Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 465: Southern Region Danhui (1)

At this moment, Ye Hao has been sitting in front of a secluded stone shelf in the Jing Pavilion for five days, and beside him is piled a few high mountains of books, on which are records about the path of the alchemy. For him, a novice, he has benefited a lot.

"There are so many ways."

Closing the book in his hand, Ye Hao rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. Before he really studied it, he really couldn't think of alchemy. There was so much attention to it.

To put it simply, the pill refining process is based on pill prescriptions, and the age of the treasures of heaven and earth is also extremely important, as well as the pill fire and fire control required for refining, and the medicine cauldron for refining the pill are extremely critical.

Alchemy can be said to be the same as arranging a spiritual formation, without the slightest error.

Ye Hao frowned. Regarding the alchemy, as long as he thoroughly refines the alchemy alchemy, he is afraid that he will be called second in the whole world, and no one dares to call it the first. After all, this is the inheritance of the first person of the ancient alchemy.

As for the age and medicinal power of the treasures of heaven, material and earth, these are all material issues, everything can only be determined by chance, but as long as you really start to make alchemy, you have never heard that alchemists lack alchemy materials.

After all, in the true sense, the status of the alchemist was slightly higher than that of the spiritual formation master, but when the world's alchemy fell, this advantage was continuously diluted.

As for the control of the pill fire and heat, the fire is a matter of experience. Although it is extremely difficult to grasp, as long as he keeps trying, Ye Hao believes that he should be able to figure out some ways. As for the flames required for alchemy, he is very particular, because the alchemy The first step is to extract the medicinal powers of various heavenly materials and earth treasures, which is simply impossible for ordinary fires.

Of course, this may be a great trouble for ordinary people, but Ye Hao has no worries in this regard, because according to the records, the flames used by the alchemist in alchemy are all the source of heaven and earth when he burns the fire state.

Heaven and Earth Source Fire is terrifying, and it has been refined by an alchemy master once, and has the highest degree of fit with itself, so it can better master the alchemy heat problem, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

It is for this reason that when high-level alchemists step into the Burning Fire Realm, they are very particular about refining Heaven and Earth Origin Fire, and at least they have to start with Earth Origin Origin Fire, otherwise some high-level pill will not be able to be refined in the future. .

The Chaos Immortal Fire refined by Ye Hao is even higher than the Supreme Fire. It can be said that the entire Star Sea is extremely rare. Its power is used to refine alchemy. I am afraid that it is more than enough to describe it, even the alchemy in the world today. Teachers, few people can have such extravagant resources.

"If you want to make alchemy, the source of fire in your body is good, but it is more difficult to find a suitable alchemy furnace."

Just as Ye Hao was thinking, a lazy voice suddenly sounded from behind him, and suddenly turned his head, Ye Hao saw a lazy figure half leaning against the stone bookshelf, lying on the ground unshavenly, with a face covered in it. The opened ancient book seems to have been sleeping here for a long time.

This lazy figure is naturally Li Qianmu.

Ye Hao was slightly startled. He wondered how this strange guy knew he was in the Jingge. At the same time, he couldn't help but shook his head secretly. Because he was too focused just now, he didn't even notice it when he appeared behind him. If not this time Li Qianmu, but for someone with evil intentions, I am afraid that he will suffer a big loss if he loses his mind.

"How do you know that I want to refine alchemy?"

Ye Hao couldn't help asking after his thoughts turned.

"You have been bored in this Jingge for five days, and all you read are books about alchemy. Is it easy to learn if you don't want to make alchemy?" Li Qianmu rolled his eyes and said with a strange smile, "Apprentice, are there any If you understand, you should come to my husband. What is the matter if you are bored alone, you can make progress if you are not ashamed to ask."

"Do you know alchemy?"

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and his expression was quite surprised.

"Uh don't understand."

Li Qianmu smiled awkwardly.


Ye Hao shook his head, ignored this strange flower, and continued to open a new alchemy book.

