Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 474: I slaughter the sky with my spirit

After the shock, Huo Zun suddenly panicked.

He originally thought that the young man was just the arrogant of Jixia Academy. No matter how amazing he was, he hadn't stepped into the celestial realm. He would definitely be able to kill it even if he took some hands and feet.

But never expected that the disciple of the Jixia Academy was Ye Hao who caused a huge disturbance in the Eastern Wild Kunlun and escaped from the hands of the saint.

"Damn, damn!"

At this moment, Huo Zun was constantly bombarded like a sandbag, and he couldn't help roaring again and again. Although he had the cultivation base of the celestial phenomena, the Huo family was not known for its strong combat power, and the young man not only mastered the world's speed, but also had physical strength. Strong and strange, if it weren't for this, with his physique in the celestial state, he would definitely not end in such an embarrassing situation.

Especially the thought of the young man who had killed the Heavenly Flame Sect's Freedom Realm powerhouse when he was outside the Kunlun Forbidden Zone, and it made Huo Zun feel terrified and cold.

"Does an ant who hasn't condensed the phenomena of heaven and earth really think it can turn the sky?!"

Huo Zun looked ferocious, even the blood from the corners of his mouth could not be wiped off. He quickly pinched his hands while roaring, and a huge and violent force burst out from his body.

Ye Hao's speed is too fast, and his physique is not much weaker than that of the Celestial Phenomenon Cultivator, and Huo Zun knows that he can't occupy much of the upper side when it comes to physique fighting.

"Now, I will let you see how big the gap is between the celestial phenomena and the spiritual development realm!" Huo Zun flew upside down, shouting fiercely, "Heaven and earth phenomena, condensation!"


The void seemed to burst out of thunder, and in the wild gathering of the mighty heaven and earth spiritual power, an incomparably huge alien beast phantom suddenly appeared.

This strange beast is very weird. It is thousands of meters in size. It has a bull's head and a horse's body, and its body is covered with scales. It is chilly, its feet and feet are treading flames. Even the huge mouth with interlaced fangs is filled with flames. , So that the temperature in the room rose wildly, and even the void space was faintly distorted.


This strange beast looked up to the sky and roared, fierce and mighty. It was so huge that even the flying spirit soldier of the Huo family was directly shattered, leaving only a small half suspended in the sky.

"Wow, heaven and earth! Apprentice, can you do it?"

In the void, Li Qianmu was standing lazily on another flying spirit soldier, and when he saw this huge phantom like a mountain peak, he couldn't help but scream.

Seeing that Li Qianmu was safe and sound, Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief, but he was also a little puzzled. All the spirit generation servants of the Huo family just rushed out, but at this moment those people can't even see the figure, it seems to have evaporated from thin air. Up general.

Huo Zun's feet are standing in the void, so he can fly in the air. It can be said to be the most unique symbol of the celestial phenomena. He obviously also noticed the strangeness of Li Qian's pasture. His face was extremely gloomy and said: "My Huo family henchmen What?"

After Li Qianmu manipulated the flying spirit soldiers to hide away a little bit, he spread his hands and said, "It was originally on the deck of your flying boat, but after your heaven and earth magic image broke the flying boat, those guys fell off."

Huo Zun's eyes twitched, and he didn't believe it at all, but those servants disappeared strangely at this moment. There seems to be only this reasonable explanation. If such a height does not fly in the air, even if the spiritual development realm cultivator falls, he will undoubtedly die.

Of course, Huo Zun at this moment didn't even think about it. His biggest task on this trip was to bring the natural spirit to the Emperor Yaozong, and everything else was just a trivial matter.

auzw.com "Hmph, as long as the Holy Spirit born that day is refined into a blood pill, no matter how many people die!" Huo Zun smirked, looking down at the young man on the edge of the broken flying boat, "even though You have a strong physique, how about mastering the world's top speed? You can't fly in the air, so you won't have the slightest vitality above this 10,000-mile altitude! Hahaha"

While Huo Zun laughed wildly, Li Qianmu in the distance said with a weird expression: "Hey, who, I guess you haven't practiced the world speed?"

Huo Zun was taken aback and looked at Li Qianmu in a puzzled way, while the latter smiled strangely: "A kind reminder, the world speed is so famous that in addition to its incomparable speed, it also allows practitioners to achieve short-term imperialism air."

Huo Zun's eyes suddenly tightened, and he looked at Ye Hao's place violently, but the boy's figure disappeared strangely at this moment.

"not good!"

Huo Zun's scalp was numb, and he was about to make a move, but a harsh wind breaking behind him made him feel like he was hit by a meteor, screaming and falling into the sky.


On the other side, Ye Hao's toes wrapped around a burst of mysterious runes, just like this, standing in the air, the whole person exuding an ethereal and ethereal aura, as if it blended into the nature of the world, and it was extremely mysterious.

For the Sanqing Tour to Tianbu, Ye Hao has naturally made progress during the year in Jixia Academy. This world speed can not only increase the speed of the cultivator, but also make a short flight in the air. Hao intends to split the protection of the treasure boat, where the confidence to come alone is.

"Die to me!"

In the void, Huo Zun stopped his figure embarrassedly, his face was stern and stern, and suddenly, the phantom of the strange beast the size of a mountain was so fierce and mighty, and a magma-like hot pillar of fire exploded directly in his mouth.

Ye Hao's expression was solemn, his hand flickered, and he squeezed the Dragon Sword fiercely, so he rushed straight towards the horrible pillar of fire that twisted the space.

"Hahaha, idiot, die for me!"

Huo Zun was ecstatic, the power in his body exploded frantically, making the phantom of the alien beast more condensed, like a real thing, and the pillar of fire at this moment increased its power, burning the space into a dazzling black crack.

Like today's change, the void space has become much stronger than before. Huo Zun's attack can cause damage to the space, which shows its terrifying power.

Indeed, Huo Zun at this moment did not leave his hand at all, and even the strong people of the same celestial phenomenon did not dare to resist this attack. The former rushed straight towards the pillar of fire ignorantly and fearlessly.

"Haha, stupid thing, after slaughtering you, you can still take your head to the Cang Clan. It really kills two birds with one stone!"

After the young man's figure was completely submerged by the pillar of fire, Huo Zun couldn't help laughing wildly. The young man was indeed beyond imagination, but he didn't expect to be able to solve it so easily.

"Arrogance, really is the stupidest act."

Huo Zun shook his head with a strange smile, and looked at Li Qianmu on the other side jokingly, but found that the latter was actually amused, looking at him sympathetically.

Huo Zun was taken aback for a moment, and his heart felt hairy for some unknown reason. Almost at the same time, a strange breaking wind suddenly sounded inside the mighty and terrifying fire pillar.

Immediately after that, a murderous young figure holding a black knife, in Huo Zun's unbelievable gaze, rushed out in an instant, close at hand, raising the knife and falling.

"Today, I slaughter the sky with my spirit."

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