Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 502: Smelly shameless medicine emperor

At the ancient place of Pill Immortal, after Ye Hao handed one of the Rong Ling Pills to Qingwu, he approached a Korean pharmacist and wanted to inquire about the Medicine Emperor Cauldron.

Because after tomorrow, the Medicine Emperor Sect will unlock the Medicine Emperor Cauldron seal.

This can be said to be Ye Hao's only chance to get this mysterious medicine pot that moves the world.

If he can't get the medicine emperor cauldron, his future alchemy will be limited, not to mention that he can't do anything in an inch.

Because even if he gets the Pill of Good Fortune, he will definitely need a suitable medicine pot.

After all, not all medicines can be refined with the dinging and fire.

Although Ye Hao got lucky this time to become a Rong Ling Pill, his appearance is not very good.

Moreover, a large part of the reason why he was able to succeed this time was that in addition to the prescription of the alchemy pill, it also recorded in detail several key points that need to be paid attention to when refining this pill.

But this is so, with Fanding and Fanhuo, the highest level can only refine the sixth-grade pill.

If there is no suitable medicine cauldron for the seven-tier pill that goes up further, even if Ye Hao knows the detailed pill prescription and alchemy details, he will certainly not be able to successfully refine it.

And if there is no Alchemy to complement each other, then the difficulty for him in the future to cultivate the Three Extremes of the Dragon-Dragon Realm can be said to be desperate.

It was for this reason that Ye Hao had to find a way to get Yaohuangding in his bag anyway.

"The Medicine Emperor Cauldron, to be honest, I don't know much."

In a stone room, the Korean pharmacist put a lot of protective measures to isolate it from all investigations before he laughed bitterly.

"That medicine cauldron is quite mysterious. Except for the first ancestor of the Medicine Emperor Sect, I am afraid that they are the people of the Medicine Emperor Sect. Not much is known." After pondering for a while, the Korean Medicine Master continued to speak, knowing everything.

Ye Hao frowned, his expression a little worried. He originally thought that the Korean pharmacist would know some secrets that were unknown when he tried the medicine Emperor Ding plan. Who would have thought that he would not even know the former's identity and strength.

"Hey, don't talk about the people of the Medicine Emperor Sect. I'm afraid that the ancestor of the Medicine Emperor Sect back then may not necessarily know the origin of that medicine cauldron."

At this moment, Li Qianmu on the side suddenly smiled and said, "I have heard people say that the ancestor of the Emperor Yaozong was only able to obtain the mysterious medicine cauldron by chance. He only knew a little about its origin and characteristics. The knowledge is not deep. If it weren't for this, that guy would not fail to pass on the control method and leave this medicine cauldron in the medicine emperor's sect until now."

"Doesn't even the ancestor of the Medicine Emperor know the Medicine Emperor Ding well?"

Qingwu on the side was shocked, her pretty face was full of shock.

"But knowing some furs, you actually created the supreme orthodoxy of Yaohuangzong?"

Ye Hao's expression was also full of shock. If so, the mystery of the Medicine Emperor Cauldron was far beyond his expectations.

"How do you know this?"

The Korean pharmacist’s expression is a bit weird. Although the ancestor of the Emperor of Medicine has risen in the present and ancient times, it is almost hundreds of thousands of years ago. After these long years, it is reasonable to say that all the secrets have been buried by time. Even the people of the Emperor of Medicine are buried. You don't necessarily know this, but the weird Mr. Xuegong in front of you speaks as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Didn't you say it, someone told me."

Li Qianmu's look of idiot made Ye Hao's look very strange.

Regarding the secrets of the ancestor of the Medicine Emperor Sect and the Medicine Emperor Cauldron, hundreds of thousands of years ago, even the supreme giants have only ten thousand years of life. Except for the saints, it is impossible for any creature in the world to live for this long.

Could it be that a saint once told Li Qianmu this?

Just rely on this weird guy?

Whether it was a Korean pharmacist or Qingwu, Rao Ye Hao, who knew that Li Qianmu had the strength of the Xiaoyao realm, didn't think it was possible.

"At that time, I can only do my best."

In the end, Ye Hao sighed lightly, still not sure about controlling the medicine emperor cauldron.

But no matter what, this time may be his only chance to get Yaohuangding, anyway he must try his best.

Time is fast, two days passed in the blink of an eye.

auzw.com On this day, the celestial elder who presided over the alchemy came to Ye Hao’s residence in person, and did not take him too loudly to the secret place of the Queen of Medicine Mountain.

