Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 476: Withstand

Ye Hao was startled, his black eyes suddenly tightened, looking at Li Qianmu's back in disbelief.

Footsteps in the void can only be achieved by strong celestial phenomena. Even if Ye Hao cultivates the world's top speed, he can only volley for a short time and cannot maintain it for a long time.

But at this moment, Li Qianmu did not use any Shenfa supernatural powers, but stood proudly in the void by his own realm.


Ye Hao was shocked, and there was a storm in his heart. This strange thing that everyone in the Jixia Academy shouted, and even the Burning Fire Realm disciples could barely tie their hands, was able to step on the void?

Doesn't that mean that he at least has the strength of the astronomical state?

Ye Hao's head was a little dazed, and the expression on his face couldn't help but solidify, and he couldn't see through this strange thing that was not formal in normal days. Only now did he really understand that the confidants of the Huo family's spiritual development realm must have been caused by Li Qianmu. Quietly killed, it was definitely not because Huo Zun used the heaven and earth magic phenomena to fall.

"Apprentice, you can see it, the teacher has told you to hide clumsiness, you still don't believe it."

Li Qianmu seemed to be very satisfied with Ye Hao's reaction at the moment, and couldn't help but smiled strangely.

"What is your realm?"

Ye Hao's face twitched, and his voice was a little dry. Even if Li Qianmu was a celestial phenomenon cultivation base, he would not fail to see the slightest trace of it.

Is it Nirvana?

"How dare you attack my Huo Family Young Master, you are from Jixia Academy?!"

At this time, the Nirvana Realm powerhouse of the Huo Family also rushed to the front of Feizhou, immediately recognizing Li Qianmu's Confucian shirt, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Jixia Academy is indeed too famous, not to mention the Southern Territory, even if the entire world is the pinnacle, even if there is an immortal Taoist lineage with a true saint, it is not willing to provoke it easily.

It's just that all this is the past.

Because Zhang Sheng sealed all the supreme and saints in the world, it can be said that he has offended all the supreme and immortal traditions.

Thousands of years later, the Jixia Academy will definitely suffer an unprecedented catastrophe. This is something that the entire world knows.

When he thought of this, the Nirvana Realm powerhouse of the Huo Family squinted slightly. If they had faced the Shangji Xiaxia Palace in the past, they might only have to knock their teeth off and swallow them, but now it is different.

Few people are optimistic about the Jixia Academy a thousand years later, and the birth of the Holy Spirit that day is too important to the Huo Family. It is about whether the Huo Family can reach the top of the world in the next thousand years.

"Knowing that we are from Jixia Academy, why don't you retreat?" Li Qianmu raised his eyebrows, and said proudly, "Don't force me to do it, I am even afraid of myself when I do it."

"Huh, when did Jixia Academy be so overbearing?" The middle-aged man's eyes flashed slightly and sneered, "I kill my Huo family young master for no reason, you still go to my Huo family ancestor, and he decides how to go."

Although Jixia Academy said that there was an image of the western mountains at sunset, it was after a thousand years, and now it is best to leave as little leeway as possible to avoid death.

Moreover, the Nirvana Realm powerhouse of the Huo family also knew that all the powerhouses in the clan, including the ancestors, were rushing towards this place at the fastest speed, and he could leave the matter to the ancestors to deal with as long as he dragged on for a while.

"Huo Family Patriarch?" Li Qianmu frowned slightly, "Is that Huo Dan who entered the Quasi-Supreme realm five hundred years ago?"

"Bold, the ancestor of my clan, a quasi-emperor realm powerhouse, would you dare to call his name?!"

The middle-aged man screamed that the ancestors of the Huo family existed like gods in the Huo family, and could not tolerate disrespect at all.

auzw.com "Well, it seems that you must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise it will really be in big trouble."

Li Qianmu sighed lightly, and immediately the whole figure appeared as if teleporting, weirdly appeared in front of the middle-aged man and blasted out a punch.

"Only you?"

The middle-aged man sneered and threw a punch. Although he said this, he didn't care about it. He really broke out with all his strength. After all, the other party is a strong man from Jixia Academy. This immortal tradition is too deep. , The strong from within is definitely the most difficult category in the same environment.


When the two fists collided, a thunderstorm sounded abruptly in the field, and as the aftermath of terrifying power spread violently, Li Qianmu and the middle-aged man both stepped back and were evenly matched.

Ye Hao frowned slightly. Although Li Qianmu's strength was beyond his expectation, he was still in Nirvana at most from the collision of talents. He couldn't say who is strong or weak with the Huo family, and he couldn't tell the victory in a short time. Negative, and if they are entangled here, the rest of the Huo family's strong will likely continue to come, and I am afraid that they will really be unable to escape by then.


Xiao Nuan also woke up, she squeezed into Ye Hao's arms, looking at the strong Huo family in the sky, fear appeared in her big dark eyes.

"My daughter is not afraid, there is a dad."

Ye Hao comforted him softly, then put down Xiao Nun Nun and took out the Dragon Sword to be ready to join the battle.

call out!

But at this moment, there was another sharp wind breaking in the sky in the distance, and another changhong pierced the sky. A man with a cold expression inside shouted in a cold voice, "Dare to attack my Huo family. Catch it without holding your hands!"

Another Nirvana Realm powerhouse of the Huo family appeared.

Ye Hao's expression was a bit ugly, and Li Qianmu frowned slightly, but he still said in a big way: "You stay still, leave it to me, you can stand it."


Li Qianmu's momentum exploded, and a profound and vast power spread, and the two Nirvana Realm powerhouses were held tightly.

In the void, runes flickered and bursts of magical powers and secret arts were splendid and terrifying, while Li Qianmu's body burst out with majestic righteousness, shining like the sun, even though he was one enemy and two, he still didn't fall under the wind and was tight Two people live.

Ye Hao's heart was shaken and felt a little strange. He originally thought that Li Qianmu was only a celestial state cultivation base, but he didn't expect to be so strong. With his own strength, he could even fight the two Nirvana realm powerhouses of the Huo family.

After the shock, Ye Hao's expression was solemn, his body strength gradually increased, and he quietly operated Sanqingyou Tianbu, wanting to see the opportunity to join the battle circle, although he still can't beat the Nirvana Realm strong, but if he burst out with all his strength, he can barely entangle it. One person, as long as Li Qianmu solves the other person, it will not be difficult for them to get out.


Just as Ye Hao's thoughts turned, and his figure was about to rush out, there was a sudden burst of violent coercion in the distant sky, and an earth-shaking Changhong resembled a meteor, coming here at unparalleled speed.

"Happy Realm?!"

Feeling the coercion emanating from Changhong, Ye Hao's black eyes tightened, his face completely ugly.

For the two Huo family powerhouses in Nirvana, he and Li Qianmu tried their best and might still hope to escape, but if one was added to the Happy Realm, then they would have no hope at all.

After all, the gap between Nirvana and Unfettered states is too big.

It's just that when Ye Hao was desperate, Li Qianmu, who was panting in the battle circle, once again shouted out loudly:

"You stay still, leave it to me, you can stand it!"

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