Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 530: Ancient battlefield

Needless to say, these corpses were absolutely earth-shattering, terrifying and powerful, but they all fell here in pieces.

The half of the dragon corpse stretched for thousands of miles, as if it had been severed in two. The incision was extremely smooth, and there was still dragon blood flowing to this day, exuding a terrifying pressure that made the scalp numb.

Born supreme, the peerless Demon Emperor, the real dragon that had long been extinct in the world, was so corpse here, this is simply shocking and chilling.

And not only the real dragon, but also the white tiger that killed the sky and the world was fierce, half of his body was shattered into blood and mud, and his death was miserable.

In the distance, there are huge birds like mountains, bright like the sun, and the remaining coercion is not weaker than the slightest amount of real dragons, like the legendary three-legged golden crow that has long been extinct.

This is an alien species of the monster race that can fight the true dragon and the true phoenix and other peerless monster emperors. It is terrifying, but its wings are cut off and its vitality is cut off.

Not only the monster race, there are also many humanoid creatures, the skeletons are either crystal clear like jade, or dark as ink, with extremely terrifying runes remaining on them. They are overwhelming, and they are obviously unimaginable terrifying powerhouses.

The most shocking thing is that there is also a golden silkworm that is as large as a mountain and is full of golden color. The whole body is glowing with cold luster, like the armor of the gods, but there is a shocking finger hole in the eyebrow, and the red and white brain is flowing. The ground is extremely bloody.

The golden silkworm tribe, the most brilliant immortal tradition in the far north, still had real saints alive in this world, and the golden silkworm in front was definitely a famous and powerful man of the tribe.

It's hard to imagine what happened here that year, so many terrifying powerhouses that are incomparable across the world will fall.

"This seems to be an ancient battlefield!"

After a long time, Ye Hao suppressed his heart and was shocked, and his voice was a little dry. The horrible sight in front of him was nothing more than the supreme cemetery he had seen in the Kunlun restricted area.

"The weakest creatures are supreme"

Lu Guan's back was cold, and his scalp was numb. It was impossible to imagine that the supreme-level giant, who was supreme and overlooked the heavens and domains, would fall here in pieces.

What happened to this ruin?

"Looking at the traces of the battlefield, these strong men seem to be joining forces to kill a certain creature, but"

Yun Miaoxuan's voice was also very unstable, what a terrifying existence it was that caused so many earth-shattering powerhouses to bleed and corpses here.

Is it a saint?

Or, the owner of the right hand of God in the depths of the ruins?

"Look at that golden mace, is it the Jidao Emperor Soldier!"

Lu Guan stared at the battlefield, screamed fiercely, and even his breathing became involuntary.

Beside a human-shaped corpse, a gold mace was half-hidden in the blood sand, the mace body was broken and full of cracks, but there were still bursts of avenue aura exuding, making the void continue to twist and collapse, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

"It's a broken imperial soldier!"

Yun Miaoxuan's beautiful eyes were also slightly narrowed, and a fiery color appeared in her eyes. With the rareness of the Emperor Dao's soldiers, even if she was the saint of Yaochi, she had never grasped it. Ye Hao had the chance to go against the sky, and it was also a nine-death to enter the Kunlun restricted area. The Dragon Sword that I just got.

Relatively speaking, Wang Shi had the deepest grievance against Fuze. Even if Ye Hao snatched the Skybreaker Halberd, he still had the Nine Phoenix Mirror and the Primordial Umbrella in his hand. If these news were to be spread, countless powerful people in the world would be jealous and crazy.

After all, even the supreme weapon might not have a big killer like the Jidao Emperor Weapon. If you want to build this kind of forbidden weapon, the mother gold magic material required is too rare.

auzw.com "Even if the imperial soldier is incomplete, its inner path does not exist, but its material is absolutely rare in the world!"

Lu Guan had fiery eyes and was about to move, as if he couldn't help but want to enter the battlefield to collect money.

"It's impossible to expect."

Ye Hao sighed and suppressed his enthusiasm, but he was not dazzled by the treasure.

On that **** ancient battlefield, not only the golden mace, but also these few incomplete weapons, all exuding extremely terrifying auras, they are obviously taboo killers, even if the Supreme Dao does not exist in it, it is absolutely absolutely Sharp and unparalleled, rare in the world, even the quasi-supreme must be moved.

Moreover, there are only the Emperor Dao soldiers in the front, and there are also the wreckage of all kinds of monsters and beasts, which are absolutely unimaginable treasures. If they are spread out, I am afraid that the world will be crazy.

It's just that the murderous aura of that blood-colored battlefield is raging, filling the sky, even if the endless years of the past have not been dissipated, the emptiness is constantly torn and healed, and it is extremely terrifying.

It is true that those corpses were too terrifying before they were alive, and they have fallen for endless years, and the remaining Tao is mixed with murderous intent to form a natural Jedi, afraid that even the supreme-level giants will not be able to break in.

Ye Hao guessed that after exploring the ruins for a long time, the Emperor Yaozong had definitely discovered this battlefield, but the treasures still existed in it and had not been taken away, which obviously proved the danger of this place.


The Medicine Emperor Sect was extremely enthusiastic about the treasures in it, let alone the incomplete emperor soldiers and the remains of the monster beasts, just a three-legged golden crow corpse was enough to drive the sect crazy.

After all, the Emperor Yaozong’s Five Bird Fans of Jidao Emperor’s Soldiers are lacking. There are only two divine bird feathers to refining, and a complete Five Bird Fan requires five kinds of divine bird feathers. Soldiers, terrifying.

The three-legged golden crow is an ancient alien, capable of fighting true dragons and true phoenixes. Its natal feathers absolutely meet the refining conditions of the five-bird fan. If it can be obtained, the five-bird fan of the Medicine Emperor Sect is still not comparable to the Supreme Dao Saint Soldier. But power is bound to skyrocket.

It's a pity that even the Emperor Yaozong came in person to enter this ancient battlefield, but he was almost robbed and returned without success, so he could only defend Baoshan without gain.

"Hey, it's no wonder that the Emperor Yaozong is willing to open up this relic. It turns out that no one can take the true treasure."

Lu Guan wailed, looking forward with regret in his eyes.

Yun Miaoxuan also sighed. Without the sage, unless a few supreme members join forces, no one would dare to venture into this ancient battlefield.

"It is said that this relic can be traced back to ancient times. What happened here and why so many powerful people fell here."

After the regret, Lu Guan couldn't help but be speechless, and his vision was too terrifying. If the corpse in the battlefield was alive, just walking out of it would cause the world to shake and make waves.

"In the past millions of years, everything has become a mystery."

Ye Hao also sighed. Everything in the ancient times has long been buried in the long river of time, shrouded in layers of mist, arousing infinite reverie, and there is no way to know the truth.

It’s hard to imagine what a magnificent era. The ancestor of Jianzong, Queen Mother of the West, Master, Dao ancestor, Demon Sage, Qin Tiandi, Amitabha, and Shimo are unparalleled in the world. Saw the world, suppressed an era, invincible for a period of time, and finally fell inexplicably, buried by time, only for posterity, leaving behind endless legends.

The ancient times, the extreme brilliance and darkness, the mysterious and bright, is an ancient history full of endless fog, but also full of boundless cruelty, it is yearning and terrifying.

"It's not absolute."

Yun Miaoxuan gazes faintly and sighs: "About everything in the ancient world, there may be a place in the world that has left some traces, not buried by time."

Both Ye Hao and Lu Guan were startled, looking at the front in doubt.

"One, a place where time cannot be touched, and time cannot be covered."

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