Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 528: Orthodoxy in the mist

The black-clothed man has no blood on his face, his scalp is numb, and a heart almost touches his throat.

You must know that the Huangquan Ghost Coffin is known as one of the three evil coffins in the world, and it is one of the heavy weapons used by their longevity palace to suppress the secrets. It is said that even the Supreme can be buried.

Although he only has the cultivation base of the celestial phenomenon, he cannot show the greatest power of the coffin, but even if the celestial beings are trapped inside, there is absolutely no life.

But at the moment, a young man who is not in the Spiritual Evolvement Realm, even if the evildoer is able to fight higher, it is absolutely impossible to cause such a big movement in the Huangquan Ghost Coffin!

"It's impossible to be a mere ant, how can I shake my Zongzhong weapon!"

The black-clothed man looked savage, and spouted a mouthful of blood again, and his whole body shrivelled down visible to the naked eye, and all the power in his body was poured into the coffin without reservation.

Bang bang bang!

It's just that, even if he tried everything, the Huangquan ghost coffin shook more and more violently. Finally, with a bang, the coffin lid seemed to be hit by a prehistoric beast, and endless evil spirits vented out of the coffin, monstrous. Rise.


Almost at the same time, a figure covered in blood rushed out of the coffin, making the black-clothed man's eyes widened in vain, and his face appeared in disbelief and shock.

It's just that he only had time to see a gray bead filled with black light disappearing in the former body, and then his vision was suddenly blurred and completely darkened.

Ye Hao gasped, and behind the black-clothed man's owl, he directly urged the Heaven-Sharp Halberd to shake his whole person into a blood mist to prevent any evil spirits from appearing.

After doing all of this, he immediately cast his gaze on the floating and turbulent coffin in the sky, as if approaching an enemy, his expression was more solemn than ever.

This evil coffin is too weird, full of endless evils, like connecting the netherworld, with yellow springs rushing, if it were not for the gray beads, he would definitely be planted here this time.

And right now, the gray bead returned to the sea of ​​life and stayed there, unable to control it at all. If this evil coffin changes again, Ye Hao will definitely be unable to resist.


In the void, the Huangquan ghost coffin floats up and down, and the endless evil spirits seem to be endless, until this moment, they are still pouring majestic, without the slightest decline, it is hard to imagine that such a coffin contains such a vast and terrifying life. It's too scary.


Suddenly, the lid of the coffin that had just been lifted off returned, with a hole the size of a pigeon egg on it, which was shocking, apparently caused by the impact of a gray bead.

Ye Hao's eyes condensed, and his heart was full of shock. As expected, the gray bead was so extraordinary that it could knock out a hole in the Huangquan Ghost Coffin, one of the three evil coffins in the world. If it explodes with all its strength, it might be necessary to destroy this evil coffin. Possibly, but unfortunately, he didn't know how to activate the gray beads.


Although the man in black was dead, the ghost coffin of Huangquan seemed to have autonomous consciousness. The lid and the body of the coffin were closed, and the endless evil spirit was completely isolated and suddenly dissipated.

The ghost coffin floated up and down in the void, as if looking at Ye Hao. He couldn't help but hold the Heavenly Breaking Halberd. Cold sweat appeared on the palm of his hand. This evil coffin was too weird. If he sinks again, he is really not sure that he can do it again. escape.

Fortunately, after floating and sinking in the void for a while, the monster Huangquan ghost coffin turned into a stream of light, rushing towards the ruins suddenly, and disappeared in an instant.


Ye Hao let out a big sigh of relief, collapsed to the ground like collapse, immediately ran the extreme realm method, and began to recover from his injuries.

"Fuck! Brother Shen, what's wrong with you!"

Soon, a strange cry of incomparably frightened sound rang in the distance, Lu Guan's face was full of amazement, as he approached quickly.


He was chasing Yun Miaoxuan, but Cao Hui was able to travel from the sky, Yun Miaoxuan mastered the world's extreme speed, and was able to escape the sky for a short time, and the two soon disappeared.

It was also at this time that Ye Hao broke out with a terrible death, the scene was too horrible, Lu Guan couldn't rest assured, and then he immediately turned back. Who would have thought that the young man had suffered such a terrible injury.

"Brother Shen, are you gnawed by that guy?"

Lu Guan stopped in front of Ye Hao, the corners of his eyes kept twitching, his eyes were full of palpitations and fear.

At this moment, the young man looked extremely miserable, his whole body was **** and bloody, and he could even see the bones in many places. Through the skeleton, he could vaguely see the internal organs, which was shocking and terrifying.

Lu Guan couldn't imagine what kind of battle the former went through and turned out to be so miserable.

"It's nothing serious, just help me protect the law."

Ye Hao raised his eyelids and said, although his injuries are serious, Ji Jiusi's large amount of medicines are rare healing treasures in the world. Coupled with the terrifying recovery power of the extreme realm method, this injury can still be achieved as long as it takes some time. restore.

"I'm going, you are almost gnawing into bones, is it okay?"

The corners of Lu Guan's mouth twitched, his expression unbelieving, but he didn't know what to do.


At this time, in the distant sky, Yun Miaoxuan's figure also appeared suddenly.

She was dressed in a white dress, holy as snow, flowing out of dust, like a nine-day deceased fairy, making Lu Guan's eyes straighten instantly, as if she immediately forgot Ye Hao's existence, and looked at Yun Miaoxuan like Brother Pig.

When Yun Miaoxuan returned, the ending of Cao Hui was naturally self-evident.

"what happened to you?"

Yun Miaoxuan approached, she had guessed Ye Hao’s identity, her heart was originally quite complicated, but when she saw the terrifying injury of the former, her beautiful eyes shrank suddenly, unconsciously a cold murderous intent appeared, and she took a step forward. , Appeared next to the teenager instantly.

Ye Hao shook his head, signaled her not to worry, and briefly explained the cause of the injury.

"Huangquan Ghost Coffin!" After learning the reason, Yun Miaoxuan's beautiful eyes shrank fiercely, and the heavenly voice also shook uncontrollably, "This evil coffin was born again?"

"Brother Shen, you actually came out of the ghost coffin of Huangquan!"

Lu Guan was even more shocked. It was indeed the Huangquan Ghost Coffin with too high reputation. It was known as one of the three evil coffins in the world. It was strange and evil, and could bury the corpses of the world. Even the Supreme was jealous.

"What is the origin of this longevity palace?"

Ye Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the two of them. Lu Guan and Yun Miaoxuan came from the endless buddhaland and the other from the sacred place of Yaochi. They are both immortal traditions that have been passed down from ancient times to the present, with unfathomable heritage.

But even they didn't know anything about the Longevity Palace, and they had never even heard of it.

This is the ethics of one party hidden in the mist, too mysterious, and evil spirits are everywhere.

Without the slightest clue, the three of them stopped thinking about it, and Yun Miaoxuan's eyes fell on Ye Hao, and he stopped talking several times. In the end, he said coldly and enthusiastically: "How have you been recently?"

"Hey, Saint Yun, you have known Brother Shen a long time ago?"

Lu Guan looked surprised, his eyes looked like two golden lanterns, and he found adultery on his face, as if watching the fire.

"A new entry disciple of Jixia Academy, the Southern Territory Pill will overpower Ji Jiusi, the Pill Dao Tianjiao who controls the Medicine Emperor Cauldron, Shen Xuan." Yun Miaoxuan's narrow and beautiful eyes narrowed lightly, with a strange look in his eyes. "I know it naturally, and"

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