The celestial elder of the Medicine Emperor Sect is the leader, and the Jixia Academy is also accompanied. After all, this is the Medicine Emperor Sect. If the quasi-supreme Zhao Daoling were not present, Ye Hao would really worry that he would be killed quietly.

It is true that the Medicine Emperor Ding is too important to the Medicine Emperor Sect.

It is not only the greatest heritage, but also related to the inheritance of the sect.

After all, the first ancestor of Yaohuangzong left his last life before Zuihua:

The person in charge of the medicine emperor cauldron leads the medicine emperor.

This matter is known to the world. If Ye Hao succeeds in controlling the medicine cauldron this time, the medicine emperor really does not know how to end it.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the Emperor Yaozong would proceed in secret without being too loud.

As they continued to move forward, Ye Hao and his entourage had arrived in the secret place of Yaohuangzong's Houshan. On the way, whether it was a disciple or elder of Yaohuangzong, when they saw him, their faces were cold, and even more so. Murderous flashes, if it weren't for the fear of Zhao Daoling's presence, I was afraid that he would directly kill the young man here.

"Tsk tusk tusk, this medicine emperor is really small."

Li Qianmu couldn't help but mutter, causing the celestial old man in the front to snorted coldly. Even Zhao Daoling gave him a fierce look, and couldn't help but yell at him.

If you know something in your heart, why do you have to say it!

We must know that they have penetrated into the heart of Yaohuangzong at this moment, and the surrounding area can be said to be forbidden to kill. In some places, even his quasi-supreme is frightened, and Li Qianmu, the strange flower, is dull and not aware of this, and dares to ridicule. Not afraid of being destroyed directly by the Emperor Yaozong.

"Don't blame Daoists, the gentleman of our school is not very good at his mind."

Zhao Daoling coughed lightly and smiled lightly to ease the atmosphere. After all, they robbed the Yaohuangzong limelight this time in the Jixia Academy. Although it is a good thing, this place is the hinterland of the sect after all, and even he is a quasi-supreme. Not willing to conflict easily.

Facing a quasi-supreme, Yaohuangzong celestial elder, even if he was dissatisfied, he did not dare to put on airs. On the contrary, Li Qianmu was like a wild cat with his tail trampled on, angrily said: "Zhao Daoling, who do you think has a bad brain? I am. Mr. Jixia Academy, you are ruining the reputation of the Academy!"

"To shut up!"

Zhao Daoling glared at him with a headache, even the elder of the Emperor Yaozong couldn't help but squint at Li Qianmu, quite agreeing with the former's words in his heart.

"Here, the medicine emperor cauldron was sealed in my ancestor mountain."

Half an hour later, the old man of Yaohuangzong Tianren stopped in front of a huge mountain and spoke lightly.

"It's really tight."

Li Qianmu couldn't help but stunned when he looked at the huge mountains towering into the clouds and exuding supreme aura.

At this moment, a roar suddenly rang from the giant mountain, with a faint noise:

"Jiusi, work harder!"

"Yes, the medicine emperor cauldron is alive, you are the most outstanding arrogant talent of our sect, and you will surely be able to control it!"

"As long as you take the lead in controlling the Medicine Emperor Cauldron, the kid from Jixia Academy can only stare!"

Hearing these voices, Zhao Daoling couldn't help frowning, Ye Hao's face was a bit ugly, Dan Dan's pretty face was full of irritation, and Chen Wuji and Liu Qingyang didn't show anything, but their eyes were gloating.

"Damn! The shameless Medicine Emperor Sect, you turned back!" In the dead silence, Li Qianmu suddenly jumped his feet and shouted in a sharp voice, "The Danhui rules are clearly stated, only the champion is qualified to try to control the medicine. Huangding, did you open the back door for Ji Jiusi to try first?"

"Then you guys have a fart club, take off your pants and fart, it's really shameless!"

Li Qianmu's voice was very loud, and it seemed that he had used some kind of secret technique. The scolding sound came from the heart of the Medicine Emperor Sect, resounding inside and out of the entire Medicine Emperor Sect, making the face of the old man changed drastically. .

At the moment when the scolding sounded, everyone in the residences of the powerful sects turned their eyes to the hinterland of the Yaohuangzong.

"What sound is this?"

"Emperor Yaozong unexpectedly opened the back door for Ji Jiusi to control the emperor cauldron?"

"Tsk tusk, this medicine emperor is really shameless, and has turned back and forth again and again."

"This is interesting, let's take a look!"

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