"Hey, what do you mean? Do you look down on people?" Li Qianmu stood up, his face was a bit dissatisfied, "Although I don't understand alchemy, but if you want to find a suitable alchemy furnace, I have to give you my husband. Point to the clear road."

Ye Hao looked up again, because what Li Qianmu said was indeed correct. The power of the Chaos Immortal Fire he refines is too terrifying. While it is an advantage to refine alchemy, there is also the biggest drawback, that is, it is extremely difficult to find a suitable alchemy furnace. Can withstand the terrifying power of Chaos Fire.

If there is no pill furnace, all alchemy matters are nothing more than fantasy.

"Say it."

"Hello, are you a husband or me? Are you asking for help?"

Ye Hao frowned and pressed his impatiently: "What do you want?"

Li Qianmu chuckled and said, "It's very simple. Go and copy the great gifts and cheats for me ten times."

The corner of Ye Hao's eyes twitched. He still remembered that this punishment task was when Old Master Xu punished Li Qianmu at the ceremony. He didn't expect this guy to use this as a condition.

After changing his face for a while, Ye Hao gritted his teeth and agreed to come down, but asked Li Qianmu to tell him the so-called clear road first.

After all, this weird guy, how unreliable he looks, Ye Hao is really worried about being trapped by him.

"You kid, why are you so suspicious." Li Qianmu said dissatisfiedly, but continued, "It's okay to tell you in advance, but you don't want to be foolish."

After Li Qianmu spoke, Ye Hao knew that in less than a year, the Medicine Emperor Sect would hold a grand alchemy event. By then, all the alchemy forces in the world, including the ancient land of immortality and the Witch God Valley in the far north, They will gather in the Southern Region, and even the entire world of Spirit Development Realm Tianjiao will go to the Medicine Emperor Sect at that time, wanting to fight for some opportunities.

Because at that pill Dao event, a small Rong Ling Pill appeared.

When the World Pill Dao fell, the Xiaorong Ling Pill was definitely called the rare treasure pill, and it was one of the best opportunities for the spiritual development realm cultivator to break through the celestial phenomenon realm. Except for the short time, there was no way to obtain it in the past.

Because even if the spiritual development realm cultivator fully integrates his own spiritual veins with the Dao soul, he still has a great risk when condensing the heaven and earth phenomena, otherwise the spiritual development realm will not be called a minor catastrophe.

And that small Rong Ling Pill can increase the success rate of condensing the phenomena of heaven and earth to a certain extent, and it can be said that it is the treasure pill that all the powerful spiritual generations in the world dream of.

In fact, Lu Guan and Sun Ming once talked about all of this when they were in the trial place. Even the majority of the supporters in the cross-channel trial agreed to be because they wanted to wait for the opening of this alchemy event. The supporter, came to the Southern Territory early, but Ye Hao and Xie Daoyun were not there at the time, so they didn't know the biggest alchemy event in nearly ten thousand years.

"It turned out to be so."

Ye Hao’s eyes were slightly hot. The Medicine Emperor Sect was the most prosperous alchemy power in the Southern Territory. It was even stronger than the Eastern Desolation’s Ancient Pill Immortal Land. The name of the Medicine Emperor Sect was taken from the Taoist tradition. The extremely mysterious medicine emperor cauldron.

It is said that the Medicine Emperor Ding was accidentally obtained by the ancestor of Medicine Emperor Sect countless years ago, and then he gradually grew from an unknown junior to a famous alchemy master in the world, and personally created the Medicine Emperor Sect's name movement. Alchemy power in the world.

However, after the first ancestor of the Medicine Emperor Sect fell, no one of the descendants of the Medicine Emperor Sect was able to use the Medicine Emperor Cauldron anymore. It is suitable for people who are predestined, and others cannot force it.

There are even rumors in the world that the first ancestor of Yao Huangzong left his last life before his death:

The person in charge of the medicine emperor cauldron leads the medicine emperor.

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