Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 546: God hand? Magic hand?

Although Lu Guan is the arrogant of the endless buddhaland, he can't be compared with Ye Hao after all. The slight energy of the ancient sky demon lamp stunned him completely, so he did not see the previous battle.

Of course, he can't blame him for making such a conclusive conclusion. It is really that the ancient lantern of the sky demon is too terrible. Although Qi Hanlin is strong, they have never grown up after all, and it is impossible to contend with the emperor.

"Brother Shen, are they okay with Saint Yun?"

After a great sigh of relief, Lu Guan couldn't help asking, if the Tian Yaozi was not present, it must be chasing Qi Hanlin or Yun Miaoxuan.

"The demon child ran away, they should be fine."

Ye Hao looked into the depths of the ruins and shook his head.

"What? Run away!"

Hearing this, Lu Guan was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed wildly. If he was struck by lightning, his eyes were full of disbelief and amazement, and he asked several times when he suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"how can that be?"

Affirmed, Lu Guan's expression completely solidified, and then he finally noticed the messy terrain around him, apparently an unimaginable battle had just happened.

Is it

Lu Guan's eyes shrank suddenly, and an unbelievable guess appeared in his heart.

"Brother Shen, could it be you"

Lu Guan's voice was dry, and there was already a storm in his heart, and he couldn't calm down.

You know, even though the sky demon child was hit hard, he still had the power of the sky demon ancient lamp, an extremely powerful imperial soldier, and the younger generation would never be able to contend even no matter how evil they were.

However, after the shock, Lu Guan gave a wry smile and said with emotion: "I almost forgot. Brother Shen may not be able to do it, but Brother Ye is not incapable of doing it."

After all, the young man set off such a big storm in the Eastern Wilderness Kunlun at the beginning, and even escaped from the hands of the saints. It is not impossible to be able to contend with the imperial soldiers.

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his head and looked at Lu Guan, a little surprised that he had guessed his identity.

But soon he also understood that Lu Guan must have recognized the Dragon Sword as well, so he had a guess in his heart.

"Brother Ye, don't you want to stop talking?"

Lu Guan shrank his neck, and immediately said righteously: "Brother Ye can rest assured, you save the little monk several times, the little monk will never reveal your identity, you must be tight-lipped!"

Ye Hao's eyes flickered slightly, but in the end he didn't say much, neither admitted nor denied.

For Lu Guan, he still agrees with him from the bottom of his heart and believes that he will not leak the secrets.

And the most important point is that the supreme saint nowadays does not come out, even if the Cang clan knew his whereabouts, he would never dare to break into the Jixia Academy to go wild.

Seeing the young man, he didn't say much, Lu Guan also wisely stopped mentioning the matter, and also cast his eyes forward.

In the depths of the ruins, the mountains stretched and undulated, the cloud pressure on the sky was very low, and **** lightning flashed continuously, filled with a terrifying breath, terrifying and terrifying.

"Isn't there a great demon suppressed in it?"

Feeling the terrifying aura in front of him, Lu Guan couldn't help feeling a little scalp numb, let alone them in the depths of the ruins, I am afraid that even the Supreme could not break in.

"Isn't the Emperor Yaozong saying that the right hand of God was suppressed in the depths of the ruins? Why is there no trace?" Lu Guan's face was puzzled, "Brother Ye Chen, have you noticed anything?"

Hearing this, Ye Hao squinted his eyes slightly, and said with an extremely solemn voice: "Far in the sky, close in front of you, haven't you noticed the right hand of God?"

Lu Guang froze for a moment, frowned and looked around. Finally, his eyes fell on the mountains in the distance, seeming to realize something, and a deep shock and shock appeared on his face.


"Is it?"

Lu Guan's scalp was a little numb, and his eyes were full of incredible and shock. He stared at the mountains deep in the ruins and couldn't help but set off a storm in his heart.

The mountains in the distance were undulating and gloomy under the shadow of clouds. There was no sound inside, only the roar of thunder reverberating. If you look at it from a macro perspective, the mountain range is in the shape of an arm.

A mountain range stretching for tens of thousands of miles is the outline of a right hand!

Could it be that the so-called right hand of the God of Medicine Emperor Sect is the mountain range in front of them?

Not only Lu Guan, but even Ye Hao couldn't calm down at all at this moment. If his guess was true, then all of this would be too frightening.

A right hand is tens of thousands of miles in size, what a terrifying creature it is that would have such a body.

And what made Ye Hao feel unbelievable most was that above that mountain range, he actually felt a faint and strange aura.

Is this the right hand of God or the remnant of the Great Demon?

Why does he feel familiar again?

Is it because of Zhenhun Bridge?

And while Ye Hao was thinking and pondering, at the entrance of the ruins, an electric light cut through the space and rushed out suddenly.

"That is"

"Tian Yaozi!"

"How is it possible! How could he end up so miserable?"

"First Sanqing Daozi left, and then Qi Hanlin and Yaochi Saintess rushed out one after another. The Tian Yaozi probably met them."

"If this is the case, who else in the ruins can force this monster race Tianjiao into such embarrassment?"

The moment the Tian Yaozi rushed out, the expressions of the people waiting outside changed wildly, and there was a strong shock and amazement in their eyes.

At this moment, his body is shriveled, his body's essence and blood are almost exhausted, and his body like a corpse is even more full of shocking cracks, frightening and terrifying.

The powerhouses on all sides couldn't imagine that besides Sanqing Daozi, Qi Hanlin and Yun Miaoxuan, there were people who could push the demon to this step.

Could it be that Shen Xuan?

Everyone's expressions were stiff and a little dazed, and at Jixia Academy, Li Qianmu's expression was white sitting crosswise, on the other side, the demon sacred bell, which was bright and filled with terror and pressure, slowly floated in the void. , The old demon clan below also turned pale.

After the sky demon child rushed into the ruins, Li Qianmu and the old demon clan had ceased fighting, and now he saw the sky demon child rushing out, waiting for Qi Hanlin who was waiting for the emperor of the Academy to send the Ji Dao imperial soldiers, his eyes narrowed, not far away Yun Miaoxuan's face couldn't help but look ugly.

Tian Yaozi walked out of the ruins, could it be a teenager

"Clan elder, urge the demon sacred bell, blast this ruin to me and destroy it completely!"

However, just when everyone's mind was shocked, Tian Yaozi's rage with frenzied murderous intent exploded suddenly, causing the expressions of the powerful on all sides to change drastically.

What kind of madness is Tian Yaozi?

Destroying the entire ruins, what should the sect powerhouses who entered it do?

"Tian Yaozi, what happened? Why do you want to destroy the ruins of my sect?"

Venerable Yao said with an ugly face. At this moment, the most anxious one is definitely the strongest of Yaohuangzong. But their sect discovered this relic. They have been digging and exploring for countless years, and they have long regarded it as a big treasure house. How can they be willing to destroy this place somehow.

"Stop talking nonsense, if your medicine emperor dare to say half a word, you will wait for it to be completely razed." Tian Yaozi's face was gloomy, and he immediately looked at the old man named him defender, "Clan elder, do it!"

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