Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 545: Calm down

This relic is very evil, and it is full of mystery. As it goes deeper, Ye Hao's heart becomes more and more shocked.

First, the terrible scarlet battlefield before, buried a large number of taboo strong men.

But now that the Zhenhun Bridge is found here, it seems that even the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang was involved in this place.

What happened to this ruin?

Is it related to the right hand of God?

Ye Hao couldn't figure it out, but the only thing he understood was why this large piece of innate Taoist stone stood here, but it was never taken away, even the Emperor Yaozong was helpless.

In the final analysis, it's all because this Xuanhuang Taoist stone is not a thing without a master, but the soul-relief bridge of one of the nine soldiers of the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang, in which the Supreme Taoism of the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang is inscribed. Others, even the Supreme, cannot easily take it away.

"Damn ants, do you know the origin of this congenital Taoist stone?"

At this moment, the Tian Yaozi finally realized something, his face was extremely cold, and such a big piece of supernatural material, even the supreme would be crazy, and he was under the control of the young man, how could he not be angry.

"It stands to reason that it's impossible. Throughout the ages, who on earth has made such a big deal?"

At the same time, the Tian Yaozi's heart is also full of confusion. You must know that the innate Taoist stone is such a magical material. In the past, a small piece of it was enough to shake the world, and there would be bloodshed.

Not to mention such a large congenital Taoist stone, when the demon child wants to come, I am afraid that only the demon sage of the invincible era in the world could be so luxurious.


Ye Hao ignored the Tian Yaozi and urged Xuanhuang Tiangong to the extreme, calming the soul bridge of the black light waves, bursting out a vast and heavy aura, as if it could crush the sky forever, it was extremely terrifying.

"Whose emperor soldier is this, can actually compete with the sky demon lamp!"

As the spirit of the Zhenhun Bridge erupted, the shock in the eyes of the Sky Demon became more and more intense. You must know that the ancient lamp of the Sky Demon came from the hand of the demon saint. Comparable.

"Zhenhun Bridge, get up!"

Ye Hao's face was pale, but his black eyes became more and more fiery. He snorted in his heart, and the whole world shook and roared abruptly. It was the first time that the Zhenhun Bridge, which stood here for an unknown number of years, swayed, and immediately rose from the ground. , Heimang overwhelms the sky, like an ancient magic mountain, suppressed.

"The dead ant, do you think it can turn the sky over!"

The Tian Yaozi's face changed slightly, the vertical pupils burst out fiercely, and he suddenly pinched the tactics and screamed, the ancient sky demon flames throbbed, and the strange and terrible aura rose to the sky, just like this colliding with the soul town bridge that fell from the sky.


Pieces of Dao Ze runes flickered and erupted, causing the sky to tremble, and the emptiness to shatter.


An ear-piercing sound of breaking wind exploded, Ye Hao's figure also moved. He rushed towards the Tian Yaozi like a flash of lightning without any hesitation. The blood boiled in his body, exuding an extremely oppressive aura, making Tian Yaozi's face suddenly change.


The two shook hard, entangled in an instant, neither of them kept their hands in the slightest.

It's just that the Tian Yaozi quickly fell into a disadvantage, his injury was too serious, and his condition was extremely bad. After all, Ye Hao had only joined forces with the three, and it was quite difficult for him to survive.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The Tian Yaozi had a hideous face, and his vertical pupils were full of crazy murderous intent. He couldn't accept it. After using the ancient lantern of the Tian Yao, he was still unable to kill the young man, but fell into a disadvantage again.

The dignified northern sky demon, the brightest sky demon of billions of demon races, has there ever been such an embarrassing moment?

auzw.com "Die me!"

The demon son screamed, wanting to summon the ancient lantern of the demon, but the imperial soldier left by the demon sanctuary was firmly restrained by the soul-suppressing bridge, and he had no time to look after him.

The Tian Yaozi's heart sank. He didn't expect that the innate Taoist stone had such a power that it could even contain the ancient lamp of the Tian Yao, which was completely beyond his expectations.


With another hard blow, the sky demon child's shriveled figure was as if struck by lightning, spewing out a large mouth of blood uncontrollably, and the cracks on his body were even more terrifying, as if it would disintegrate at any time.

In order to motivate the ancient lamp of the sky demon, he paid a great price. At this moment, the state can be said to be an unprecedented downturn. A strong life and death crisis can not help but permeate his heart. If it continues, he is very likely to fall. here.

"Damn it!"

Tian Yaozi's eyes were full of unwillingness and madness, and he had never fallen into such a passive danger when he faced Zhang Kuaixue in the first place, but even if he was unwilling in his heart, reason still prevailed.

"Humble ants, I will kill you today!"

The voice of the demon child was extremely cold, and his figure retreated violently, like an electric light rushing to the periphery of the ruins.

Although he said cruel words on his mouth, his body was extremely honest.

The demon child escaped.

If this result spreads out, the whole world will surely set off a shocking storm.

The demon of the far north, the supreme arrogant in the world, except for the few evil evildoers of the same name, no one of the same generation can compete.

But today, he is in the hands of an unknown young man, fleeing so embarrassed, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, I'm afraid no one would dare to believe it.


The sky demon child is very fast, and the ancient lamp of the sky demon cuts off the back road, even Ye Hao can't pursue it, and can only watch him disappear at the end of the sky.

Ye Hao was helpless. After all, he hadn't completely refined the Soul Suppression Bridge at this moment. Without the help of this extremely Dao Emperor soldier, he would have no choice but to give up chasing after the demon.


Next, he ran the Xuanhuang Tiangong for the first time, sitting cross-legged on the soul-relief bridge, trying to communicate with his own Dao soul, and began to refine this extremely Dao Emperor soldier.

"It turned out to be incomplete?"

Following the thorough control of the Soul-Restoring Bridge, Ye Hao couldn't help but frown slightly, a look of doubt on his face.

The Soul Town Bridge was severely damaged, not much better than the Dragon Sword and Heaven Breaking Halberd in his hand.

It stands to reason that such a mutilated imperial soldier, its inner supreme way is not complete, it is impossible to contend with the incomplete sky demon lamp.

"Is it because of the terrain?"

Ye Hao put away the Zhenhun Bridge, looked around thoughtfully, and finally cast his eyes to the depths of the rolling mountains.

The clouds in front were shrouded, blood-colored lightning ran across the sky, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, and Ye Hao faintly felt a strange wave within it, which seemed to be of the same origin as the Soul-Jing Bridge, strange and mysterious.

"Could it be that the Zhenhun Bridge has been standing here for endless years, and has a mysterious connection with this terrain?"

Ye Hao squinted slightly, and kept guessing in his heart that the Soul Suppression Bridge in its current state should not be able to compete with the Sky Demon Lamp, and there must be some special reason for it.

"Brother Shen!"

At this time, Lu Guan, who was in a coma in the distance, finally awakened. He saw that there was only a young man here, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, the demon didn't chase him that day."

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