Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 544: a bridge

The boy's words made the Tian Yaozi stunned for a moment, and then a mockery appeared on his face, looking at Ye Hao like an idiot, "Stupid thing, dare to be presumptuous when you die?"

This is not the arrogance of the sky demon, but that he holds the ancient lamp of the sky demon and has the confidence to suppress everything.

Not to mention that there is only a young man at the moment, even if Qi Hanlin and Yun Miaoxuan are still present, he is not in the slightest fear.

How terrifying is the power of a Jidao Emperor Soldier, not to mention that the Heavenly Demon Ancient Lantern is one of the highest ranks among the Jidao Emperor Soldiers. If it weren’t for the demon master who used the Demon Sacred Bell to enlighten the way, I’m afraid this ancient lantern would Will be promoted to the ultimate saint soldier, deter the heavens.

"Later, I will knock off your teeth one by one to see how hard your mouth is."

The demon child sneered, and the icy murderous intent appeared in the monster's vertical pupils. His fingertips slowly pinched the tactics. The sky demon ancient lamp flame above flickered, suddenly bursting out a horrible aura, as if it could crush the heavens forever. Terrifying.


The horror of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers made Ye Hao too late to dodge. The whole figure seemed to have suffered an unimaginable heavy blow, blood spurting wildly, and flying out uncontrollably.

"It's like an ant." Tian Yaozi sneered, and said, "Give you one last chance, surrender, or die."

On the other side, Ye Hao staggered to his feet. At this moment, his injuries were extremely serious. His whole body was covered with shocking cracks, like porcelain that would shatter at any time, terrifying and terrifying.

If it weren't for the Tian Yaozi deliberately to keep his hand, and did not fully urge the ancient lantern, I am afraid that a single blow would be enough to crush him into blood mud, and he could not die again.

"Let me surrender?" Ye Hao's face was pale, but a touch of arrogance appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Only you, I'm afraid I don't have this ability yet."

The cold drink spread, and Ye Hao's figure suddenly retreated, and instantly appeared beside the congenital Taoist stone behind.

"When death is imminent, it is really foolish to dare to make innate ideas."

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the demon child, and the scary congenital Taoist stone in front of him had long been regarded as something in his bag, and no one could get involved.

"The opportunity has already been given to you. If you can't grasp it, then go to die."

The sky demon's eyes were cold, she completely lost her patience, her fingertips changed, and the sky demon ancient lamp suddenly broke out, and a terrifying wave of runes was directly crushed.


The sky quashed, and the void collapsed. This wave of runes was too terrifying. Although the sky demon child could not exert the full power of the Supreme Emperor's soldiers, the attack at this moment was afraid that the strong of the heavens and humans would change color.

In the face of this wave of runes, Ye Hao's scalp was also numb, and a life-and-death crisis appeared in his heart.

But he did not retreat in the slightest, and did not want to retreat!

"Hope not to disappoint me."

While gritting his teeth, Ye Hao violently pressed the palm of his hand on the innate Taoist stone beside him, turning the Xuanhuang Nine Transformation Heavenly Art to the extreme, and the power in his body was absorbed into it without any reservation.


Ye Hao's clothes are bulging, his black hair dances wildly, and his body's strength is like a river pouring into the congenital Taoist stone.

However, this incomplete and broken piece of supreme divine material did not react at all, still standing quietly in place.

"Hahaha, the dog jumped the wall in a hurry." Seeing Ye Hao's actions, the demon couldn't help laughing sarcastically. "Although this innate Taoist stone is a rare supreme magic material in ancient and modern times, it has not been refined by a strong person, but it is just a blank. The fetus can't exert much power at all, you want to use this to compete against the sky demon lamp, it is simply stupid to the extreme."

auzw.com hum!

However, before the Tian Yaozi's laughter settled, there was an abrupt roar between the heaven and the earth, followed by the void shaking, the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, an incomparably heavy breath of vicissitudes, as if appearing out of thin air, suddenly filled between the heaven and the earth.

"this is"

The Tian Yaozi's face was stiff, his eyes shrank, and he looked at the young man in disbelief. To be precise, it was the congenital Taoist stone standing beside the young man. At this moment, there was a mysterious and terrifying light flowing through it. The runes flickered, exuding an extremely thick and terrifying breath, as if it could suppress the world and everything, terrifying.

"How can it be!"

Tian Yaozi's face changed wildly, and he screamed in amazement. Isn't this congenital Taoist stone naturally present in this relic?

Why is there such a terrible Taoism rune circulation in it?

Could it be that this supernatural material has been refined into a weapon?

But it was as dark as a boulder, and there were not many traces of carving. How could there be weapons in this world with such a rough appearance?

"Since you don't understand, then I'll tell you." On the other side, Ye Hao's black eyes appeared fiery, and the power in his body exploded. "This congenital Taoist stone that you think has no owner is a bridge."

Town Soul Bridge!

One of the nine soldiers of the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang.

The prestigious taboo killer in the last years of ancient times, the ancient emperor who was killed by this bridge town back then, can be said to be unfamiliar and terrifying.

"a bridge?"

Tian Yaozi’s cheeks were stiff, and she stared at the congenital Taoist stone incredibly. It was dark and pitted, and there was a crescent-like gap on the edge. But if it was placed horizontally, it seemed that it was indeed a stone. The shape of the bridge.


Between the electric light and flint, the wave of runes of the sky demon lamp has been crushed with a vast and terrifying aura, and at the same time, the soul-suppression bridge is also a black glow. The runes are shining, like an ancient magic mountain. The wave of runes was completely stopped.

The world was turbulent, the space was torn apart, the aftermath of terrifying power erupted violently, and the violent counter-shock force caused Ye Hao and the Tian Yaozi to squirt out a big mouth of blood, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

"It's impossible for such a large congenital Taoist stone, how could it be refined into a bridge!"

Tian Yaozi gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of unwillingness and madness. Even the supreme-level giants can hardly find a small piece of this kind of magical gold.

He couldn't imagine who had such a big deal, who was willing to refine this large piece of supreme magical material rare in ancient and modern into a stone bridge.

Not only the demon child, but at this moment, even Ye Hao's shock was not completely calmed down.

In fact, after seeing this congenital Taoist stone for the first time, he ordered the soul of the Soul Bridge in the world to oscillate continuously, and there was a strong reaction that he had never had before.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Hao realized that the congenital Taoist stone discovered by the Emperor Yaozong was actually the soul-saving bridge that was one of the nine soldiers of the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang.

After the shock, Ye Hao not only showed strong perplexity in his heart, why is the Ancient Emperor Xuanhuang’s soul-relief bridge in this ancient relic?

Is it to suppress the right hand of God in the depths of the ruins?

Or maybe the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang also participated in the war in this relic, and even fell here?

If so, what is the origin of God's right hand?

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