Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 470: Too early

On the deck of the treasure boat, Li Qianmu pointed at the rapidly retreating mountains below. His expression was quite excited. After leaving the Jixia Academy, he has been like a monkey jumping up and down for half a month, making Debao Everyone on the boat, including Zhao Daoling, didn't bother much.

Among them, the one who was most disturbed was naturally Ye Hao. On several occasions, he was interrupted by Li Qianmu in various ways when he was practicing and entering concentration. It was called the combination of work and rest, which really made him feel helpless.

"Apprentice, first cultivate the mind in practice. Take a look at these mountains and rivers, and let yourself be empty, which has unexpected benefits for the practice."

Li Qianmu smiled and patted the young man on the shoulder. The appearance of a person who came by was really contrary to his young face.

Ye Hao has become accustomed to this strange guy who always likes to pretend to be old-fashioned. Although he is helpless, he has nothing to do.

"Hey, don't believe it. When you dabble in the Three Realms of Xiaoyao in the future, understanding the nature of heaven and earth is the key to it." Li Qianmu said with a serious face, "Ask the question and ask, the question is the natural way of heaven and earth."

Ye Hao frowned thoughtfully, and the three levels of Xiaoyao's questioning, cutting the way, and combining the way indeed have an extremely important relationship with the rules of the heaven and earth.

While pondering, Ye Hao couldn't help but glance at the forward, and said weirdly: "As far as your strength is concerned, you dare to talk about the Three Realms of Xiaoyao?"

Li Qianmu was anxious, and seemed to be a little embarrassed: "Have you never seen a pig run before eating pork? Besides, Mr. Ben is just concealed, and he doesn't understand it!"

Ye Hao rolled his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "Then tell me, what realm are you?"

Li Qianmu suffocated, and pointed at Ye Hao with trembling lips, as if irritated, but opened his mouth but didn't know how to refute it. In the end, he could only say: "You kid, one day I will let you take a look at Ben Mr.'s ability!"

Naturally, Ye Hao wouldn’t take this to heart. After all, Li Qianmu’s words have already grown into his ears over the past year, but whenever he encounters a school disciple who comes to challenge and learn from each other, this guy is sloppy. Rabbits are fast.

After shook his head a little funny, Ye Hao cast his gaze to the distant sky, his eyes full of enthusiasm and expectation. As long as he reached the Medicine Emperor Sect, he would be able to see the Korean Medicine Master and the woman surnamed Ye.

"Is it Sister Qingwu?"

Ye Hao was a little nervous. After all, when he left the Eastern Desolation, Qingwu was still half-life and half-dead. Even if he brought back the pill from Kunlun to Han Yitian, and there was a Korean pharmacist, the master of alchemy. But you have to see it with your own eyes before you can really rest assured.

And while his thoughts were flying, Li Qianmu on the side was also rare to fall silent, his eyes faintly looked at the sky, and after a long time, he sighed and said: "The world has changed, and this world is afraid that it will not last long."

Ye Hao looked surprised. He had never seen the former tone since he knew him.

Li Qianmu suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Hao, "Do you know what kind of world we live in?"

Ye Hao frowned, not understanding what Li Qianmu asked.

Even this question seems a bit inexplicable.

"The world we live in is called Taichu."

Li Qianmu's voice is very soft, but he has never been awe-inspiring.

Ye Hao was startled. Hearing the word Taichu, he felt a strange feeling deep in his soul for some reason.

"The world we are in? Is there another world?"

Soon, Ye Hao realized another deep meaning in Li Qianmu's words, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

auzw.com "There is a heaven outside the sky."

Li Qianmu sighed noncommittal, no matter how Ye Hao asked, he didn't say more.

"How do you know this?"

Ye Hao looked at him suspiciously, and he had learned a lot about Li Qianmu's ability to fool this year.

"Uh, naturally, I heard it mentioned millions of years ago."

Li Qianmu laughed, causing Ye Hao's mouth to twitch, and he almost couldn't help beating this guy.

Not to mention a million years ago, I am afraid that this guy was not born a hundred years ago, it is really scary to panic.


While joking, Li Qianmu suddenly turned his head, Ye Hao also squinted his eyes slightly, looking to the rear, and saw a luxurious flying spirit soldier approaching them very fast, and a handsome young man dressed in luxurious clothes was facing They smiled and gestured.

However, even though he had a smile on his face, there was a faint joking meaning of watching a joke, which was not obvious, but Ye Hao and Li Qianmu were both aware of it.

"Looking at the sign on the flying spirit soldier, it seems to belong to the Huo family."

Inside Baozhou, the four of Xie Daoyun naturally noticed the movement behind them, and after walking out one after another, Liu Qingyang was the first to speak out, recognizing the origin of each other.

"Huo Family's Alchemy Family?"

Chen Wuji wears a purple robe and has extraordinary temperament, but at this moment he also raises his eyebrows slightly, because although the Huo family has never been out of Supreme, because of its huge network of relationships, the Chen family is not willing to offend them.

"This time, the elixir of the Medicine Emperor Sect has invited all the alchemy powers in the world, and it is only natural that the Huo Family can go there."

Xie Daoyun’s cold cheeks also appeared solemnly. The Huo family’s combat power may not be outstanding, even a bit weaker than the Xie family who had been the supreme family, but its background and huge network of relationships are not as good as several Xie families. .

It is really that the appeal of the power of the alchemy is too terrifying. It can be said that there are countless cultivators in the world who are willing to associate with them, and even owe favors.

And it didn’t take long for a few people to speak, the flying spirit soldier behind was already catching up with the treasure boat of Jixia Academy, and the young man on it laughed loudly and said: “Haha, it really is a fellow Taoist from Jixia Academy, Qing Brother Yang, don't come here unharmed."

Although Huo Zun has entered the astronomical realm and is better than Liu Qingyang, the latter is younger and comes from the Jixia Academy, so Huo Zun is also a peer.

It's just that although he smiled at the moment, but the gloating on his face did not curtail much. Liu Qingyang frowned slightly, guessing the reason in his heart, but he was helpless.

After all, Zhang Sheng's shocking handwriting a year ago was shocking the ancient and the modern, but it also planted a terrible disaster for the Jixia Academy, and even many academies disciples were quite complaining in private.

"It turned out to be Brother Huo, it's been a long time."

Liu Qingyang smiled lightly, but he felt a little displeased. After all, in the past, even a strong celestial realm like Huo Zun would never show such a look when facing him.

"Brother Qingyang, you must take a good opportunity to go to the Medicine Emperor Sect this time." Huo Zun said with a smile, his handsome face is full of sincere, but the joking in his eyes is not restrained, "After all, the millennium is not short. , But it’s not too long. The stronger the Qingyang brothers, the more powerful they will be for the Academy in the future."

Huo Zunlang smiled, but Ye Hao frowned slightly, looking suspiciously at the flying spirit soldier of the Huo Family.

For some reason, he even faintly felt a familiar aura in it.

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