Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 459: Mr. (2)

Ye Hao frowned slightly. The reason why Hengqu tried to help Xie Daoyun was all because of Xie Pianpian, and he also got a nine-tier elixir and an extra quasi-supreme drug from Xie’s family. Now Xie Daoyun is again It can be said that it is quite abnormal to come up with a quasi-superior drug.

After all, this kind of big medicine is too rare, even if the foundation of the supreme Taoism is not too much, and although the Xie family said that the supreme has been out, but in Ye Hao's thoughts, the quasi supreme drug would probably not exceed three. One of the fundamental details of power.

"I have received the reward I deserve"

As soon as Ye Hao spoke, Xie Daoyun interrupted impatiently: "Take it, I don't want to owe favor. After taking this panacea, you and I will owe nothing to each other from now on."

"Do you owe each other?"

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows, his expression was a little surprised. It wasn't that he thought he was too high, but that Xie Daoyun should vaguely know his strength, and his attitude was too different from what he had done in the trial place. This is really abnormal. .

Xie Daoyun's face became even more impatient when he saw the young man, and he sneered: "It looks like you have already heard about it? I was indeed accepted as a closed disciple by Zhao Tianren, but you shouldn't think that you are trying to practice with Hengqu. , Just thinking about what benefits will be gained from me in the future."

"The trial is nothing but a deal. Now I have to take out another quasi-superior elixir. It's the most benevolent. Shen Xuan, don't be too greedy."

Every time Xie Daoyun said something, Ye Hao's expression turned gloomy. Until the end, the young man's face was indifferent, like a pool of ten thousand years of cold spring, glowing with a bitter chill.

Seeing Ye Hao's expression, Xie Daoyun couldn't help feeling a little hairy. He did understand the strength of the former, knowing that young people would never be weaker than those of the immortal patriots.

But now she has also entered the Jixia Academy, especially thinking that in the future there may be endless troubles due to the causality of the trial place. Xie Daoyun bit her head and said: "Shen Xuan, I have said everything that should be said. Zhu Zhun's supreme elixir is a gift from me. From then on, you and I have nothing to do with each other."

When the words were over, Xie Daoyun put on the ground the quasi-sovereign potion that was highly valued by the strong heaven and human realm, and turned and left.

"Thank Daoyun."

But just after she walked out, the indifferent voice of the young man behind suddenly sounded.

Xie Daoyun frowned and looked back, seeing Ye Hao holding the quasi-superior medicine in his hand, her beautiful eyes could not help but sneer. Even if she wanted to come for a little bit, no matter how hard she was, she would definitely not be able to stay away from the quasi-superior medicine before her eyes. .

"There is one thing that you are right. After Hengqu's trial, you and I have already owed each other." Ye Hao's expression was indifferent, and spiritual power appeared in his palms. "As for this quasi-sovereign elixir, it is rare, but I still look down on what you took out of your hand."


The spiritual power in Ye Hao's hand broke out in vain, and the quasi-supreme potion burst instantly, turning into the sky.

Regarding the food that comes, even if it is rare, the young man still has his own arrogance.

"This is the real owe." Ye Hao clapped his hands, and when his face passed Xie Daoyun indifferently, he glanced at her coldly, "Because if it weren't for this quasi-supreme drug, you would already be dead now. ."

Xie Daoyun was like falling into an ice cellar, his pretty face was pale, and his body was trembling because of anger.

"I don't know what it is!"

It wasn't until the teenager left that Xie Daoyun gritted her teeth bitterly, and then a sneer appeared on her face, because no matter what the result, she had planned to spend a quasi-superior potion to clear the relationship with the former, anyway, she had sent the elixir , As for whether it was destroyed or not, it has nothing to do with her.

"Hey, the quasi-superior drug is ruined if it is destroyed? Who is that guy?"

"It seems to be the supporter of this trial. The trial candidate was given a spot, and he also went to the academy."


"Tsk tusk, really young and vigorous."

"It is rumored that Uncle Zhao accepted a closed disciple. Could it be the woman just now?"

"It should not be wrong!"

"What a great opportunity, Master Zhao has devoted himself to practicing for many years and has never accepted a disciple. This time, he made an exception?"

"The woman is said to be the goddess of the Langya Xie family. It is rumored that Shishu Zhao and the Langya Xie family have some connections. This may be the reason."

On the ancient road, some academy disciples who happened to see the scene just now couldn’t help but talk, Ye Hao ignored these voices, and walked towards his Dongfu with a face indifferent, but finally understood why Xie Daoyun would deliberately wait today. Myself, and his attitude is so abnormal.

This is because Shishu Zhao, whom the disciples of the academy spoke of, has also heard of him during this period of time. He is a strong man in the heaven and human realm in the Jixia Academy, and he is also known as the most promising heaven and man to enter the supreme realm. His status is extremely lofty.

Especially as the land changes today and the spiritual energy is revived, the opportunity for Zhao Daoling Zhao Tianren to step into the Supreme Realm can be said to be greater than ever.

It is for this reason that Xie Daoyun is anxious to draw a clear line with Ye Hao. After all, she can be said to have become a quasi-supreme closed disciple, and this supreme is still under the immortal tradition of Jixia Academy, which is even more meaningful. extraordinary.

A close disciple of a supreme-level giant, the resources and guidance he can obtain are not comparable to those of the Langya Xie family. Xie Daoyun doesn't want to be entangled by the cause and effect of the past after he steps on this blue cloud ladder.

After all, no matter how strong a young man is and no matter how talented he is, how can he compare with a master of academy?

What's more, the arrogance in Xie Daoyun's heart made her always dissatisfied with Ye Hao. She asked herself that now that she has become a quasi-supreme closed disciple in the Jixia Academy, her future achievements will definitely surpass the former.

Ye Hao can guess the thoughts in Xie Daoyun's heart.

It's just that Xie Daoyun really doesn't know him enough.

In fact, let alone a supreme, even if Xie Daoyun became the closed disciple of a saint, Ye Hao would never cling to the favor of a sage.

Because he knows very well that in this world where the weak eats the strong, only his own strength is the most tangible and reliable thing.

In silence all the way, Ye Hao climbed up a hill and entered a cave on the mountainside.

The cave is not big, but it is enough for one person to live in. It has all the necessary equipment. The most important thing is that the spiritual power of heaven and earth in this cave is much stronger than other places.

Except for the immortal orthodoxy such as Jixia Academy, this kind of Dongtian blessed land, ordinary forces can not be used to live for the new beginner disciples.

After sitting cross-legged on the futon, Ye Hao couldn't help frowning and pondering. After thanking Daoyun just now, he finally remembered that tomorrow is the day when Jixia Academy arranges a husband for the new entry disciple.

Mr. Xuegong, in fact, is similar to the respected master. His duty is to teach his disciples to cultivate and cultivate their minds. As for who to worship the teacher, it depends on their own talents. Even the Supreme Master will not interfere too much.

However, according to the past, the strongest gentleman who instructs the new entry disciple is not at the Happy Realm. Opportunities like Xie Daoyun's are indeed extremely rare.

"I wonder who it will be?"

Ye Hao pondered, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous about tomorrow's affairs.

Although he was inherited by Shen Jiuyou, after all he first entered Jixia Academy, he still needs a suitable guide in the immortal tradition with profound heritage.

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