing the four of Ye Hao, he was also very cautious to leave.

"It seems that the Tianjiao who came to compete in this cross-channel trial is far more than before."

Sun Ming sighed lightly, without much worry on his face. After all, he knew Lu Guan's strength and his support. It shouldn't be difficult to win a spot, but Xie Daoyun was just the opposite. He pressed his red lips tightly and had a pretty face. Full of solemnity.

"Let's go."

Ye Hao spoke, his expression still unchanged, but just as he moved, a rocky mountain not far away burst again, and a graceful figure smiled out of the sky full of smoke and dust.

This is a girl in a green dress, but at the age of eighteen or nine years old, her complexion is as white as ivory, her face is soft and beautiful, she has a graceful posture, and she is as ethereal as an elf.

At the moment when he saw her, Ye Hao couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and the faces of Xie Daoyun and the three people on the side also showed different colors.

Of course, this is not because the strength of the girl in the green skirt is unfathomable, but because she is too weak. In their perception, the former only has the cultivation base of Dao Soul Realm, which is too abnormal.

To know the life and death barrier of Jixia Academy, even the emperor of the Lingyan Realm can only get through it after nine deaths. How can a girl who is not in the Dao Soul Realm walk out unscathed?

"Brother Jiang, hurry up!" Just as the four of them were puzzled, the girl in the green skirt also spotted them, and immediately jumped toward the dim trail and waved, "Brother Jiang, there are others here."

"There is anyone else?! How is this possible?"

Sun Ming's eyes squeezed, unbelievable and shocked on his face.

at the same time

On the gloomy path, a slender young man walked out slowly with a sword in his arms.

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