Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 471: Monstrous murder

That feeling is extremely strange, and it is fleeting, more like a whim of intuition, after all, every flying spirit soldier is equipped with a protective array, which can isolate all divine sense detection, even if Ye Hao has doubts, he can’t Know the specific reason.

"I don't need Brother Huo to worry about my Jixia Academy."

Liu Qingyang snorted coldly, his face was a bit ugly. Judging from Huo Zun's attitude, he really realized how bad the Jixia Academy is today.

Of course, Zhao Daoling would naturally not show up about these things. After all, if he were a quasi-supreme and had a celestial phenomenon, he would definitely be ridiculed when he spread it out.

After all, Jixia Academy is Jixia Academy. At least for these thousand years, it is still the immortal orthodoxy of Fang Megatron. Therefore, although Huo Zun stepped forward with the mentality of watching jokes, he did not completely tear his skin.

"Tsk tusk, are these the winners of this horizontal trial?"

Huo Zun turned his eyes away. When he looked at the silver-haired girl, his face was slightly dignified, and said, "Princess Dandan of the Sky Demon Tiger Clan? I heard that you also got a place to visit the Jixia Academy. I thought it was just The rumor, I didn't expect it to be true."

The silver-haired girl squinted at him and snorted, obviously not having a good impression of Huo Zun.

The Sky Demon Tiger Clan is an extremely powerful race in the Southern Territory. Although it is unwilling to provoke the Huo family in vain, it is not fearful.

Huo Zun chuckled and shook his head. Then he looked at the purple-robed youth and said with a smile: "Chen Wuji, who came to the Chen family from the east? I heard that your supreme clan was also sealed by Zhang Sheng on that day. I didn't expect you to worship Jixia. Xuegong, really hahaha."

Chen Wuji frowned and said indifferently: "Zhang Sheng must behave for a reason. I don't have any dissatisfaction with the Chen family. Brother Huo should stop using these little tricks to instigate discord. It has no meaning."

Huo Zun smiled noncommitantly, and immediately looked at Xie Daoyun, and squinted his eyes slightly and said: "The Xie family goddess of Langya Continent? I heard that you worshipped Zhao Daoling at the gate of Heaven and Human. The chance is not small."

Xie Daoyun's pretty face was indifferent and ignored.

Huo Zun did not continue to ridicule, because neither Jixia Academy nor Zhao Daoling's reputation is small, especially now that the Supreme is not available, Zhao Tianren is even more invincible.

After taking a deep look at Xie Daoyun, Huo Zun finally glanced at Ye Hao. He didn't have the slightest impression of this strange boy, nor did he feel any special, and couldn't help but sneer: "Now it seems that Jixia Academy It is indeed in decline. The so-called contending of a hundred schools of thought can even enter these little-known characters."

"Is Jixia Academy's decline? You, a Huo family junior, can put your beak?"

As soon as Huo Zun's voice fell, Zhao Daoling's majestic voice came out of Baozhou abruptly. Although he did not show up, his expression of coercion made the former face change drastically.

Huo Zun never expected that the Tianjiao of Jixia Academy who went to Yaohuangzong this time was actually escorted by a deity himself. If he had known this, he would never come up to tease him if he had been killed.

"No wonder the seniors, the juniors are just a momentary gaffe, and there is no malice."

Huo Zun was in cold sweat. Even if Jixia Academy was about to encounter an unprecedented catastrophe, it was still a question of whether he could survive it, but that was after a thousand years. He was able to tease the Academy disciples in a celestial state, but he would never dare to A deity reluctantly recklessly.

"Go away."

There was a slight silence in Baozhou, and finally Zhao Tianren's indifferent voice sounded. After all, he was a quasi-supreme, and he still had to rely on his identity, and did not care about a junior from the celestial phenomenon.

auzw.com Huo Zunru is amnesty. Although he also knows that the people of Jixia Academy have the most important rules, the existence of the heaven and human realm is too extraordinary. If he is destroyed by this, the whole world I am afraid that no one will seek justice for him.

After a sigh of relief, Huo Zun respectfully bowed to Baozhou, and after jokingly glanced at the few people on the deck, he walked into the Huo's flying spirit soldier.

"set off!"

Huo Zun's voice heard, and the speed of the flying spirit soldiers of the Huo family skyrocketed, quickly surpassing the treasure boat of Jixia Academy, and Liu Qingyang all snorted and returned to the treasure boat.

And just as Ye Hao was about to leave the deck, Huo Zun's cold voice was heard abruptly from the Huo Family Flying Boat at the end of the sky: "If the pill bottle is full, change another one. Just hang her in a breath. The blood of this innate Holy Spirit is the treasure of alchemy. It may no longer be found in the future, and it must not be wasted!"

Ye Hao frowned slightly, turning his head and looking into the distance.

In the next instant, a faint cry came from the end of the sky, but it shocked his body like a lightning strike.

"Woo, daddy, dad and daughter hurt"

Ye Hao turned around abruptly, his eyes climbed up bloodshot, his face staring at the flying spirit soldier of the Huo Family at the end of the sky with a grim expression, his voice was extremely frightened, and he shouted, "Stop me!"

Ye Hao was murderous, and the sound was thunderous, resounding through the world, but the distance between the two was too far, I don't know if the people of the Huo family heard it, but the flying spirit soldier disappeared from his sight in a flash.

"what's happenin?"

Li Qianmu frowned, and it was rare that there were no hippie smiles. Liu Qingyang in Baozhou also rushed out again, frowning at the grim-faced teenagers, especially Xie Daoyun, with even more doubts in his heart.

Because since she knew the teenager, she had never seen such a big mood swing, even if she faced the fierce King's grievance, the former had never broken out such a terrifying murderous intent.

"There is a relative of mine on the flying spirit soldier!"

Ye Hao's voice trembled. Although the previous cry was vague, he immediately heard that it must belong to Xiaonan.

After he escaped from the Eastern Wilderness through the space channel, it is said that Xiao Nuan was also close behind, but in the year of Jixia Academy, Ye Hao tried his best, but he did not find the slightest whereabouts.

But now it seems that after Xiao Nun Nun entered the space channel, she must have fallen into the hands of the Huo Family.

Thinking of the desperate and helpless cry just now, Ye Hao's blood almost boiled over his whole body, and he couldn't even imagine what happened to Xiao Nun after falling into the hands of Huo Family.

But after knowing the reason for Ye Hao's abnormality, Liu Qingyang's several people loosened their brows, their expressions did not change much, and they obviously didn't care about the private affairs of the teenager.

Ye Hao naturally didn't have time to pay attention to them at the moment, his eyes were red looking at the direction where Huo Jia Lingbing disappeared, and he shouted in a hurry, "Zhao Tianren, please control the flying spirit soldier to catch up with Huo Jia!"

The control of the flying spirit soldiers is in Zhao Daoling's hands, and in these nine heavens, Ye Hao, who cannot fly in the air, can only ask him for help.

"Zhao Tianren?!"

Ye Hao's voice was even more anxious, his face was extremely ugly, and he spoke again.

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