Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 525: From the prefecture

A hard blow, but the realm of his celestial phenomena did not have much upper hand, which caused the black man's face to change drastically, and there was a shock that could not be concealed in his voice.

Isn't the young man in front of him the only cultivation base in the Lingyan Realm?

Why can you fight him hard without letting the wind fall?

This is simply beyond common sense and unimaginable.


On the other side, Cao Hui was covered in blood, and rushed out of the waste rock in an extremely embarrassed manner, his fingertips flashing quickly, but before he could move, Yun Miaoxuan's body was empty and mysterious, and appeared again in it. Behind him, just one step.


Cao Hui flew upside down again, his figure resembling a kite with a broken wire, blood in his mouth constantly gushing, extremely miserable.

In fact, the spiritual formation master is not good at melee combat. It is reasonable to say that a spiritual formation master should be able to crush from all aspects against a spiritual development realm cultivator.

It is really that Yun Miaoxuan is too terrible to be treated according to the ordinary spiritual development state. Therefore, even if Cao Hui is the spiritual formation master, if he does not occupy the spiritual formation first, he has no resistance at all.



Cao Hui smashed heavily on a large mountain, causing the rocks to crack and the sky was filled with smoke. He did not dare to stay any longer, pressing on his injuries, and rushed away in a panic.

Of course, Yun Miaoxuan would naturally not let him go easily, she followed him like a light smoke, and at the same time, Lu Guan, who was watching the battle, also galloped in the direction where the two of them were leaving. Plunder, just in case something happens.

"What a waste!"

Seeing Cao Huiyuan escape, the man in black was furious and cursed, but at the same time he secretly relieved.

After all, he was most afraid of Yun Miaoxuan, who was attracted by Cao Hui right now, which also eliminated the biggest hidden danger for him.

"Damn ants, bad things to me!" After the anger, the black-clothed man turned his eyes to Ye Hao, his eyes were extremely grinning, "Die to me!"


There seemed to be a volcanic eruption in the man's body, the waves were rising, the majestic and terrifying power erupted violently, and the long banner in his hand was more like an ultra-long machete.

Qiang Qiang!

Ye Hao looked solemn and didn't dare to be careless, urging Sanqing You Tianbu to the extreme, urging out the magical secret arts one after another without reservation.

"Tongtian Daofeng's world is extremely fast!"

"Tianyan Ancient Sutra!"

"Cang Clan Dengxianlu!"

"All laws do not invade the Holy Spirit!"

"who are you!"

With the battle, the horror in the heart of the black-clothed man became more and more intense. It was really too unexpected for the young man. The magical powers and secret techniques he performed were so complex and powerful that people could not guess the history.

Originally, he thought that after Yun Miaoxuan left, he would be able to kill the young man and finally take the fruit of enlightenment and leave. But since the battle, his own injuries have been getting heavier and heavier, and he has fallen into a battle with a spiritual development cultivator. Down below!


"Bold ants, I am the leader of Huangquan, and I will lead you into the netherworld!"


The man screamed angrily, and a powerful and strange wave filled his body. The long streamer in his hand rose sharply. At the same time, the hanging bell on the long streamer came out with strange sound waves. A large image of the soul appeared out of thin air, screaming towards Ye Hao pounced.

"Sure enough, it is a soul-attracting bell!"

auzw.com Ye Hao's eyes flashed, the weird bell was like a magic sound, with weird and terrifying power, as if it could hit the soul directly, making him feel muddled in the sea, like Walking on Huangquan Road, I want to get lost in the strange sound of bells.


Fortunately, Ye Hao had been prepared for this, and immediately urged the Seed of Thunder in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. An electric light like the Nine Heavens Thunder erupted in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, dispelling all the evil spirits and ghosts, making his consciousness instantly awake.

The thing of thunder is the nemesis of all evils in the world, and the strange methods of the man in front of him are no different from the black robe youth that Ye Hao encountered in the Kunlun restricted area.

"You actually know Yinhunjing!"

The black-clothed man squeezed his eyes, and his face appeared unbelievable and shocked.

"Not only did I know, I also killed a guy who also claimed to be the leader of Huangquan."

Ye Hao breathed slightly, and grinned sullenly. The man in front of him, regardless of his skills, dress, and even travel, was as good as the young man in black robes he had met in the Kunlun restricted area. He was obviously from the same tradition.

That black robe youth is very strong, even if Ye Hao wants to come so far, he still has lingering fears.

And the man in front of him was stronger than the black-robed youth at the beginning.

It is precisely because of this that, from the first moment of fighting with the man in front of him, he is always ready to use the Seed of Thunder to prevent accidents.

"Dare to attack my Zong Huangquan guide, boy, no one in the sky and the earth can save you, you will be cursed for life and life!" The black-clothed man yelled, his eyes burst out, and the long streamer in his hand carried a sharp sonic boom. The sound continued to chop.

"Do you people in the Longevity Palace like to pretend to be like this?"

Ye Hao sneered and stepped forward without showing weakness.

"Hehe, you know my clan name, don't you kneel down and bow your head immediately?"

The black-clothed man opened his mouth, his eyes full of arrogance and coldness.

"Nine styles!"

Ye Hao snorted coldly, he didn't bother to pay attention to it. The power in his body exploded unreservedly. Suddenly, the sky-breaking halberd in his hand filled with endless domineering killings, which made the black-robed man's complexion drastically changed.

"Hyakki Yexing!"

The black-robed man waved the long banner, and the strange sound of the soul bell was transmitted, making the void space instantly shadowed, a series of fierce ghosts with hideous faces crawled out of the nether, and rushed towards Ye Hao.

"Xuanhuang Daqi, condensate!"

With a strong life and death crisis enveloped, Ye Hao directly urged Dao Soul, a **** banner, as if soaked in the blood of gods and demons, exuding simple and heavy, **** and killing, a ray of energy seemed to be able to crush the world. It suddenly appeared like this, extremely terrifying.


The Xuanhuang banner rolled, and the void directly tore a black and terrible crack. The shadows were so beautiful, countless ghosts were bombarded by unimaginable forces, all screaming and breaking.

"The Xuanhuang flag of the first supreme ancient Emperor Xuanhuang in ancient times!"

The black-clothed man had a numb scalp, screamed, and there was a deep horror and fear in his eyes. He wanted to go backwards, but the Xuanhuang Daqi was like a **** wave, like a space shuttle, just like this without suspense. Submerged.


The void oscillated, the earth fell and shattered, and the long banners in the man’s hands shattered, and even the soul-attracting bell on it turned into dust, and his figure resembled a broken kite, hitting the ground heavily, bombarding a huge and incomparable Of the pit.

"You actually got the inheritance of the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang!"

At the bottom of the deep pit, the man spouted a mouthful of blood, his body was like a cracked porcelain covered with cobweb-like cracks, which seemed to break at any time. His eyes were full of shock and horror, and he didn't even dare to imagine. Emperor Xuanhuang, a descendant appeared!

"Okay, since you already know my secret, then tell me your secret next." Ye Hao consumes a lot at the moment, his face is pale as paper, and he looks down at the man like this, and said indifferently, "Talk about your longevity. Where is the prefecture, what is its origin, and did you ever attack a person named Shen Jiuyou?"

Hearing this, the black-clothed man was taken aback for a moment, and then he seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and he even laughed with tears, "Ignorant idiot, are you hitting the idea of ​​our orthodoxy?"

"Hahaha, it's okay to tell you!"

The black-clothed man has a gloomy face, and his voice is stranger than ever:

"My sect comes from the underworld and is in charge of reincarnation, but I can point you to the longevity road. You still don't kneel and surrender!"

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