Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 458: Mr. (1)

The ancient temple was empty and extremely quiet. Sheng Gong Yan sat on the top. Even if there was no supreme pressure, he would still be like a god, exuding an invisible majesty.

On the side, Li Taibai, in white clothes and sword, carrying a hip flask, with a look of interest on his face. He had never stepped into the celestial state below, but caused such a shocking storm in Kunlun, even the saints. The boy who didn't hesitate to shoot, he was indeed curious.

Especially in the Hengqu trial, the young man had to be so valued by Zhang Sheng, which made this Qinglian Sword Immortal, known as the most powerful Confucianist, feel quite puzzled.

In fact, not only Li Taibai, but even Sheng Gong Yan was full of doubts. They couldn't understand how Zhang Sheng's transcendence would favor a teenager so much.

Hearing that, Ye Hao couldn't help but smile. He had already predicted the fact that the two academies would see through his identity. After all, the Void Illusory Beast Skin had been trained once through Shen Jiuyou's sacrifice, and it was barely able to confuse the strong in the heavens and humans. But in the face of supreme, after all, I can't hide it.

If it weren't the case, the two academies would not stop him abruptly when he was outside the trial area.

However, even though his identity was seen, Ye Hao was not too flustered. After all, Shen Jiuyou and Han Yaoshi both suggested that he come to Jixia Academy because he believed in the bottom line of this immortal orthodoxy.

And most importantly, if the two academies really wanted to do anything to him, they would have already taken action when they were outside the trial area, and they would never wait until now.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Hao took a breath and bowed respectfully, "Ye Hao, I have seen two Supremes."

Shenggong Yan sighed lightly, and the corner of Li Taibai's mouth made a curve.

The decisive frankness of the young man was a little unexpected.

"Boy, you have caused a lot of trouble in the Eastern Wilderness." Li Taibai said lightly, "Now I come to Jixia Academy, do you want to cause trouble?"

Ye Hao frowned and said, "There is no such intention, but if Li Zhizun thinks this way, the younger generation can leave Jixia Academy."

Hearing this, Sheng Gong Yan's face was unwavering, but Li Taibai gave a weird smile, raised his eyebrows and said, "The temper is quite hard."

"My Jixia Academy has always been adhering to the teachings without distinction. Since you can get a trial place as a supporter, you can stay in the Jixia Academy according to the rules."

Yan Sheng spoke openly and continued: "I expect you to come to Jixia Academy to seek asylum, and for my disciples, Jixia Academy will naturally not allow others to bully."

"It's just that, even if my Jixia Academy is temporarily able to shelter you, it won't be a thousand years old. You'd better be prepared."

Shenggong Yan sighed, making Ye Hao's face slightly solemn, and he could naturally think that the Jixia Academy would inevitably encounter unimaginable disasters after a thousand years. If the sealed supreme and saints come to school, I am afraid that Jixia will go to school. The profound heritage of the palace can't hold it.

"Thank you supreme!"

Ye Hao bowed once again. If Jixia Academy is unwilling to cause trouble, he will naturally not stay here sullenly, but since he has a choice, he really wants to be as strong as possible in the immortal tradition that has been passed down since ancient times. itself.

"Besides, there is one more thing for you."

After a little silence, Sheng Gong Yan stared at the young man with scorching eyes, and said in a deep voice: "What happened in the trial place back then, and did Zhang Sheng tell you anything?"

The expressions of Sheng Gong Yan and Li Taibai became more serious than ever before. It was indeed during this time that they had exhausted their means and could not deduce Zhang Sheng's true intentions.

The supreme and saints in the world are too rotten.

There is no hope of relying on these strongest people.


Such as today's recovery, the cultivation environment is prosperous, it can be said that it is a glorious era that is rare in a million years. Why is Zhang Sheng so desperate and worried?

But for all of this, Ye Hao is also in the clouds, and the ones that Zhang Sheng finally revealed to him, involving the greatest secrets of this world, and even the path to sanctification, have completely violated the taboos of the heavens and are not really heard. .

Of course, Ye Hao still told the two Xuegong Supremes about everything in the trial area, but he concealed Zhang Sheng's weird attitude towards him.

After all, Zhang Sheng's attitude was too shocking. If Ye Hao said that even Zhang Sheng called him a senior, the two scholars would definitely treat him as a lunatic and slap him to death.

"The saint is immortal, and there are more thieves?"

Both Yan Shenggong and Li Taibai's faces were extremely solemn, but the confusion in their hearts was thicker, and they couldn't understand the deep meaning at all.

After a long time, the two Xuegong Supremes both sighed and shook their heads. Even the Supreme could not guess the thoughts of the saints, let alone the existence of Zhang Sheng.

"Go down, tomorrow the Academy will arrange for your husband to teach you." Yan Shenggong waved his hand, if there is a deep meaning, "Cultivation, first cultivate the heart, if you can be righteous and sincere, everything can be expected in the future."

It wasn't until Ye Hao left for a long time that Sheng Gong in the ancient temple sighed slightly: "Everything can only be said after Wang Sheng returns."

Li Taibai also nodded helplessly, and immediately appeared worried: "Wang Sheng has entered the eternal land, so far there is no news. It seems that even Zhang Sheng had not noticed his existence when he shot. Will there be any accidents?"

The Eternal Land, one of the most dangerous forbidden areas for life in the Southern Territory, is even a bit weirder than the Kunlun Ruins in the Eastern Desolation. Over the long years, the ancient emperor who fell within it has reached an extremely terrifying number.

This forbidden area for creatures used to be extremely peaceful, but after the Kunlun Ruins abnormality appeared not long ago, the eternal forbidden area also appeared a little weird, and Jixia Academy is adjacent to this forbidden area, so in order not to be affected, Wang Sheng went to investigate alone. But it has not yet returned.

"Although Wang Sheng has not truly become a saint, half of his foot has entered the realm of saints. Even if the forbidden area of ​​life is fierce, it should not be difficult for him to get out."

Yan Sheng spoke publicly, but even though he said so, he still had some worries in his eyes. After all, Wang Sheng was the strongest Confucianist in the world. If there is the slightest accident, the catastrophe after a thousand years will make Jixia Academy even more precarious.

At this time, Ye Hao was walking on the ancient road of learning palaces, with green pine on both sides vigorously upright, and the sound of reading aloud came from around from time to time. On the way, he occasionally met some young disciples, all dressed in Confucian shirts, and nodded to him politely. Did not show any arrogance in the slightest on the basis of seniority.

"Jixia Academy is worthy of being the land of sages."

Ye Hao took a deep breath. This Confucian sacred place is definitely one of the world's top dongtian blessed places, and the spiritual power that permeates the heavens and the earth surpasses other places too much.

Just the cultivation environment has such an astonishing gap, and it is no wonder that countless people in the world want to worship those who are immortal.

"Shen Xuan."

With emotion, Ye Hao suddenly heard a cold voice in front of him, and saw Xie Daoyun, who was in a long antique dress, his pretty face had returned to the cold and arrogant of the past, and Lianbu came in gently.


Ye Hao frowned with some doubts. Seeing the former posture, he seemed to be waiting for him deliberately.

The elegant fragrant wind rushed to the nose, Xie Daoyun approached and was slightly silent, and immediately took out a magical medicine with a variety of visions and a very strong fragrance from the storage bag.

"If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't be able to enter Jixia Academy this time. You can accept this quasi-sovereign elixir."

Xie Daoyun's pretty face was plain and his voice was rather indifferent.

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