Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 388: Umbrella bearer, sword backer (2)

Soon after the sword-bearing youth and the girl left, another stone mountain burst suddenly in the distance, and then a young man with blood hair like a waterfall and eyes like electricity walked out slowly, followed by a weird six-armed young man. The youth, the whole body's vitality and blood are like the abyss like the sea, and the faintly roaring sound, like a river rushing, is extremely shocking.

"The Trial Place of the Cross Channel finally came in."

The **** youth took a breath, a sorrowful smile appeared on his face.

"I hope it's true as the family guessed, don't let us go back empty-handed."

The sound of the young man with six arms was muffled, and the muscles on his six arms were more like horned dragons, exuding violent blood.

"Hehe, it should not be wrong. Back then, the ancestor of my bloodlin clan and your six-armed clan fell into the hands of Zhang Sheng. The ancestors of our clan should be left in this trial place by him. Now it is time to retrieve it. "The blood-haired young man said with fiery eyes, "Although the nerds of the Confucian school are dead-headed, they are really amazing and brilliant."

"Be careful when you speak. After all, we are in the trial grounds of Jixia Academy." The six-armed youth looked around with some fear, and then frowned and asked, "Since the whereabouts of the ancestor weapon has long been guessed, but Why didn't you let me come and retrieve it until today?"

"I don't know too well, but it seems to be related to the changes in the Kunlun restricted area some time ago." The blood-haired youth shook his head, his face a little dignified, "It is rumored that there are big secrets in this world, especially those in the restricted areas. Unfathomable, it can be said that the whole body was affected by one move. The nine supreme sages joined forces to attack Kunlun and caused the weird force in the restricted area to self-appoint Kunlun. After hearing that there was also a vision in another living creature Jedi in the Eastern Wilderness, it quickly subsided. "

"Another place?" The six-armed youth was startled slightly, then his expression changed drastically, "You mean Suo Xian Dao?"

The six-armed youth was really shocked. The Kunlun Forbidden Area is mysterious and full of all kinds of weird and ominous. Even if the Supreme is not willing to go deep, it can be said that Suo Xian Island is better than Kunlun Ruins, and it is rumored to be even locked. The creatures that only exist in legends like the true immortals are terrifying and terrifying.

And the most important point is that the sword of sword sect that suppresses the secrets of the sword was sent by a supreme of the sword sect to death from the island of Suo Xian in the early years. As for that supreme, after entering the island of Suo Xian, he did not go out and only appeared. The terrifying vision of weeping.

We must know that if one kills one, the sword sect is called the second, I am afraid that there are few people in the world who dare to claim the first. The swordsman supreme is undoubtedly the best among the supreme, even after this powerful existence finds the sword of the sword, it is still silent. Falling on the island of Suo Xian, this shows how weird and terrifying this creature Jedi is.

"Not only that, even the eternal place in our Southern Territory had a vision a few days ago. The king sage of Jixia Academy went to check it in person, and has not yet returned." The blood-haired youth had some schadenfreude, and then it was again. He sighed, "In a short period of time, these successive various visions all prove that there will be major changes in the world. This is also the best time for our second race to retrieve the ancestors."

The six-armed youth frowned, worried.

"Haha, don't worry too much. My blood-lin clan veteran once said that if there is a big change in the world, it is not a bad thing for you and me." The blood-haired youth chuckled deeply.

"It's not too late, let's leave." The six-armed young man clenched his fist and drank, "If we deduced from the clan elder, the ancestors of you and my clan should be in the deepest part of this trial land. Let's pass this first level first. "

When the words fell, the six-armed youth and the blood-haired youth disappeared in a flash, rushing to the depths of the wasteland.


Not long after the two left, a rocky mountain not far away burst again. An elegant young man carried an old black umbrella and walked out.


The young man was dressed in white and was not strong. On the contrary, he was a bit like a worldly weak talent, with a sickly pale face, especially his thin lips, which seemed to be cold like a blade, and looked extremely feminine.

"The so-called life and death pass of Jixia Academy is really an exaggeration." The white-clothed youth patted the dust on his shoulders, and shook his head as if disdainfully. In addition to Zhongzhou, the opportunity for this is the trial ground of Jixia Academy. Then it's best not to let me down."

The young man took a deep breath, and then squinted his eyes. After a while, his eyes suddenly appeared cold, and his eyes slammed into the depths of the wasteland. His body was like a ghost, flashing and fleeting.

At the moment when the youth looked in, Ye Hao, who was approaching the depths, suddenly jumped in his heart, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake who had chosen someone to eat. The strong sense of crisis made him feel like he was standing upright. stand up.

"what happened?"

Ye Hao frowned, his expression dignified, and just that moment, an extremely strong life and death crisis appeared in his heart. In addition to this innate instinct, his humanoid Dao soul in the world also trembles, like Facing a fateful enemy, it is extremely strange.

"The receiving platform is close in front of you, do you still think about it?"

Ahead, Xie Daoyun yelled at him angrily, his pretty face full of impatience.

Ye Hao frowned and retracted his gaze without saying much. He cast his gaze back to the front, vaguely seeing the depths of the wasteland. Forty pinnacles stand one after another, filled with the breath of ancient vicissitudes, and at the top of Shifeng, there is a The stone platform with the size of ten meters, exuding mysterious and strange fluctuations, is the gateway to the next stage of the trial.

A hundred groups of tianjiao, plus the evildoers who broke out from the life and death gate of Jixia Academy, a group of people competed for forty reception stands, and even if they temporarily competed for the reception stand, they had to successfully hold a stick of incense, otherwise it would be impossible. To the next level, competition is not cruel.

But it is precisely these cruel rules that can ensure that the people who lead to the second level are all the tianjiao among the tianjiao.



As we approached the depths, bursts of earth-shattering roars continued to sound along with the sound of gold and iron. At the top of each stone peak, there were two pairs, fighting each other, and there were even a lot of broken limbs scattered in some places. Obviously, the trial has just begun, and someone has already died.

Ye Hao and Xie Daoyun also arrived. The two stood not far away and swept over the forty pinnacles. Some of them had already ended their battles, standing on the receiving platform staring at them like an enemy.

Xie Daoyun is worthy of being the goddess of the Xie family. She acted far more decisively than ordinary people. She flew directly to the top of one of the stone peaks and fought with the young man in the Burning Flame Realm.

"Huh, you **** good or bad girl, let me go down!"

The young guardian snorted coldly, the power of the Spiritual Realm burst out, but before his figure rushed out, the space around him was abruptly turbulent, four light curtains filled with terrible waves, like a cage Appeared, sealing him tightly.

Awesomely it is the prison of the soul.

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