Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 508: One gas into three clear

This scene is extremely strange, as if there are two voices, appearances, and even Li Qianmu with the same realm strength. One of them is at war with Yao Zong, and the other is behind Yao Huangzong Zhizun.

This is not an illegal elephant or clone, but a real physical body, and it is precisely because of this that Yao Huangzong Supreme will be shocked.

After all, although the magic image clone and other secret techniques are rare, they have naturally seen some from the supreme vision. However, no matter how mysterious and powerful this kind of secret technique is, the magic image or clone cast can retain 50% of the body's strength. It is extremely scary.

As for Li Qianmu's ability to derive a clone secret technique with exactly the same realm strength, it can be said to be rare in the world, and it can be called a taboo. Rao is the supreme vision of the Emperor of Medicine, and I have only heard of the Tongtian Daofeng in the endless years. The supreme magical power has such a terrifying power.

One Qi transforms three Qings. It is rumored that it was created by Taoist ancestors at that time. At the peak of cultivation, two clones can even be derived. The strength is not weaker than the main body at all.

Just imagine, if the supreme-level powerhouse cultivates this supreme supernatural power, the combat power is equivalent to the three supreme, and its horror does not need to be said.

It is a pity that since the fall of the Taoist ancestor, no one has been able to cultivate this supreme magical power in Sanqing Mountain, Tongtian Daofeng. Otherwise, with the terrifying background of Sanqing Mountain, coupled with this heaven-defying taboo, I am afraid it will be enough to suppress the world. , Climbing to the top, reappearing ancient glory.

After all, in ancient times, Tongtian Daofeng Sanqingshan had also suppressed an era, arrogantly for a long period of time, can be called invincible in the world, and extremely powerful.

However, listening to the words of the Supreme Master of Medicine, Li Qianmu sighed and said with regret: "I want to turn three cleansings into one gas. It's just that if you use the idea of ​​this magical power, those in Sanqingshan will not be out of the world. The old guy of "I will never die, he will kill him to Jixia Academy."

"Sanqingshan can't afford to provoke, nor is it easy to provoke."

Li Qianmu sighed helplessly. Although Jixia Academy is strong, Sanqing Mountain, Tongtiandaofeng, is not weak at all. If the two sides really fight together, I am afraid that the entire Southern Region will be completely destroyed.

"Isn't one gasification three cleansing?"

Yaohuangzong Supreme was also slightly startled, obviously he didn't expect that he would make a mistake in guessing, but if it weren't for the supreme magical power of Tongtian Daofeng, could there be such a terrifying secret technique in the world?

"who are you?"

Yao Huangzong Supreme’s face became more solemn than ever, because the strength of the Confucian youth behind him was too weird, seemingly unremarkable, and there was not much energy fluctuations, but with the supreme divine consciousness, he actually felt an extreme in the opponent. A strong sense of crisis.

The Yaohuangzong Supreme asked himself, even if his strength has not been sealed, I am afraid that he may not be able to suppress the young people behind him.

In the Jixia Academy of the current world, apart from the king who entered the eternal land, there are only two supreme masters, Shenggong Yan and Li Taibai. When did such a mysterious powerhouse of unknown origin appear again?

"My name is Li Qianmu." Li Qianmu smiled slightly, and muttered with his eyes far away, "A gentleman of modesty, humble himself to herd."

Yao Huangzong Zhizun frowned, he had never heard the name.

But the next moment, he didn't know what he thought of, his slightly squinted eyes suddenly widened, and his pupils shrank unbelievably, "could it be"

"Huh? It seems you have heard of me too?"

Li Qianmu raised his eyebrows in surprise.


Yaohuangzong Supreme's expression was stiff, full of amazement, and his throat seemed to be suddenly strangled. After a long time, he sighed bitterly. His expression was extremely complicated and said: "Unexpectedly, you actually exist!"

"No wonder you can come here quietly."

"No wonder you have such strength."

"No wonder Zhang Sheng never sealed you that day."


"Jixia Academy, what a deep foundation."

The Emperor Yaozong smiled bitterly, and the doubts in his heart were finally solved. He finally realized the identity of Li Qianmu, but his heart's ups and downs were more intense and he could not calm down at all.

"Okay, I'm not here to listen to your praise."

Li Qianmu waved his hand a little impatiently, and immediately said with a smile, "I'm sure you know what I'm here for, your Medicine Emperor Sect is not authentic."

Yaohuangzong Zhizun frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The Medicine Emperor Cauldron is the most important weapon left by the ancestor of our ancestor. There is no room for disappointment. I hope you can understand it."

Hearing this, Li Qianmu snorted and said lazily: "Why do you say so high-sounding? After all, it's not because of the phrase'the one who is in charge of the emperor of medicine, who controls the emperor of medicine'? Your ancestor, It’s really difficult for a dignified supreme-level tycoon to be unwilling to surrender this huge foundation and not want the people of the world to stab the backbone."

"Since you know it, why force it."

The Supreme Master of Medicine Emperor snorted coldly. After all, as a person, he would not be willing to hand over the Supreme Daoism of Emperor Medicine Emperor to an outsider.

"Forced?" Li Qianmu's face showed a playful look, "With your current state, if I want to be strong, you are afraid it will be useless to break your throat?"

Yaohuangzong Zhizun's face was gloomy, and said: "No matter what you say, Yaohuangding is the most important weapon of our sect, and there is absolutely no room for error!"

"Then there is no way."

Li Qianmu frowned, and immediately sighed helplessly. He gently shook his palm three feet above Yaohuangzong's head. Suddenly, a jade ruler phantom exuding a thrilling breath appeared strangely.

"What are you doing!"

Yao Huangzong's complexion changed drastically, that jade ruler was the seal of Zhang Sheng and Ji Dao Shengbing's measuring ruler. This world's supreme saint was fettered by this seal.

"Me? Of course I want Medicine Emperor Cauldron."

Li Qianmu smiled faintly, holding the jade ruler phantom in his hand, and pressing it down gently.

Three feet becomes two feet.

The Yaohuangzong Supreme's figure roared, as if under the pressure of incomparable terror, even the Daotai under his body was completely shattered at this moment, strange and frightening.

"The Emperor Yaozong is the most important weapon of my sect, and we must not lose it!" The Supreme Master Yaozong gritted his teeth and said, "My sect can use other things to make up for it, whether it's a treasure of heaven, material, or a magic weapon, even if it is Supreme Class Medicine"

"I only want medicine emperor cauldron."

Before the Emperor of Medicine Sovereign finished speaking, Li Qianmu interrupted his face indifferently, and at the same time the shadow of the jade ruler sank another foot.


The roar of Yaohuangzong Supreme's body broke out, and even a little crack appeared in his body. The seal left by Zhang Sheng was really terrifying, and even the Supreme's physique could not resist.

Two feet become one foot.

"give or not?"

Li Qianmu's expression was indifferent, there was no mood swing in his eyes, it seemed that as long as the former refused, he would urge the seal without hesitation.

And thinking of the terrifying deterrence of the seal, Yao Huangzong Supreme's scalp numbs, and his face can't help showing utter anger and murder.

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