
In the dim and icy space, Ye Hao was floating strangely, and his eyes were pitch black. He couldn't see the surroundings at all, except for the vague rush of the river and the mournful wailing.

"This is in the Huangquan Ghost Coffin?"

Ye Hao's heart was shocked. The space inside the coffin was completely different from what he imagined. It was like a starry sky, but there was no light. Even gravity didn't exist. It was strange and mysterious.


Ye Hao's body power urged, and the Heaven-breaking Halberd cut out a series of fierce and terrifying gangster training, but the offensive that was enough to tear the space from the outside world did not even appear here.

Ye Hao's expression was a bit ugly, looking around as if he was facing a major enemy, but he couldn't see the slightest at all. Even the divine consciousness was completely suppressed here and could not be extended.


Suddenly, a stern wailing sound resounded suddenly, as if it came from a very far away, and it seemed to sound in the ear, very strange.


When Ye Hao was fully guarded, his whole body's cold hair exploded fiercely, and the Heaven-Splitting Halberd slashed to the rear without hesitation. The fierce beams of light turned across the sky, but there was nothing behind him.

Ye Hao's expression was a little ugly. At that moment, his calves suddenly tightened, as if a cold and dry palm appeared strangely, clutching his ankle tightly.

Soon, there was another biting icy cold from his neck, as if being swept across by a cold palm, strange and evil.

Ye Hao's back was a bit cold, and the Huangquan Ghost Coffin was full of evil spirits, especially the space inside the coffin, as if there were some invisible creatures lurking in the dark, full of eerie ghost atmosphere.


Ye Hao's face was solemn, and he violently urged the extreme realm technique to the extreme, and his whole body exuded a faint golden glow, like a small sun, bright and dazzling.

At the same time, he urged the Seed of Thunder in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and his body was surrounded by wisps of electric light, the thunder was vast and extraordinary.

Although there are unknown rumors of evil and evil in the three extremes of Denglong, its power is bright and upright, plus the thing of thunder, it is all evil and evil enemies. At this moment, the two erupted to the extreme, and the strange creatures in the dark seemed to be jealous. No longer appear.


But before Ye Hao let out a sigh of relief, in the dark and icy space, the sound of a weird river rushed, and the endless evil and death aura came from nowhere, as if it appeared out of thin air, it was so turbulent, and it seemed to be able to crush it. The sky keeps shaking the space, terrifying and frightening.

Ye Hao's face changed wildly, just about to dodge, the endless lifelessness was like a waterfall of nine days, crashing down from the space above, instantly drowning his whole person.



In the dark and icy space, every corner was filled with terrible death, causing Ye Hao to scream screamingly, with nowhere to escape, as if he had fallen into a netherworld, terrifyingly terrifying.

Chi Chi!

Ye Hao gritted his teeth, his face is extremely hideous, this evil spirit is too terrifying, it seems to be able to wipe out everything in the world, even if his golden body is great, the flesh and blood is still corroding and melting, and the whole person is in a short moment The stool was bloody, and most of his body was exposed, which was extremely terrifying.

The death aura pervading all around was too terrifying, even if a strong celestial phenomenon fell into it, it would instantly turn into blood mud. If it weren't for the magic of the extreme realm, Ye Hao was afraid that he would not be able to support it for a moment.

"Damn it!" Ye Hao has a strong jealousy in his eyes. He uses all means, but he can’t resist this ubiquitous and deadly aura. Even the holy spirit body, which claims to be invaded by all means, cannot be thorough. Isolated.

The Huangquan Ghost Coffin is too terrifying. I don't know how many arrogant people have been buried in the endless years, and the evil spirits inside may not be able to stop the Supreme's coming.


Ye Hao screamed, madness and unwillingness appeared in his eyes. He knew very well that if he continued, he would be completely crushed to blood mud without leaving a little bit of life.

He couldn't help feeling regretful, even if he was more careful, he was still careless in the end.

If he had just beheaded the man in black without the slightest nonsense, he would not fall into such a Jedi at this moment.

of course.

Before that, I'm afraid no one would have imagined that the Changsheng Mansion actually held the Huangquan Ghost Coffin, one of the three evil coffins in the world, and the strong man would come to the ruins with these heavy treasures, wanting to collect the right hand of the god.

Ye Hao's whole body is **** and bloody, half of his body is already white bones, and he can even see his internal organs, terrifying and frightening.

"Come out, come out, come out!!"

Ye Hao looked crazy and ferocious, constantly communicating with the gray beads in the world. With the monsters and evils of Huangquan Ghost Coffin, he might only be able to contend with the gray beads.

However, the gray bead is too mysterious. Ye Hao still doesn't know its origin, let alone how to control it. Even if he uses all methods at this moment, the gray bead still doesn't move at all, and stays dead in the sea of ​​life. Inside.

Ye Hao smiled miserably, his face was extremely ugly, and the vitality inside his body was flowing like tide.

He was full of unwillingness, and Shen Jiuyou did everything to get him a glimmer of life outside the Kunlun restricted area.

But who ever thought that he would die here?


At the moment when Ye Hao's consciousness was about to become blurred, the gray beads in the ocean finally seemed to be aware of the crisis at this moment, lightly shocked in vain, and appeared outside. The death spirit dissipated, and isolated a pure land, like an isolated island in the vast ocean, slightly inconspicuous, but it is where life lies.

Ye Hao's mind was shocked, and hope emerged in his eyes. He took out a lot of healing pills from Ji Jiusi's storage bag and took it, staring at the gray beads spinning and sinking above his head.

Fortunately, he got Ji Jiusi's storage bag. Without the family of the Young Master of the Medicine Emperor Sect, the terrifying injury on Ye Hao would have already made him incapacitated.




With the appearance of the gray beads, the lifelessness in the dark space is thicker, the roar of the river rushes, and the screams of unknown creatures become clearer and clearer, as if this space is really connected to the legendary netherworld Huangquan is extremely strange.


As the chaotic energy was overflowing, Gray Bead seemed to feel the crisis, and the whole body burst out with black light, like a round of black sun. The simple and mighty coercion soared into the sky, suppressing the world, making this strange space tremble wildly and appear shocking. Crack.

At this time, outside of the coffin, the black-clothed man's face was pale, and he kept pumping his own blood into the coffin, but the vibration on it was getting more and more intense, as if there was a Primordial Savage Beast struggling and colliding, trying to break out of the coffin. .

"How can it be!"

Such a change caused the black-clothed man's mind to roar, and unprecedented shock and astonishment appeared on his face.

And a trace of unbelievable fear.

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