Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 510: Great background

In Yaohuang's ancestor mountain, Ye Hao's face was pale and panting like a cow. His clothes were already thoroughly soaked, and even the tips of his hair were constantly dripping with sweat.

Of course, even though he was exhausted, looking at the three-inch black small cauldron in his palm, there was still unstoppable ecstasy in his eyes.

"No wonder that no one can control the medicine emperor cauldron so far."

Ye Hao sighed in his heart that without the Chaos Immortal Fire, he would definitely not be able to control the Medicine Emperor Cauldron this time.

Because when he tried just now, no matter whether he used his physical or spiritual power, he couldn't shake the medicine emperor cauldron in the slightest. Even if he forced his own blood and spiritual power into the cauldron, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, let alone a response, even the slightest disturbance. Never appeared.

In the end, in desperation, Ye Hao, with the mentality of the last try, urged the chaotic immortal fire in the sea to transfer the power of the immortal fire into the medicine emperor cauldron.

At this point, the Medicine Emperor Cauldron was like a bottomless pool, falling into a small stone, causing a few ripples for the first time.

Although this slight movement was small, it undoubtedly gave Ye Hao a glimmer of hope.

Next, he unreservedly urged the Chaos Immortal Fire. It can be said that he urged the Chaos Immortal Fire to the extreme for the first time since refining it.

After all, the power of Chaos Fire is too terrifying, rare artifacts in the world can withstand its power.

The medicine emperor cauldron is like a bottomless pool of water, lacking vitality. With the continuous influx of the power of the chaotic fairy fire, this pool of stagnant water finally fluctuates for the first time.

In fact, in the final analysis, controlling the Yaohuang Cauldron requires an extremely powerful source of fire.

Regarding this, Yao Huangzong Zhizun also had a vague guess in his heart.

But Yaohuangzong has been strong in the past, and there have been people who refined the Supreme Fire, trying to control the Yaohuangding.

But in the end, they all ended in failure.

This is not the wrong way of their control, but the power of the Supreme Fire, which is lacking.

The power of the Primal Chaos Fire is far above the Supreme Fire, and it is precisely because of this that Ye Hao was lucky enough to control the Medicine Emperor Cauldron.

After all, Chaos Immortal Fire is too rare. It can be said that throughout the ages, endless years, and even the vast starry sky, it has never appeared several times.

If it weren't for this reason, this medicine emperor cauldron would definitely not be in Ye Hao's turn today.

"I don't know where this tripod came from, it needs such a huge force to actuate it."

Ye Hao couldn't help but ponder in his heart, that the Medicine Emperor Cauldron was so extraordinary that even the power of Supreme Fire couldn't control it, it was a bit weird.

How rare is the Supreme Class Heaven and Earth Origin Fire?

When the burning cremation site was opened, all parties in the Eastern Wilderness kept secret, and sent Tianjiao, the descendant of the family, to seek the illusory supreme fire.

The Heaven and Earth Source Fire of this rank is too rare and precious. If the practitioners refining, it is equivalent to laying a supreme foundation, which will have a vital influence on future cultivation.

Even those supreme-level giants who overlook the heavens and oppress the world have not yet risen, not everyone has the opportunity to refine the supreme fire.

And it was such a rare and rare supreme fire that could not meet the requirements of controlling the medicine emperor cauldron, which was simply appalling.

"Shen Xiaoyou, what a great opportunity."

At this time, the powerful people from all parties also recovered from the shock, and they all stepped forward, looking at the black small cauldron in Ye Hao's hand with fiery eyes.

At the moment, the medicine emperor cauldron is no more than three inches in size, and the whole body is dark, and it is covered with mysterious and complicated lines. It is like the mountains and rivers of the earth, and it is like a nine-curved Milky Way.

auzw.com The prestige of Yaohuangding is really too great, ranking second in the list of Yaohuangding, second only to the enlightened saints of the Western Queen Mother of the Immortal Spirit Ding, although it cannot be used for attacking, but The alchemy system in the world is still thunderous. It is definitely the supreme treasure that all alchemists dream of. Everyone in the field can say that no one is unmoved.

of course.

Although everyone coveted their eyes and even couldn't help but some careful thoughts appeared in their hearts, these thoughts were immediately dismissed as soon as they emerged, and they dared not reveal the slightest.

After all, in addition to a young man, there is also an unfathomable academic powerhouse.

You must know that the horrible existence that can hardly shake the Supreme Dao Emperor's soldiers, under the general trend of the world's supreme, unless the immortal Dao ties use the Supreme Dao's holy soldiers, no one can suppress.

Ye Hao put away the medicine emperor cauldron, ignoring the eyes of everyone in the medicine emperor sect who wanted to kill, and dealt with the powerful people who came to congratulate him.

"Okay, don't shoot the flattery, it's all gone."

In the void, Li Qianmu fell lazily, causing the crowded crowd to immediately give up a large circle of open space.


Zhao Daoling stepped forward, and bowed to Li Qianmu with a sullen expression.

After all, before that, he had always treated Li Qianmu with no pretense, and even often reprimanded him. If he really wanted to care about it, Zhao Daoling would not even think about it.

Regarding this, Li Qianmu waved his hand casually, ignoring his intention at all, and led Ye Hao straight out of the Yaohuang Zongzu Mountain.

After the two disappeared, the crowd in the room was completely boiling.

Everything today is really unexpected. Not only the Medicine Emperor Cauldron, which has been in dust for countless years, was taken away, but also a mysterious powerhouse who is not weak and supreme appeared in Jixia Academy. No matter which one is enough to shake the world. .

"Zhao Tianren, who is that senior in the Academy?"

The Witch God Valley expert opened his mouth with doubts on his face. With Li Qianmu's toughness, it is impossible to be unknown, but everyone in the room has never heard of this person. This is really abnormal.

Hearing that, Zhao Daoling was silent. It was not that he didn't want to say it, but that even he didn't know the origin of Li Qianmu, otherwise he would dare to be so presumptuous in the past.

"A humble gentleman, humbled to hide and clumsy"

Zhao Daoling recalled all the details about Li Qianmu in his heart, and then he seemed to think of something, his eyes suddenly tightened, and his figure trembled.

"Is the rumor in Xuegong true?"

Zhao Daoling thought of a rumor that had existed in Jixia Academy for countless years, and he couldn't help but set off stormy waves in his heart.

If his guess is true, then Li Qianmu's identity is too detached.

"It must be so!"

Zhao Daoling's mouth was dry, and there was unprecedented shock and horror in his eyes.

He finally understood why Li Qianmu was acting infrequently in the Jixia Academy and was notoriously infamous, but the two supreme beings ignored it, and their partiality was a little unreasonable.

Because Li Qianmu's background is too big!

At this moment, Yaohuangzong Mountain Road.

Ye Hao hugged Xiao Nun and looked at the lazy figure in front of him with a strange expression.

He naturally saw the scene of the talented Li Qianmu against the Venerable War Drugs, and his heart was shocked only a lot more than others.

After all, although he knew that Li Qianmu was not easy, he could not think of it anyway. It was beyond common sense that he could resist the Emperor Dao's soldiers.

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