Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 457: A world of war

On the sky, Sheng Gong Yan sighed, Li Taibai raised his head and took a sip of wine, silent.

"Let's go."

After a long time, Shenggong Yan waved his sleeves and rolled up the few people who had been removed from the trial place by Zhang Shengnuo, and then his eyes turned to the young man above the stone statue.

As for Ye Hao’s identity, Sheng Gong Yan and Li Taibai knew it when he entered the place of trial, but neither of them could have imagined that the boy would be so favored by Zhang Sheng, even when the former fell. They also used to secretly spread their messages.

It can make a saint so important, and they are the saints who shocked the ancients and the present at Jixia Academy. Both Yan Shenggong and Li Taibai couldn't understand the reason.

But for these, the two Xuegong Supremes did not have time to think about it at this moment. After all, from the appearance of Zhang Sheng to the fall, the changes that occurred during the period can be described as shocking, and even the Supreme's mood can not be completely calmed at this moment.

And the most important point is that Zhang Sheng's act this time, the two supreme still need to go back and derive carefully to figure out the deep meaning.

"Back to the school palace."

While drinking, Sheng Gong Yan rolled up Ye Hao, and Li Taibai directly turned into two streams of light, and disappeared in place instantly.

It wasn't until the two academy supreme beings left for a long time that the deadly crowd in the room gradually boiled, and finally burst into loud noise.

It is true that the Hengqu trial has changed so much that no one can imagine that the Hengqu Zhang Sheng, who had been completely wiped out tens of thousands of years ago, will have a day to reappear in the world.

What shocked everyone the most was the shocking storm that swept the entire world that was set off by Zhang Sheng. Until this moment, everyone still had not completely accepted it.

You know, that's supreme!

It is a terrifying existence that can overlook the heavens and is supreme.

These supreme giants who are like gods, in the past, the appearance of one is enough to prosper the orthodoxy and stand proud in the world, and few people dare to provoke.

But today, Zhang Sheng alone, with the body of a remnant soul, has sealed all the supreme in the world for thousands of years, like a prisoner, this is simply crazy and can't be crazy.

What's even more crazier than that is that, in addition to the world's supreme, even the few saints who have existed for endless years are all present in this world, and in the end they have to be sealed for thousands of years.

Although a large part of the reason is that the saints are unwilling to expend energy, in any case, it is shocking enough to be able to seal the saints for a thousand years with their own power.

It can be absolutely said that today's storm that sweeps all the supreme and saints in the world is destined to be recorded in history.

"The supreme and the saint have been sealed for thousands of years, and it coincides with the change of heaven and earth, the spiritual energy is revived, and the world is destined to be uneven in the future."

"Most of us old guys have a solid foundation. Although we can get some benefits, there is still little hope, but those little guys are really born in a good era."

"Tianjiao will rise together, the situation will meet, I don't know who can stand on top in this life."

"The real world of great controversy has arrived!"

The older generation of powerhouses in the field have fiery eyes and solemn expressions. If they can seize the opportunity of this world change, their respective ethics may not be further possible.

"I thank my family, I'm out of the phoenix!"

Xie Xuan clenched his fists tightly, and his figure trembled with excitement, because when the two Xuegong Supremes had just left, Xie Daoyun was also taken to the Jixia Xuegong, which proved that their Xie family goddess successfully obtained The quota for this Hengqu trial.

Although Jixia Academy is no longer glorious in ancient times, it is also an immortal orthodoxy anyway, and it is also in the top ranks in the immortal orthodoxy. Even those ancient tribes who stand proudly on the top of immortality are unwilling to provoke it easily.

auzw.com such a behemoth, even if the Xie family’s supreme ancestor had not fallen, let alone the Xie family, which is now declining.

And Xie Daoyun's ability to enter the Jixia Academy can be said to be the greatest opportunity for the Xie family to return to the top, and even surpass its glory days.

It was just that after the ecstasy, Xie Xuan couldn't help but feel a little worried. Zhang Sheng sealed the world's supreme and saint for thousands of years today, which can be said to have offended an unimaginable terrorist force.

After the millennium, when the sealed supreme and saint regain their freedom, the Jixia Academy may face an unprecedented disaster.

Xie Xuan was silent, and his eyes kept flashing. After a long time, he gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind.


Thousands of years later, Jixia Academy may have to face the greatest catastrophe, but if it succeeds, the status of the Daoist clan who shares the difficulties will definitely rise.

As the contemporary ancestor of the Xie family, Xie Xuan's courage is not small. After witnessing Zhang Sheng's actions today, he is still willing to tie the Xie family to the precarious ship of the Jixia Academy a thousand years later.

Of course, not only the strong people of all parties outside the trial land, but all the orthodoxy in the entire world have completely boiled this day, especially the famous talents, each with a hot look and high spirits.

In the so-called world of great controversy, as long as they suppress their peers in the world, their future achievements are destined to be higher.

The shocking storm in Hengqu has not really calmed down for a whole month in the past.

In fact, this drastic change is more shocking than the change in the Kunlun restricted area some time ago, because this time not only the Supreme, but also the saints have been swept in.

Of course, even if the Supreme Sage is sealed for a thousand years, the general pattern of the various orthodoxy in the world still has not changed much. After all, those supreme beings have only been sealed for a thousand years and have not truly fallen. They are still the greatest heritage of the various orthodoxy. People dare to provoke easily.

But at this moment, in the aura of the blessed land, the palaces stretched and undulated, the sound of reading aloud was endless, and the majestic and endless righteousness rushed into the sky, extremely frightening.

Here, impressively is the Taoism of Jixia Academy.

In the depths of the academy, in an ancient hall that was extremely old and amidst a glorious day, Sheng Gong Yan and Li Taibai sat on the top, looking at more than a dozen figures in the hall.

Jiang Tage, Liu Qingqing.

Xu Hai.

Sun Ming.

Zhao Hong.

The silver-haired girl from the Sky Demon Tiger Clan and Song Jia.

There are also two direct descendants of the Chen family and the Li family.

And Ye Hao and Xie Daoyun.

At this moment in the hall, all are the people who have obtained this trial quota. As for the two emperors of the bloodlin clan and the six-armed clan, the Lu Guan of the endless buddhist land, the Tuobaqiu of the Shimodian, and the Luo Kedi of the Holy Spirit clan absent.

Although these people were given trial quotas, they were unable to visit Jixia Academy for various reasons, so they had already left a few days ago.

Only Jiang Tage wanted to sharpen his kendo in Jixia Academy, but he did not have the will to worship Jixia Academy. Strangely, the two Supreme Masters of the Academy did not say much about this.

Above the ancient temple, Sheng Gong Yan made a brief arrangement with the people, and then let them go. Then he looked at the black robe boy who was quietly left behind by him, and he pondered for a while before speaking slowly:

"I wonder if you should call you Ye Hao or Shen Xuan?"

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