Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 407: Amazing harvest

At this time, the void outside the trial land.

Shenggong Yan held the measuring ruler in his hand, and his whole body was dazzling. His eyes were staring at the young man in the second pass for an instant, while Li Taibai squeezed the wine gourd in his hand, and the sword energy around his body screamed loudly.

Obviously, these two supreme giants in Jixia Academy were very uneasy.

Of course, this is not because of the appearance of the Supreme Qing Tianzun just now, but the power that blasted the former phantom in the trial ground.

Because in the beam of light that penetrated the sky, the two of them vaguely realized that it belonged to Zhang Sheng's unique power!

"In the third stage of the trial, which is the last stage, you and I both went in back then, and even Wang Sheng went to investigate in person later. There was nothing strange at all. Why did such an abnormality occur?" Li Taibai voiced Wei Ning spoke with a voice that only two of them could hear, "Could it be that Zhang Sheng never really fell?!"

Shenggong Yan was silent, then shook his head and said solemnly, "Although I don't know what Zhang Sheng discovered back then, but in the end his Dao heart collapsed and disappeared, which must be related to it."

"Heaven and earth are unintentional, the lives and the people have their own destiny, the sacredness has long been extinct, and the world is not peaceful, this is what a desperate language of frustration." Li Taibai sighed quietly.

At the beginning of his enlightenment, Zhang Sheng made a great aspiration that shocked the world; when he fell, he changed those four aspirations to one word, which can be said to have broken his own heart.

Although this secret outsider had heard of it, he was still unable to determine the authenticity and could reveal the identity of Sheng Gong and Li Taibai. They knew that all this was not a rumor, but a fact that happened.

It's a pity that even they don't know what Zhang Sheng, who was so dazzling and shocking, has experienced.

"There has never been such an abnormal change in the previous horizontal channel trials. Is it really because of that young man?" Li Taibai frowned, puzzled.

"This trial land was opened at the beginning of Zhang Sheng's Daoism. What supports it is his lifelong ambition and Dao heart. If it were not for the suppression of this place, it would have collapsed after Zhang Sheng's fall." The public muttered to himself, frowning and guessing, "That young man can arouse such visions, it is very likely that his Dao heart is in line with Zhang Sheng's ambitions.


Li Taibai had a weird look. In fact, don't say it was him. Even Sheng Gong laughed at himself and shook his head after saying it, thinking that his guess was impossible.

Because they all know the identity and experience of the teenager, they can even see that although the teenager is like a Pinghu, his heart is filled with grievances and murderous intent. No matter what point of view, he is incompatible with Zhang Shengge.

"Let's wait and see, when he enters the third level, he should be able to find some clues." Sheng Gong Yan took a deep breath.

Li Taibai raised his head and drank a sip, and immediately his deep eyes appeared in surprise and said: "What kind of body-refining method do you think this kid practices? His physique is a bit outrageous. I'm afraid he is even a Zhang Liu of the endless Buddha. The golden body and those special physiques are faintly inferior, which is really strange."

Shenggong Yan nodded thoughtfully, and said: "It is said that the sword holders of the sword sect generation are innate sword bodies. Even this legendary physique is defeated by him. If he is not a special physique, then Its physical training method is bound to shock the world."

"Tsk tusk, I'm just talking about physique, I'm afraid it can be comparable to Hanlin's Confucianism." Li Taibai was speechless, and immediately couldn't help but say, "Really a brave kid, after that one appeared, he even dared to rob him. granddaughter."

Shenggong Yan smiled noncommitantly. All he promised to Shangqing Tianzun was to guarantee the safety of his granddaughter. As for other things, he couldn't control so much.


"It just happens to teach Sanqingshan a little lesson. It is natural to pay some price to break my Jixia Academy's rules." Li Taibai's profound binoculars circulates the avenue rune, as if he can clearly see the storage bag in the young man's hand. He grinned strangely, "Haha, it's just that the price is a bit high. If the old guy in Shangqing knew about it, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to retreat, he would just kill here."

Sheng Gong Yan narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Everyone has his own chance, this is also his blessing."

"Oh, I can't wait for this kid to enter the third level. I don't know what changes will be brought about by that time." Li Taibai pondered for a moment, and then a touch of playfulness appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he quietly pinched his fingers.

Upon seeing this, the Lord Yan on the side could not help frowning. After Li Taibai pinched the formula, he hurriedly smiled and said, "This is not a bad rule? Anyway, this kid has spotted the Cang clan guy. If he doesn't let him find it, I'm afraid I don’t know when it will be delayed to enter the third level. Anyway, we will meet sooner or later. I might as well help him."

Sheng Gong Yan shook his head helplessly, too lazy to talk more about these trivial matters. After all, he said that he was the most disciplined, but he was not rigid, otherwise even the blood of Yan Sheng would not be able to achieve today.

At this moment, in the second level of the trial, Ye Hao's hand holding the storage bag trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of unprecedented enthusiasm and excitement.

Although Ye Hao is not very old, his temperament has always been steady, and if he can have such violent mood swings, the page of scripture in the storage bag is bound to be extremely precious.


In the corner of the storage bag, even though that page of scripture was filled with hazy chaos, after careful inspection, Ye Hao was still able to see the tiny small prints carved on it.

Sanqing Tour Tianbu!

The **** method of Tongtiandaofeng Sanqingshan, the world is extremely fast!

Ye Hao never expected that in this little Taoist aunt’s storage bag, there would be the practice method of Sanqing Youtianbu. This is the secret of Sanqingshan. If it were not for Lin Jing’s honorable status, he would definitely not be qualified to practice. Practice this world extremely fast.

You must know that even many Tianjiao of Sanqingshan are not qualified to practice this supernatural power, let alone others, and Ye Hao's root accumulation is far from being compared with these immortal descent treasures. Naturally, they yearn for this supernatural power.

It's a pity that the magical powers of the body are too precious, and it is that Ye Hao is only practicing the cloud chasing step of the Ye Family at the beginning, which can be said to be extremely shabby.

Especially when he was in the Kunlun restricted area, seeing Yun Miaoxuan performing one step away, as well as Tuoba Qiu's eight steps of Heavenly Demon and Lin Jing's Sanqing Youtian Step, made Ye Hao extremely enthusiastic about this kind of world.

Of course, the eyes are hot, but Ye Hao doesn't have much hope for obtaining these **** methods.

After all, these body techniques can be said to be the top supernatural powers in the world. Even those profound immortal Taoist traditions may not be obtained, and the Taoist traditions that have been passed down from ancient times like Sanqingshan and Yaochi Holy Land are for this kind of world. Extreme speed is extremely important, unless they are direct children, others are not qualified to practice.

"made money!"

Ye Haoqiang suppressed his excitement and put away his storage bag, trying his best not to let Lu Guan and a few people on the side see the clues. At the same time, he couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart. If he offends this little Taoist, he can get a world speed. It's too cost-effective for him.


Just as Ye Hao just put away his storage bag, in the ancient forest far away, a sky-shattering sword aura burst out suddenly, tearing the sky apart.

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