Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 526: Huangquan Ghost Coffin

The black-clothed man was covered in blood, his face was pale, and his body was in tatters, as if he would disintegrate at any time, and his injuries were extremely serious.

But this is the case, when it comes to his own orthodoxy, a strange enthusiasm still appears on his face.

The water in the Changsheng Mansion is too deep, and there have been traces in the ancient years. Even the most sage master of Confucianism once shot, but in the end it was not flattened.

Who is the Master?

That was the strongest person who suppressed an era and was invincible for a period of time. It can be said to be one of the most powerful people in history.

But the Longevity Palace can survive from the hands of such a strong person, it can be said that it is a bit strong.

Ye Hao's face was solemn. The Taoist lineage was named after longevity. He claimed to be from the Netherworld, was in charge of reincarnation, and even claimed to be able to guide the longevity avenue. It could be said that evil spirits were everywhere, strange and terrifying.

"Giving directions to Changsheng Avenue, the tone is really not small."

Forced to shake his heart, Ye Hao couldn't help but sneered.

In the vast world, there are many Taoist traditions, and all spirits compete for longevity.

Throughout the ages, whether it is in the present world, the ancient times, or even the ancient times before the ancient times, and the years when the earth first opened, every era has amazing talents, powerful people who tremble the ancients and the present, they can catch the stars, catch the moon, and smash them. Starry sky.

But whether it is the ancient emperor who reflects the heavens and overlooks the ten thousand realms, or the saint standing on the peak of the heavens and the earth.

In the end, they were all lost to the years, turning into loess, leaving an invincible reputation.

Time is like a sword that cuts Tianjiao.

Too many outstanding people have been buried in the long river of time, even if a saint like Cangzu suppressed a region and watched the world, it is still no match for the erosion of the years.

Dare to ask, through the ages, the vast starry sky, who can truly live forever?

The black-clothed man in front of him claimed that the Changsheng Palace was in charge of reincarnation and was able to give pointers to the Great Way of Longevity.

To know

Whether it is the invincible existence of the ancestor of the sword sect.

She is also the majestic Queen Mother of the West.

Or the most sage master who created a Confucian school.

And a word of edict, set the Emperor Qin Tiandi in the supreme state.

Each of these invincible creatures who had suppressed an era and scorned a period of time eventually fell inexplicably and failed to truly survive, which shows how difficult it is to live together.

"How can a well frog see the sky? How can an ant know the sky is high!"

The black-clothed man looked fanatical and weird, staring at the young man incomparably sarcastically, as if an already detached **** was looking at a mortal, full of contempt.

"A person who is dying, dare to talk about the longevity road?"

Ye Hao sneered, but even though he said so, his heart was extremely solemn. The mystery of the Longevity Palace was far beyond his imagination, full of demons and strangeness.

Moreover, this school was the first to recognize his extreme state law, and it was precisely because of this that he had always converged to the fluctuations of the extreme state law and did not dare to fully use it.

"Hehe, I admit that you are very strong. It really surprised me." The black-clothed man chuckled in a weird manner, without the slightest fear in his expression. "But the ants are ants after all. Do you really think that you have won?"

Ye Hao's eyes shrank abruptly, the Heaven-Splitting Halberd's aura exploded, slashing down without reservation.


"The worm shakes the tree." The black-clothed man showed sarcasm, a strange and evil mist suddenly filled his body, and he shouted, "Huangquan Ghost Coffin, now!"


In the mist, a deep yellow coffin, like a coffin made of the essence of thick soil, exuded an extremely terrifying aura, just like that suddenly appeared.


Ye Hao's heart was shocked, and the Heaven-Breaking Halberd slashed heavily on the lid of the coffin, but only a white mark was cut out. The terrifying counter-shock force made his body qi and blood toss, and his figure flew out uncontrollably.

This is really a bit shocking, you have to know that although the Heaven Breaking Halberd is broken, it is a genuine Supreme Dao Emperor soldier, even if the Supreme Dao does not exist in it, it is definitely not an ordinary thing that can resist.

What is the origin of that deep yellow coffin!

Ye Hao stopped his figure, staring with extremely solemn eyes, and immediately his black eyes shrank sharply.

The coffin was dark yellow, and it was engraved with a turbid and turbid river, and the endless evil spirits rose into the sky, which was extremely terrifying.

The most frightening thing is that in that big river, there are countless hideous and terrifying figures struggling and wailing, floating and sinking constantly, seeming to suffer great pain and want to break free from it.

"Yellow Spring!"

Ye Hao's expression changed, and there was a storm in his heart. The engraving on the coffin made him think of the legendary Huangquan for the first time.

Is there really a Netherworld in this world?

"You can see my longevity palace treasure, you ant can be regarded as good fortune from several generations."

The black-clothed man smirked and sat up hard, and the dark yellow coffin was like a huge shield, slowly floating in front of him, filled with an incomparable atmosphere of evil and terror.

"Jidao Emperor Soldier?"

Ye Hao's heart sank, his expression extremely ugly.

The breath exuding from the coffin was too terrifying, causing the void to roar constantly and violently tremble, as if the world could not bear it.

"Jie Jie, the Huangquan Ghost Coffin is the treasure of our sect. Although it is known as one of the three heavenly coffins in the world, the treasure Tiancheng is not an emperor soldier in the true sense, but its power is still beyond that." The man in black. With a grin, he sighed, "I brought Huangquan Ghost Coffin this time to take away the right hand of the god. Who would have thought to use it on you first? It's really a sledgehammer."

"This is one of the three evil coffins in the world!"

Hearing what the former said, Ye Hao's face changed drastically. His so-called three heavenly coffins in the world were also mentioned in Shen Jiuyou's heritage, but there were only a few sentences, and obviously he didn't know much.

These three coffins are mysterious and endless, no one knows their origins, but they are fiercely famous, evil and strange.

For the other two coffins, few people in the world know. Even Shen Jiuyou doesn’t know the details. Even this Huangquan ghost coffin only leaves a sentence, ‘You can bury the corpse of the world, and you will retreat. ’

Ye Hao didn't expect that Huangquan Ghost Coffin turned out to be the treasure of the Longevity Mansion, and would encounter it here.

"Hehe, it seems that you have also heard of Huangquan Ghost Coffin?"

The black-clothed man raised his eyebrows slightly, then smiled sorrowfully, and said: "Now, you should know how honored you are to die in this coffin, right?"


The man sneered down, and the coffin shook slightly, and the lid of the coffin opened silently. There was a faint river rushing inside, and the sound of all spirits wailing made the scalp numb and shuddering.


The black-clothed man yelled at the pinch. Suddenly, a strange and terrifying suction erupted in the dark coffin. Even if Ye Hao urged Sanqing You Tianbu the first time, he couldn’t avoid it. There was no suspense. Was ingested.

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