Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 531: Sky Demon

Time, years

An invisible and invincible power, it is as gentle as water, and cannot feel its existence at all, but the entire world, countless creatures, even the supreme overlooking the heavens and the sage above, cannot escape this ubiquitous power.

However, Yun Miaoxuan said that there is a place in this world where time cannot be touched, and years cannot be covered. This is simply appalling and beyond common sense.

"Sage Yun, are you talking about the eternal land!"

Suddenly, Lu Guan seemed to have thought of something, his voice was a little trembling, and there was a trace of unprecedented fear and fear in his eyes.

"Eternal Land"

Ye Hao's black eyes also condensed fiercely, and finally realized what Yun Miaoxuan said.

The eternal land, a forbidden area for the wicked and prestigious creatures of the Southern Territory, is more mysterious than the Kunlun Ruins of the Eastern Desolation. It is full of endless danger and horror, and even the Supreme dare not dare to set foot in it easily. It is true. No man's land, a forbidden place.

"The place of eternity has existed since ancient times. It is named for eternity, precisely because it is a place that cannot be touched by time." Yun Miaoxuan said, her clear eyes were also full of solemn colors, "If you say where else in this world There are clues about ancient times, and only that place where the creatures and Jedi have some permission."

"That's how it is said, but even the supreme-level giants can be buried in that place, and even the saints are reluctant to get involved. Who dares to venture in to satisfy a little curiosity."

Lu Guan smiled bitterly. The Eternal Land is too weird and full of all kinds of evil rumors. Some people say that it contains the secret of longevity, and some people say that it contains unimaginable horrors. In the long years, there are also some great Emperor Gu whose life is about to reach the end. The emperor entered it, but without exception, no one could walk out again.

It is precisely because of this that all cultivators in the world, especially those of the supreme and immortal orthodoxy, regard it as a dead end, and strictly forbid the people to approach it.

"After the Kunlun Ruins undergoes an abnormal change, isn't there also a vision in the Eternal Land?" Yun Miaoxuan glanced at Ye Hao intentionally or unintentionally, "Wang Sheng of Jixia Academy has entered that piece of Jedi?"

Ye Hao nodded intently. In addition to Sheng Gong and Li Taibai in Jixia Academy, there is also a true supreme man. It is said that one foot has entered the realm of the supreme saint.

Only this kind of supreme existence can dare to set foot in the forbidden area of ​​life like the Eternal Land.

"The vision of the Eternal Land is not simple. Not long ago in my Jade Lake, there was also a supreme destiny holding a fairy spirit tripod entering."

Yun Miaoxuan spoke, revealing a little secret, making Lu Guan and Ye Hao's heart jump fiercely.

Yaochi also has the supreme entry into the eternal land, and the holy soldiers with the enlightened Queen Mother of the West are obviously full of jealousy for that piece of living beings.

"So, no wonder you happen to be in the Southern Territory."

Ye Hao suddenly realized, and finally understood why Yun Miaoxuan was far away in the Eastern Desolation, but would come to Medicine Emperor Sect, and he must have come with the strong Yaochi.

"The Medicine Emperor Sect is a rare experience place. I am one step behind those people. It's time to polish myself and condense the phenomena of heaven and earth."

Yun Miaoxuan narrowed her beautiful eyes and spoke lightly.

The people in her mouth are naturally Zhang Kuaixue’s famous peerless evildoers. Those people are now condensing the phenomena of heaven and earth, and Yun Miaoxuan is as famous as them, and naturally has a unique pride in her heart. I am too far behind.


In fact, with Yun Miaoxuan's talent, she has already been confident of condensing the Heaven and Earth Dharma images with Yun Miaoxuan's talents and practiced the Yaochi fairy scrolls, but she has great courage and wants to polish every step to perfection, so she has not stepped into it. Astronomical environment.

Everyone's path of cultivation is different, but they have different paths to the same goal. Not only Yun Miaoxuan, including Ye Hao and even Lu Guan, want to polish themselves and lay the foundation as strong as possible.

"Let's go."

Ye Hao sighed and opened his mouth. Since the opportunity here is unavailable, he also left very decisively, not willing to waste too much time. After all, his biggest goal this time was the supreme magical material revealed by Li Qianmu, the innate Taoist stone.


The three of them galloped into the ruins again, but not long after leaving the scarlet battlefield, Ye Hao stopped his figure again, frowning slightly.

Because on the lonely mountain in front, there is a young figure standing, like an ancient magic mountain, exuding an extremely terrifying aura. It seems to have been waiting here for a long time. When the three of Ye Hao approached, he suddenly opened his eyes, golden vertical. Hitomi shot two cold electricity, his eyes locked on the boy for the first time.

"Shen Xuan?"

The young man spoke with a very indifferent voice, and did not deliberately show arrogance, but there was an arrogance engraved in his bones, which was extremely extraordinary.

Ye Hao frowned, the figure on the lonely mountain was very slender, the proportions were extremely perfect, the heroic posture, the blond vertical pupils, even the pupils were golden, the whole body was restrained, but still filled with an incomparably terrifying breath.

And in the former, Ye Hao faintly felt an extremely strong life and death crisis, as if facing an extremely terrifying opponent.

You know, even when facing a strong person at the peak of the sky, he has never felt this way in his heart. Even since he walked out of Black Abyss City, only one person of his generation has given him such a terrible feeling.

Jianzong holds the sword Zhang Kuaixue.

Is this young man in front of him a peerless evildoer who can rival Zhang Kuixue?

But why is such a character waiting here deliberately, just looking for him?

Ye Hao's face was solemn. He didn't know this young man. Suspiciousness appeared in Lu Guan's eyes. Only Yun Miaoxuan condensed her beautiful eyes and said in amazement: "You are a demon child!"

Knowing the identity of the young man, Ye Hao's eyes suddenly tightened, and Lu Guan's expression changed drastically.

Tian Yaozi, the most dazzling Tianjiao among the hundreds of millions of monster races in the far north, it is said that he has the blood of the sky monster flowing in his body, and is a terrifying existence that can be as famous as the evil spirits of Jianzong and Hanlin walking.

And there are rumors that the Tian Yaozi was fighting with Zhang Kuaixue not long ago, condensing the phenomena of heaven and earth in the fight, and stepping into the heavens in one fell swoop, so that the sword sect who is known to be able to crush the same generation in the world holds the sword. , It can be said that the real name moves the world, stunning and unparalleled.

Ye Hao couldn't think of the relics of the Medicine Emperor Sect, the demon child far away in the far north would also come, and only found himself.

On the solitary mountain, the Tian Yaozi carried his hands, the golden vertical pupil glanced at Yun Miaoxuan, and said faintly: "Yao Chi Saintess? After the fight, you have become more and more unbearable. You have not yet condensed the heaven and earth phenomena."

Yun Miaoxuan's face sank, her voice slightly cold said: "What do you want to do here?"

Tian Yaozi retracted his gaze and ignored her. He cast his gaze at Ye Hao again, like a **** overlooking an ant in the mud, and said lightly: "You killed the blood wolf, one of my four fierce generals?"

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