Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 509: Tianding has a master

Not to mention the current world, who has dared to threaten the Supreme in this way through the ages?

The creatures in this realm are supreme, oppressive to the heavens, and exist like gods.

At this moment, the Supreme Yaozongzong wanted to disregard the deterrence of the seal and directly explode the supreme-level power, fighting Li Qianmu's death.

But in the end, reason and anger, the former prevailed.


Yao Huangzong's supreme gritted his teeth and spit out a word, his face was pale.

After all, if the seal were to fall, he would end in a tragic end, even if he kept Yaohuangding by then?

The most important point is that the Emperor of Medicine Sect has only him as the Supreme. If he falls, no one will be able to contend with Li Qianmu. By then, not only will the Emperor of Medicine Ding fail to keep it, but even the Emperor of Medicine will fall out of the Supreme Dao Tong. Mermaid meat.

After weighing the pros and cons, even if the Emperor Yaozong was unwilling, he had to give in.

Of course, at this moment, he has scolded Zhang Sheng and Jixia Academy all over the place in his heart.

Because if it weren't for being sealed, even if Li Qianmu's identity was faintly guessed, Yaohuangzong Zhizun was confident. With the five-bird fan and the heavy killing array in the Yaohuangzong secret, it might not be impossible to fight with him.

"Look, how simple it is, isn't this over?"

Li Qianmu let go of his palm with a smile, and the phantom of the measuring ruler disappeared suddenly, as if it had never appeared before.

The Supreme Master Yaozong breathed a sigh of relief. It was true that the seal left by Zhang Sheng was too terrifying. At that moment, he really felt the death crisis.

"Little brother, don't look at me like this, and discuss it with you. I can't do anything about it."

Seeing the gaze of Yao Huangzong Supreme, Li Qianmu stretched out his hands helplessly, looking like "I blame you."

"Okay, okay, don't look like you can eat people."

In the end, Li Qianmu shrugged and said indifferently: "Your sect of medicine emperor cauldron, I will be the master for that kid, just temporarily borrowing for a thousand years."

"After a thousand years, if that kid can't keep the tripod, even if you want to take it back, I will not hinder it any more."

Hearing this, Yaohuangzong Supreme's figure was shocked, and immediately asked a little suspiciously: "Really?"

"Every word is true."

Li Qianmu nodded. He naturally understood the principle of adding sweet jujube to the big stick. If he didn't do this, even if the teenager could take the medicine emperor cauldron this time, it would be difficult to guarantee that the medicine emperor would not make small moves in secret.

Indeed, after hearing that Li Qianmu had only temporarily borrowed the Medicine Emperor Ding for a thousand years, the expression of the supreme Emperor of the Medicine Emperor looked much better in an instant, and all the careful thoughts in his heart were put away.

In these thousand years, he was in a sealed state anyway, unable to get out of the Medicine Emperor Sect for half a step, and temporarily lending the Medicine Emperor Cauldron out was definitely the best outcome of this matter.

Of course, Li Qianmu took the initiative to back down and put forward this plan, which made the Emperor Yaozong have doubts in his heart.

"Don't be surprised. If that kid can't even keep a medicine emperor cauldron in a thousand years, then it doesn't make much sense for him to keep it."

Li Qianmu spoke lightly, making the Emperor of Deyao Sovereign startled slightly, and then sneered in his heart.

Thousands of years later, he must go personally to retrieve the medicine emperor cauldron. By that time, with a young man who is no longer in the spiritual development realm, is he still able to resist?

"Good! Yaohuangding will temporarily lend you a thousand years!"

Yaohuangzong Zhizun sneered and said, and he was sure that after a thousand years, the Yaohuangding would be lost and regained.

"Of course, the premise is that the kid can take the medicine emperor cauldron."

Yao Huangzong's supreme gaze looked far, and it seemed that he could see the scene in Zushan.

Regarding this, Li Qianmu also squinted his eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, while Yaohuangzong Zhizun made a cold snort as if struck by lightning.

At this time, Yaohuang Zongzu Mountain.


The earth shook and the mountains shook, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and the deafening roar continued to echo. The giant black cauldron that could not see the end was trembling as if it was about to collapse. The world is crushed, terrifying.

"Damn it! Stop it!"

In the void, the Venerable Yao controls the five-bird fan, his expression is full of fright and anger, and the runes of Taoism are like waves and tsunami, overflowing from the sky, but no matter how terrifying its power, it is still counted by the young man in the Confucian shirt Block.

"Battle! You said you are not the Supreme!"

Venerable Yao was angrily attacking his heart, and his face was extremely stubborn. No matter how he broke out and urged the power of the Supreme Emperor to the extreme, he still couldn't help the former, which made his Quasi Supreme's state of mind a little broken.

The opponent clearly does not have the Supreme Dao and the Emperor's might, but the strength that can be displayed is not weaker than the Supreme-class giant. This strange scene makes everyone in the field tremble, and they don't understand.

"I said it a long time ago, I am not the Supreme."

On the other side, Li Qianmu spread his hands and looked innocent.

"you liar!"

Venerable Yao roared angrily, and was about to continue to make a move. Suddenly, the majestic voice of Emperor Yaozong sounded abruptly in the Ancestral Mountain.

"Elder Yao, step back."

Venerable Yao was startled, and then the voice of Emperor Yaozong sounded from the bottom of his heart, and his face changed for a while, before biting his teeth bitterly and unwillingly put away the five bird fan.


"The Emperor Yaozong actually agreed?"

"Hey, the supreme is worthy of the supreme, as expected, there is grandeur!"


Amidst the stunned voices of the powerful from all quarters, the medicine emperor cauldron that resembled a mountain suddenly shook. The cauldron body was black and light, and exuded an incomparably thick aura. The turbulence at this moment is like an earthquake.


"This kid actually succeeded?"

"Tianding has a master!"

On the Shanbi corridor, the complexions of the powerful from all sides changed wildly, and unprecedented storms were set off in their hearts.

The medicine emperor cauldron has stood here for endless years, and even the powerful people of the medicine emperor sect cannot control it.

But right now, it was actually taken by a teenager in Jixia Academy.

This is definitely a big event that shakes the Southern Territory.

Because this young man not only controls the medicine emperor cauldron, but also possesses the elixir of fusion, and the talent of elixir is amazing, and his future achievements are absolutely limitless.

"From now on, you must never provoke Shen Xuan again, otherwise don't blame being a teacher for not being affectionate!"

Zhao Daoling's tone was harsh, and he looked at Xie Daoyun with extremely severe expression.

The young talent is amazing. The most important thing is the unfathomable Li Qianmu, which reminds him of a legend in Jixia Academy. If it is true, Zhao Daoling would not dare to continue thinking about it.

Xie Daoyun nodded in despair, his face pale, and his regret was beyond words.

And at this time, the medicine emperor's secret place.

Li Qianmu yawned lazily, looked at the gloomy-faced Yaohuangzong Supreme, smiled and patted his shoulder, "Little brother, thanks."

Yaohuangzong Supreme snorted coldly, and could only accept the ending now.

"By the way, I have another question for you."

Li Qianmu was about to leave, his eyes suddenly turned to the former again, and his voice was low and said, "What's the matter with the right hand of God?"

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