Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 406: Offend

Sanqingshan, Shangqing Tianzun.

Hearing this name, Ye Hao couldn't help but take a deep breath, and a storm surged in his heart. He didn't expect that the old man phantom who was carrying the golden seal and riding the green bull would be the third of Tongtiandao Peak. One of the great gods.

No wonder the old man can overstep the rules and appear in this trial place.

No wonder even Sheng Gong of Jixia Academy was quite polite to him.

It is true that the identity of the old man is too detached, even among the supreme who overlooks the heavens and domains, he is absolutely outstanding.

Tongtian Daofeng Sanqingshan is a tradition left by the ancient Dao ancestors. Although its main purpose is to be born and cultivated and to be free and inactive, it has always been an immortal tradition in the world of megatrons. It is extremely brilliant and powerful. And Jixia Academy will not be weak at all.

Of course, since the fall of Taoist ancestors, although Sanqing Mountain's power is not as good as it was at its peak, its status is still like a towering mountain, unshakable.

And this Shangqing Tianzun is one of the three Tianzuns of the Tongtian Daofeng today. It is the ancestor-level figure of the Taoist tradition. It is definitely a true taboo, and it is too powerful.

As for how strong it is, one or two can be glimpsed just from the well-known "One Finger Cross Channel Water Reverse Flow".

It is said that before the endless years, Tianzun Shangqing overlooked the Hengqu and sat on the cliff to enlighten the Tao. It took three thousand years to sit.

Three thousand years later, this Heavenly Venerable who had already stood proudly in the Supreme Realm finally gained something, just like this without joy or sorrow, without the slightest smoke and fire.

On that day, the vast horizontal canal that traverses the Southern Territory, the billowing river flows back and forth, shaking the world.

This kind of terrifying, unpredictable horror method is sufficient to prove the horror of the Supreme Qing Tianzun.

Ye Hao never expected that the first time he shot Sanqingshan Tianjiao, he would provoke such a supreme figure. Although the old man didn't kill him, he still made his heart feel more solemn than ever.

At this moment, Ye Hao couldn't help turning his gaze to Lin Jing, who was unconscious on the ground, and his eyes flickered. He didn't realize until this moment that this little Taoist aunt was actually a granddaughter of the Supreme Qing Tianzun. No wonder that there is something in his soul that can be concealed. It is no wonder that the secret treasure of a strong scholar in the palace has mastered the three supreme magical powers of Tongtian Daofeng.

Such a background can indeed be said to be as big as the sky.

For this reason, Ye Hao couldn't help but feel a headache. If he was just an ordinary Tianjiao in Sanqingshan, he would kill if he killed it, but if it was the granddaughter of Tianzun Shangqing, he would not be able to kill at will.

Otherwise, he had just escaped from the Eastern Desolation and escaped the chase of the Cang Clan, I am afraid that he would have to provoke the immortality of Sanqingshan again.

"A strong second generation with a bright background, come to this place of trial to join in the fun."

Ye Hao couldn’t help cursing secretly in his heart. In fact, let’s not say that it was him. Even Lu Guan didn’t think of Lin Jing’s identity at the beginning. It wasn’t until the phantom of the golden seal riding on the green bull appeared that Lu Guan had the identity of the former. Guessed.

"I have always heard that Shangqing Tianzun has a granddaughter. I didn't expect it to be her." Lu Guan was speechless, and then looked at Ye Hao with a weird expression, "Shen donor, you just made your move a bit heavy."

Ye Hao said indifferently: "I have reminded her a long time ago that if you choose me as your opponent, you will definitely regret it."

Ye Hao was not an indecisive person, since he had already taken action, no matter whether he would offend this little Taoist or not, he would not regret it.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao suddenly narrowed his eyes and fumbled for Lin Jing.


This scene made Sun Ming's cheeks stiff in the distance. Xie Daoyun and Zhou Rou glared at him, while Lu Guan's eyes widened, and even his lips trembled and said, "Shen Shen donor, she is the granddaughter of Tianzun Shangqing, you Isn't it that way to play it like this?!"

Ye Hao ignored the others, and after groping for a while on Lin Jing, he finally found a storage bag next to him.

After seeing the boy’s true intentions, the faces of the few people on the side looked better, and then they couldn’t help but appear strange colors on their faces. This little Taoist aunt is the granddaughter of Tianzun Shangqing, so I don’t need to say much about his love, otherwise it won’t. Exhausted effort to lay a protective secret treasure in her soul.

But the black-robed boy in front of him not only beat Shangqing Tianzun's granddaughter violently, but even dared to rob him of the storage bag after knowing her identity. In the eyes of several people, this behavior was really bold.

Of course, Ye Hao's thoughts were not so complicated. In his opinion, since he had offended this little Taoist girl, he would not be fortunate enough to offend him to the end. As his granddaughter, he must have a lot of good things.

Thinking like this in his heart, Ye Hao's eyes couldn't help but warm, and his divine sense instantly penetrated into it after breaking the restriction on the storage bag full of expectation.

"this is"

Inside the storage bag, there are a dazzling array of treasures of heaven, material and earth, which is like a small treasure house, especially the light blue liquid contained in one of the small jade bottles, which exudes strong spiritual fluctuations.

The pale blue liquid was as viscous as magma, and as soon as Ye Hao's spiritual consciousness approached, he felt unprecedentedly clear and comfortable. This kind of characteristics made him think of the legendary treasure of heaven, earth and earth.

"There is a real covet in the world!"

Ye Hao suppressed the surprise in his heart. After refining a small part of the alchemy alchemy, he originally planned to try to refine one of the ancient pills to improve the practice progress of the extreme realm method.

Although the nine-class elixir of Nawei Gu Dan prescription is the highest grade, the other two adjuvants Diamian and Zhengyangcao are even more rare. He even doubted whether these two adjuvants existed only in ancient times.

After seeing the pale blue liquid right now, Ye Hao was almost certain that Zhengyang Grass must also exist in the world.

"As long as you find Zhengyang grass again, you can try to refine that flavor ancient Dan!"

Ye Hao's eyes were fiery, the ancient pill of good fortune, which can increase the potency of the elixir to the greatest extent, as long as it is refined, he is sure to cultivate the hegemonic blood of the extreme state law to the small state in one fell swoop.

By then, even if he doesn't use his spiritual power, he will be able to contend only with the physical strength of the extreme state method, and even crush the strong celestial phenomenon!

"Zhengyang Grass I don't know if the third stage of the trial has such a natural treasure."

Ye Hao said to himself, there is nothing special about the first two levels of the test of the horizontal channel, but there are many treasures of heaven and earth in the third level. Anyone who breaks into the third level and protectors can do it. Choose one, this is exactly what Jixia Academy wants to make up for those who broke into the third level, but didn't get a place in the end.

The characteristic of Zhengyang grass is that it grows in a blessed land with rich and abundant righteousness.

And if you talk about righteousness, there is probably no place in this world that can compare to the Jixia Academy, which is built with awe-inspiring righteousness.

With the demeanor of Zhang Sheng back then, in the third pass of the trial, Zhengyang grass is very likely to grow.

Thinking like this in his mind, Ye Hao's divine consciousness suddenly caught a glimpse of the corner of the storage bag, a page of scriptures lingering in haziness and chaos, bursts of mysterious Taoist rhyme radiated from it, extremely mysterious.

"this is"

The moment he read that page of scripture, Ye Hao's figure shook wildly, and the storm surged in his heart, and even his breathing suddenly rushed.

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