Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 464: Dan Dao

Ye Hao took out something from the storage bag, and the bright and upright spirit was like a roaring glow, instantly flooding the entire cave.

"this is"

Ye Hao suffocated his breath and looked at the verdant green plant in his hand with a little disbelief, his expression was extremely shocked.

The green plant is like ordinary grass, but the whole body is flowing with extremely mysterious brilliance, like a small sun, endless awe-inspiring righteousness, flowing from it like a fountain.

This green plant is surprisingly the Zhengyang grass he obtained in the place where he tried to practice.

No wonder Ye Hao was shocked, because when he got Zhengyang grass, its whole body was yellow and dying, as if it would die at any time, but the Zhengyang grass in his hand now exudes extremely rich vitality, and the vitality can be said to be as strong as the day before. It is not comparable at all.

"Why is this?"

Ye Hao frowned, and his divine sense reached into the storage bag. Except for the Zhengyang grass in his hand, everything in it remained unchanged, which made his face even more puzzled.

"Is it because of Zhang Sheng?"

Ye Hao suddenly moved in his heart, recalling the majestic and endless righteousness when Zhang Sheng recondensed the remnant soul. It is probably for this reason that the Zhengyang grass is like a dead tree in the spring, exuding rich vitality again.

"It should be so."

After thinking about it, Ye Hao gradually affirmed his guess in his heart, after all, the characteristics of Zhengyang Grass is that it grows in a strange land with strong righteousness.

And in the entire world, I am afraid that there is no place in the world that can rival the integrity of a Confucian sage.

Recalling Zhang Sheng, Ye Hao couldn't help expressing complex regrets.

After a long time, he sighed slightly, suppressed his thoughts, and cast his eyes on the vigorous and upright Zhengyang Grass in his hand.

Now that he has just evolved his spiritual veins, it is temporarily impossible to condense the phenomena of heaven and earth immediately, so he can only focus on the cultivation of the three poles of the dragon.

This invincible body refining method, to be honest, Ye Hao hasn't made progress for a long time.

Fortunately, after refining a small part of the alchemy of good fortune, he discovered that an ancient alchemy inside it could double the power of the elixir.

If it can be refined, perhaps only a Ninth-Rank elixir will be enough to push his Dragon-Dragon Tripolar Realm into the Domineering Blood Realm in one fell swoop.

And in that pill prescription, although the nine-rank elixir is the highest, it is actually the easiest thing to obtain.

As for the other two treasures of heaven and earth, Ambergris and Zhengyang grass, Ye Hao had never even heard of them.

Fortunately, he ransacked Lin Jing, the granddaughter of Sanqingshan Tianzun, in the trial grounds, and was lucky to get the ground dragon's mouth, and then he got Zhengyang grass on the last floor of the trial ground.

It was hard to get together the heaven, material and earth treasures needed in the pill recipe.

If you follow the normal practice, then one of the Ninth-Rank elixir needed to step into the Extreme Blood Realm is far from enough.


After all, the elixir of the current world is not as good as the ancients. Although the spiritual power is revived as it is today, the power of the elixir will never change immediately.

Of course, in Ye Hao's storage bag, there is still a quasi-superior potion that he snatched from the wolf cub. If it were traded, he would definitely be able to make up for the nine-tier elixir he needed.

It's just that the quasi-sovereign big medicine is too rare, even if the supreme orthodoxy is not too much, they are all regarded as the heritage of the sect and are extremely valued.

The most important thing is that this kind of big medicine is also necessary for him to practice the extreme realm technique in the future. After all, the nine-rank elixir can only cultivate the tyrant blood extreme realm to a small level. If you want to continue practicing, you need this kind of quasi-superior The great medicine of the grade.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao couldn't help feeling once again. Although the Dragon-Dragon Tripolar Realm is a body-refining invincible method, its power is indeed terrifying, but the resources it requires are too terrifying, not to mention the Supreme Orthodoxy, I am afraid it is a true immortal force , Do not necessarily have such a rich elixir background to satisfy the resources required by the Denglong Three Extreme Realm.

Shaking his head, Ye Hao stopped thinking, looking at Zhengyang Grass in his hand, he couldn't help thinking.

He has already gathered the heavenly materials and earth treasures needed by the ancient alchemy recipe in the Good Fortune Pill Sutra. If the ancient alchemy is refined, his extreme state technique can step into the domineering blood state in one fell swoop.

At that time, relying only on physical strength, without any other means, he might be able to fight or even crush the celestial phenomena realm repairers.

It’s just that although the alchemy and the materials are all available, how to refine it is a big problem, because even if he gets the inheritance of the good fortune alchemy, there are detailed alchemy methods in it, but for a person who has no experience in alchemy For newbies, the absolute low first-time success rate is outrageous.

"Let's not talk about the success rate. I don't even have an alchemy furnace now."

Ye Hao couldn't help smiling bitterly. At that time, he had never heard of Diamong and Zhengyang Grass. He had no idea about when to gather the materials, so he didn't think about these issues.

But at this moment, the alchemy materials are all complete, and all of this cannot be delayed.

Ye Hao frowned and was helpless. Although Jixia Academy was an immortal school, he was not proficient in alchemy, so he couldn't help him much.

"Unfortunately Senior Han is not here."

Ye Hao sighed lightly and couldn't help but think of a Korean pharmacist.

Pharmacist Han Wudi was hailed as the first celestial phenomenon in the world, but his talent for alchemy must be higher than that of cultivation.

Han Wudi's alchemy attainments are absolutely top-ranked in the entire world. With his guidance, it would not be too difficult to refine the ancient alchemy in the Good Fortune Pill Classic.

In desperation, Ye Hao got up and walked out of the cave and walked towards the Xuegong Jingge. After all, Jixia Xuegong is an immortal tradition. Although he is not good at elixir, there should be some classics about the elixir, more or less. Some help from him.

After all, what he lacks right now is not the pill and advanced alchemy. He who has inherited the good fortune pill scriptures, is afraid that even the current Korean pharmacist is not as good as Ye Hao in this respect.

Really speaking, what Ye Hao lacks right now is just a guide who takes him to the alchemy path. It is really that the alchemy of good fortune is too mysterious and obscure. Today, Ye Hao is like a baby on the way to the alchemy, and the alchemy of good fortune is Like a pair of wings, he didn't even learn how to walk and run. He was completely empty of Baoshan, but he didn't know how to start.

Xuegong Jingge is a majestic and majestic mountain. It was hollowed out by the former scholars with great mana and deployed numerous formations. Except for the people of Jixia Xuegong, outsiders, even those in the realm of heaven and humans, cannot Forcibly break in.

After all, Jingge is an important place that contains many classics of Jixia Academy, and it also has countless magical powers.

Of course, even the disciples of these exercises cannot practice arbitrarily, but need to exchange merit points. As for Haoran's Righteous Qi Jue and the Spring and Autumn Classics, let alone disciples, even those celestial beings in the Academy are all Not qualified to practice complete scriptures.

All in all, this Jingge is definitely one of the most important foundations of Jixia Academy.

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