Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 475: Huo Jiaqi out

"Holy Spirit?"

Huo Zun stared, his eyes were bloodshot and crazy. He wanted to scream and retreat, but at this moment, his body seemed to have broken a dam with a gap. The strength and vitality of his body were venting crazily along this gap. .

"How can it be"

Huo Zun stared at the young man in disbelief, his sight gradually turning red. From the center of his forehead to the lower abdomen, a red blood line slowly oozes out, seeming to split his whole person in half, strange and frightening.

"Are you from the Holy Spirit race?"

Huo Zun's eyes were full of unwillingness and regret. If he had known that the young man had the Holy Spirit body, he would never have been so careless, especially thinking that he was still laughing at the young boy's arrogance before, which made him feel humiliated and aggrieved.

The real arrogance is him.

And he also paid an unbearable price because of his arrogance.

Seeing that the Huo family is about to rise, they will reach the top of the world and overlook the world within these thousand years.

But who ever thought that at this most important juncture, he, the young master of the Huo family, died young.

Huo Zun was incomparably unwilling and wanted to struggle, but in the next instant, his whole body was completely blown into a **** mist by the fierce and violent sword in his body, and there was not even a piece of meat left.

Holding the Dragon Sword, Ye Hao looked at this scene indifferently. Although Huo Zun was killed by his own hands, the murderous intent in his heart was not diminished at all. When he thought of the miserable appearance of Xiao Nuan, he could not wait to slaughter the entire Huo family. .

At the same time as Huo Zun's fall, an old man with sparse hair opened his eyes in anger in the Yaohuangzong tens of thousands of miles away, and the vast and terrifying pressure of heaven and man erupted from his body.

"Who is it? How dare I cut my Huo family's direct line!"

The old man is the ancestor of the contemporary Huo family, the quasi-supreme and the strong. Under the circumstances that the supreme can't come out, the existence of this state can be said to be invincible in the world.

"Huo Zun is dead?"

"Damn! The Holy Spirit was born by him that day!"

"Could it be that someone wants to rob this natural born Holy Spirit?"

"I, the Huo family, have done a very thorough job on this matter. I haven't leaked the slightest noise at all. How could I be targeted by anyone!"

In the main hall, all the Huo Family experts who had already arrived at the Medicine Emperor Sect suddenly stood up, shouting in anger.

At the top, the ancestors of the Huo family were extremely gloomy. The birth of the Holy Spirit that day was related to whether he could truly step into the Supreme Realm. No matter how great the price was paid, even if the entire Huo family died, no accident was allowed.

"Huo Zun's soul has the heart lamp I planted, and the place where he fell is right here. I immediately notify the nearby strong people in the clan to rush over. Even if the murderer cannot be captured, he will definitely be held back. The Holy Spirit will be born that day. There can be no accidents!"

The ancestor of the Huo family spouted a mouthful of blood, and after quickly pinching the tactics with his fingertips, a strange mountain map appeared in the void, and the eye-catching red dot on it was exactly where Huo Zun fell.

After finishing all this, the ancestors of the Huo family took one step and disappeared instantly, while the strong Huo family took out the sound transmission jade slips to notify the strong Huo family nearby to rush to the place where Huo Zun fell.

"Fortunately, not far from Huo Zun's fall, there are two Nirvana tribesmen and one Xiaoyao tribe. They will surely be able to drag us away!"

"I want to see, who would dare to hit my Huo family's idea!"

A group of Huo family powerhouses broke out with awe-inspiring vigor, and rushed out of Yao Huangzong together.

At this moment, Ye Hao had already lifted Xiao Nun Nu from the iron cage, handling her injuries very gently.


The little girl seemed to be too frightened during this period of time, she rushed into Ye Hao's arms timidly, and was a little scared to see the stranger Li Qianmu.

"This Huo family is really not a pity for death."

Li Qianmu frowned, his face was unusually cold, his eyes looked deep into the sky, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

After Ye Hao carefully treated the wound of the little girl, the little girl was already asleep in his arms, but even if she was asleep, her little hands still clenched the lap of the boy, seemingly afraid that she would not see the boy after waking up.

Seeing Xiao Nun's emotions so tight, Ye Hao's hair was tight, and the murderous intent in his eyes was even stronger.

Afterwards, he looked at the blood mist slowly dissipating in the void, and a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

Powerful celestial phenomena existed in the legends in Black Abyss City, not to mention seeing them in the past, and even listening to them was rarely heard.

But now, a strong man in this realm can already be killed with his own power. Although Huo Zun's strength is not outstanding in the celestial phenomena realm, he is a real celestial realm strong anyway.

Although Zhou Wuyang in the Unfettered Realm was also beheaded by him outside the Kunlun Forbidden Zone, the battle was not really the work of Ye Hao, but the evil spirits in his body, and if Zhou Wuyang didn't want to capture him alive, it would have been. Evil spirits may not be able to kill the strong in the Happy Realm.

In fact, it is not surprising that Ye Hao can slay a strong celestial image realm. After all, he is much stronger now than when he was outside Kunlun Ruins.

Moreover, even Killing the Human World was able to move the Eastern Desolation under the name of Lingyan to kill the celestial elephant, not to mention Ye Hao, who beheaded the Killing World.

"Let's go, any delay may disturb others."

Ye Hao said with a solemn expression. After learning about the purpose of Huo Family’s sending Xiaonan Nuan to Yao Huangzong, he knew that Huo Zun’s death would not last long. It is very possible that the current Huo Family powerhouse has already noticed the change and is heading here. Come here.

Although he can't wait to kill the Huo Family, Ye Hao also knows that with him alone, he may have a chance of winning against the last strong celestial phenomenon, but if he is against two, it will be in danger, and if he is against the old monster in Nirvana, That's him, and only temporarily avoiding his edge.

"Tsk tusk, we are not very lucky, now we want to leave, it seems a bit late."

Hearing this, Li Qianmu shrugged helplessly, and pointed to the distant sky: "Look, isn't this coming?"

Ye Hao's expression changed, his eyes followed Li Qianmu's expectation, and he suddenly saw the sky in the distance, a long rainbow with a harsh sonic boom, galloping toward them at an unparalleled speed.


In the distance, Changhong is a middle-aged man, his face is gloomy, and his aura is extremely powerful. He has to surpass the celestial realm too much. He is obviously a strong man who has survived Nirvana.

"Little bastard, dare to murder my Huo Family Young Master, and get involved with the natural holy spirit, to be a thousand swords!"

The middle-aged man was so fast that he appeared within a thousand feet in the blink of an eye. The violent Nirvana realm pressure, like a wave, pressed against the flying boat where the two Ye Hao were.

"Watch her!"

Ye Hao's expression was gloomy, and he was more solemn than ever. Although he has evolved his spiritual veins, he still has no chance of winning against the strongest of Nirvana.

Moreover, the speed of the strong in this realm is too fast, even with the help of flying spirit soldiers, they absolutely cannot get rid of it.

There is no way to avoid it now, there is only one battle.

However, Li Qianmu did not take the little girl in Ye Hao's arms. Instead, he patted the young man on the shoulder and lazily said: "This guy can't be solved by you, let me do it."

After speaking, Li Qianmu stretched his waist and took one step away from the flying boat.

Step on nothingness and stand in the air.

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