Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 503: Carry the tripod

"Damn it! What are you talking about?"

In front of the giant mountain, the celestial old man of Yaohuangzong finally reacted, his face flushed and angrily shouted.

Not only that, in the huge mountain in front of the sky, eight figures rushed out in an instant, two of them had a misty atmosphere, as if they were fused with the whole world, and they were obviously super powers who entered the realm of heaven and human.

As for the remaining six people, their breath is like a deep sea, extremely terrifying, as if they have stepped into a happy state.

At this moment, there were a total of three celestial beings, six of the Unexpected Realm powerhouses, and in the distance, there were continuous Nirvana Realm and celestial phenomena realm powerhouses flashing in. Such a lineup is enough to show how terrifying the medicine Emperor Sect's background is.

"Why? You are only allowed to act like this, back to back, so you won't let me speak?"

At this moment, Li Qianmu seemed to be dazzled by anger. He turned a blind eye to the murderous gaze of the strong Yaohuangzong, and jumped and cursed angrily.


"In the secret place of my Medicine Emperor Sect, dare to make such a noise!"

The strong faces of Yaohuangzong shouted with ferocity. They originally planned to discuss the matter with the people of Jixia Academy, so they didn’t invite others to disturb others. But who would have expected such a wonderful work? There was no time to say anything, even when I didn't even see him in person, he shouted out the matter without any scruples.

But in any case, this matter is ultimately a failure of the Emperor Yaozong, and the most important point is that there have been various powerful people in the sky in the distance. Can they still be in full view and kill the people in Jixia Academy. ?

If you really do this, let's not talk about how the ethics of all parties in the world look at it, I am afraid that the first one in the Jixia Academy will razing Yaohuangzong.

After all, no matter how strong the medicine emperor sect is, no matter how deep it is, it cannot be compared with the immortal tradition of one party.

"Hey, fellow Taoist Emperor Yaozong, the abacus is pretty good."

The Witch God Valley powerhouse arrived, and the headed celestial man spoke jokingly, his expression full of playfulness.

"It's really unexpected, the huge medicine emperor sect has turned back again and again."

The Tianding Pavilion powerhouse has also arrived, his eyes are also full of teasing, obviously coming with the mentality of watching a joke.

"The heart is not old. I didn't expect that as the organizer of this pill meeting, I would break the rules I set again and again."

The strong Dan clan laughed strangely with a joke on his face.

"The Emperor of Medicine, people can't stand without credibility, let alone the orthodoxy."

The Korean pharmacist also frowned and said, obviously he didn't expect that the Emperor of Medicine would act like this.

However, although this incident was unexpected, it was reasonable after careful consideration.

After all, the medicine emperor cauldron is really something for medicine emperor sect.

Everyone in Yaohuangzong's faces alternated with blue and white, and they didn't expect that the incident would become so well-known.

All this is to blame for the wonderful work of Jixia Academy!

The Yaohuangzong expert gritted his teeth and stared at Li Qianmu, wishing to swallow him alive, but the latter seemed not aware of these emotions, so he stared back without giving up.

"This matter makes you laugh."

Finally, an old sigh came out in the giant mountain, and everyone immediately heard that it was the quasi-senior of the Yaohuangzong.

auzw.com Master Yao.

"However, this matter was not deliberately done by my Medicine Emperor, but my Zong Zhizun once issued an order. Jiusi is the most outstanding arrogant of my sect. You can try to control the Medicine Emperor's Cauldron every six months. Today is only a half-year exercise. It's just a period."

Venerable Yao's voice spread, so that all the strong people of all kinds of traditions secretly kept their lips, and did not believe it at all.

Although they are not members of the Medicine Emperor Sect, they also know that the mysterious medicine cauldron is usually in a sealed state, and every time the seal is broken, it takes a lot of resources.

Let Ji Jiusi try to control the medicine emperor cauldron every six months, even if the medicine emperor sect's background is doubled, it will definitely not be so luxurious.

But even if they knew this in their hearts, everyone couldn't explain it.

After all, the Emperor Yaozong moved out even the supreme of the clan, and for taboo experts, even the quasi-supreme like Zhao Daoling did not dare to say anything before stepping into the realm of the supreme.

"Okay, since you are all present, come in and testify for Xiaoyou Shen to control the Medicine Emperor's Cauldron this time."

Venerable Yao's voice came out, and a light curtain suddenly appeared on the huge mountain in front, and Ruoyoruowu's attraction passed from it.

The Yaohuangzong experts took the lead in entering, followed by Ye Hao and his entourage. Next, the Korean Pharmacists and the various experts followed closely, disappearing into the light curtain.

Yaohuangzongzu Mountain is said to be connected to a place in the Southern Territory. It has endless wonders. It can be called a rare hole in the world. The first ancestor of Yaohuangzong chose to open a mountain gate here. This is also one of the biggest reasons.

The ancestral mountain is extremely empty, as if it was hollowed out by people with supreme magical powers. There are long corridors and futons on the surrounding mountain walls, which can be used by repairers to retreat.

And in the open area in the center, there is still a "big mountain", and you can't see the "peak" when you look up. There is a wonder of the mountain in this mountain, so that the strongest people who have entered this place for the first time are all doubles. His eyes shrank suddenly and his mind was shocked.

"This is the Medicine Emperor Cauldron?"

Ye Hao couldn't help but set off the stormy waves in his heart. The scene before him was really unexpected. The majestic and huge mountain in the mountain that can't be seen at a glance is dark, glowing with cold luster, and faintly engraved on it. The lines seem to be connected to the entire land, seem to be able to suppress the endless mountains and rivers of the Southern Territory, exuding a breath of incomparable vicissitudes, giving people an unshakable heavy meaning, terrifying and frightening.

This mountain in the mountain is amazingly the emperor of medicine!

On the corridor of Shanbi, there are many powerful people, but at this moment, there is a dead silence. Looking at this medicine emperor cauldron, everyone vaguely feels that they are an ant facing a peak of the sky. There was a sense of smallness and powerlessness.

"It's no wonder that even the primordial emperor of Yaohuangzong is powerless for such a tripod."

After a long time, a strong voice made a dry voice, vaguely understanding why no one in the Emperor Yaozong was able to control this medicine cauldron.

"Look! It's Ji Jiusi!"

The sound of exclamation sounded, and everyone noticed that at the huge'foot of the mountain', a figure in a golden robe had a fierce face, and the entire body was beating with supreme fire, filled with a vast and violent aura. To carry this'giant mountain'.

This scene looks a bit ridiculous, because compared with this huge and huge ‘Giant Mountain’, Ji Jiusi’s figure is hardly even an ant.

But no one in the room can laugh. It is that the oppression given by Yaohuangding is too strong. Even if everyone asks themselves, even if they are replaced by them, they are afraid that they can't shake such a large and almost terrifying Yaoding.

Really speaking, this has nothing to do with body size. After all, the astronomical realm powerhouse has the supreme power to move mountains and seas. If it is replaced with an ordinary mountain, no matter how large it is, it will not give it to the powerhouses. A strong sense of oppression.

However, the mystery of Yaohuangding, not to mention the people in the field, even the taboo strong who entered the supreme realm could not see through it.


After a long time, Ji Jiusi's momentum dissipated, and immediately his figure flew upside down, slamming heavily on the mountain bi.

He seemed to have exhausted all his strength, his face was pale, he was panting like a cow, as if he had just picked up from the water, and his golden robe was completely saturated with sweat.

But that's the case, the medicine emperor cauldron that stood here for endless years still remained motionless.

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